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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第400期:唯一致命的弱点 迷你对话 A: Smith is always careless, it is his Achilless heel. 史密斯总是太粗心了,这是他性格上致命的弱点。 B: He would get very angry if anyone criticized him. 如果你批评他这点,他就会生气。 A: He will burn
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第401期:正合某人之意 迷你对话 A: Happy birthday! This is for you, Kate. 生日快乐,凯特,这是送给你的。 B: Thanks, Miss. Wang. 谢谢,王小姐。 A: You knew in China we usually dont open presents until the guests leave. 在我们中国通常是客人走
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第402期:装腔作势 迷你对话 A: Take a look at Sarah! She is dancing with Joe with such airs and graces. 你看莎菈和乔跳舞时那别扭的样子。 B: I cannot agree. Shes only a little shy. 我不这么看。她不过是有点腼腆而已。 对话精讲 第一
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第403期:言过其实,敝帚自珍 迷你对话 A: He always likes to say something as if all his geese are swans. 他谈论问题时,总喜欢言过其词。 B: I know this characteristic of him. So I never think seriously of his words. 我知道他的这个特点。所以,对于他
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第404期:依旧,仍然,无所谓 迷你对话 A: How are you feeling, John? 约翰,你感觉如何? B: Oh, not too bad, but Ive got to stay in bed. 还不太糟糕,但是得躺在床上。 A: Do more exercises after you are healthy. 等好了后可得多锻炼一下身体。 B
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第405期:八面玲珑 迷你对话 A: Maybe we all will be all things to all men. 也许有一天我都要变得世故圆滑。 B: How terrible! 真可怕! A: But for the life, well change by this society. 但是为了生活,我们只有被社会改变。 B: I really
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第406期:笨蛋,缺心眼的人 迷你对话 A: There is something wrong with my girlfriend. 我女朋友有麻烦了。 B: Whats the trouble? 怎么了? A: The department manager is all over her. He says he loves her. 部门经理理应向她献殷勤,说他喜欢她。 B: Wha
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第407期:可靠可信的 迷你对话 A: It sounds that you have a high opinion of him. 听起来你对他评价很高呀。 B: He is an all-right guy. I have no bone to pick with him. 他这人不错,我跟他没什么矛盾。 A: Birds of feather flock together. 真实物以
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第408期:机灵的人 迷你对话 A: I told you that she is no fool. 我跟你说了她不是个傻子。 B: I know she is quite an article, but I was not sure of her ability to cope with a boss. 我知道他是个很机灵的人,但是我不太相信她又能对付一个
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第409期:无需多言 迷你对话 A: Jane, pleases come with us .简,和我们一起去吧。 B: I cannot dance, you know. I havent such a talent. 我不会跳舞,我没有那天分。 A: Just for fun, not for showing. What do you worry about? 只是玩玩而已,又不
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第410期:寻求他人对自己的赞美 迷你对话 A: I dont know why Mark often comes to me and asks me for advice. I smell some rat in it. 我不知道马克为何总来找我征求意见,我绝对有点猫腻。 B: He is sly. He is actually angling for compliments. But he may have g
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第411期:马屁精 迷你对话 A: Has the chief accepted our plan? 头儿接受了我们的计划吗? B: Not yet. I guess we should send Jim along to talk to the chief since he is such an apple polisher. I am sure he can help. 还没有了。我想我们应该派Jim这
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第412期:一场骗局 迷你对话 A: Whats up? You look low. 怎么了,看起来不大高兴。 B: Its my girlfriend. I guess shes playing the army game with me. 是为了我的女朋友,我觉得他一直在欺骗我。 A: How come? 怎么会呢? B: I saw her dati
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第413期:一模一样 迷你对话 A: Can you tell Bob from Tom? 你能分出鲍勃和汤姆吗? B: How can I? Theyer as alike as two peas in a pod. 我怎么可能分出来?他们两人长得一模一样。 A: Dont you notice that Bob has a mole on his face, but Tom
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第414期:极其冷淡 迷你对话 A: What is the matter with him? 他怎么呢? B: I dont know, whats wrong? 不清楚,有事吗? A: I feel he is as cold as charity to me. 我觉得他对我冷冰冰的。 B: Maybe you should ask him openly. 也许你应该当面问问