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  • 经济学人513:世界银行 正确起因 错误斗争 The World Bank 世界银行 Right cause, wrong battle 正确的起因,错误的斗争 Why the World Bank's focus on gay rights is misguided 为何世界银行对同性恋权利的关注是误入歧途的 JIM KIM, the president of the World Bank, want
  • 经济学人514:幻灭的上班族 屌丝之梦 Disillusioned office workers 幻灭的上班族 China's losers 中国失败者 Amid spreading prosperity, a generation of self-styled also-rans emerges 繁荣之中产生的失败一代 Man wearing suit on escalator 自动扶梯上的穿西装者 ZHU
  • 经济学人515:澳洲移民 希望之地 Migrants in Australia 澳洲移民 The promised land 希望之地 Chinese immigrants are remaking entire suburbs of Australia's biggest city 中国移民重构悉尼郊区 Dinkum incomes in China Town 繁华的唐人街 NANCY LIU arrived in Sydney fr
  • 经济学人516:自由交易 伟大开拓者 Free exchange 自由交易 The great trailblazer 伟大的开拓者 Economists everywhere should mourn the passing of Gary Becker 世界各地的经济学家都该对加里贝克尔的离世表示哀悼 IF THERE is one person to blame for economists'
  • 经济学人517:印度教民族主义者 穿短裤的人们 India's Hindu nationalists: 印度的印度教民族主义者: Men in shorts 穿短裤的人们 The election over, Narendra Modi may drop the Hindu right 选举结束,纳伦德拉莫迪或许将限制印度教权力。 Not physical jerks 这可不是
  • 经济学人518:印度新政府 一剂强心剂 India's new government 印度新政府 Kick-starting India 一剂强心剂 India's new government must get the economy working again. Here's how 印度新政府必须让国家经济回归正轨,来看看需要怎么做。 INDIA'S mammoth, five-week
  • 经济学人519:阿富汗大选 势力加入 Afghanistan's election 阿富汗大选 Joining forces 势力加入 A new alliance forms just as fighting season begins 新的竞选联盟出现,但战斗刚刚开始 Abdullah's the man 阿卜杜拉 AFGHANISTAN announced the results of the first rou
  • 经济学人520:菩提 法律的长臂 Banyan 菩提 The long arms of the law 法律的长臂 Across Asia, judges are having too much say in politics 在亚洲,法官对政治施加了过多影响 AFTER nearly three years, Yingluck Shinawatra's stint as prime minister of Thailand drew t
  • 经济学人521:枪支管制 Gun control 枪支管制 Armed robbery 持枪抢劫 Quietly, and rather politely, Britain is getting a gun lobby 不知不觉中,英国成为倡议枪支管制的一大阵营 ORYX and buffalo heads stare glumly from the walls of James Purdey amp; S
  • 经济学人522:新奥尔良的洗冤录 Innocence in New Orleans 新奥尔良的洗冤录 A shocking tale from the Big Easy 自由城里一个骇人听闻的故事 Free after 34 years 监禁34年后被释放 IT'S all good, Reginald Adams said as he walked free on May 12th, having spent the
  • 经济学人523:同性婚姻 势不可挡 Gay marriage 同性婚姻 Be my rock in Little Rock 在小岩城成为我坚固的磐石 The gay-marriage juggernaut rolls on 同性婚姻势不可挡 WHAT do Arkansas and Idaho have in common? Both have rural charmIdaho's licence plates even boast o
  • 经济学人524:世界杯 球场不够完美 The World Cup 世界杯 Pitch imperfect 球场不够完美 They think it's all over budget 他们认为超出预算 Down to the finishing touches 开赛在即,已到最后收尾工作 FOOTBALL'S World Cup was meant to display Brazil's coming-of-age
  • 经济学人525:个性化汽车贴纸 Personalised car stickers 个性化汽车贴纸 Family portraits on wheels 轮胎上的全家福 Windscreens are the new Facebook 挡风玻璃变成了新的脸书网 IN THE Middle Ages, heraldry allowed knights to show off family histories in amazin
  • 经济学人526:巴西水资源 无水可喝 Water in Brazil 巴西水资源 Nor any drop to drink 无水可喝 Dry weather and a growing population spell rationing 干旱的气候和快速增长的人口迫使水资源限量分配 BRAZIL has the world's biggest reserves of fresh water. That mo
  • 经济学人527:气候变化 次好方案获认可 Climate change 气候变化 In praise of second best 次好方案获认可 A carbon price would be better, but Barack Obama's plan to cut emissions from power plants is welcome 为碳排放定价显然更为理想,但奥巴马的电厂减排方案依