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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第446期:吹牛,说大话 第一、迷你对话 A: He said he will get married by the end of this month. 他说他这个月底要结婚。 B: Big talk, Id say. He does not have a girlfriend yet. 吹牛,他连个女朋友都没有了。 A: Who knows. After all, he is handsom
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第448期:有种直觉 第一、迷你对话 A: Whats wrong with you? 你怎么啦? B: I wasnt admitted by the No.1 middle school, and I chose this No.2 middle school without my parents permission. As a result, they are quite despaired. I have a feeling in my bones that
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第449期:让人眼睛为之一亮 第一、迷你对话 A: Do you know Mary in Class 3? I first met her in the library. She turns me on. 你认识三班的玛丽吗?我第一次见到她时是在图书馆,我的眼睛为之一亮。 B: Really? I must go and see her someday. 真的吗
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第450期:狂喝滥饮 迷你对话1 A: Dont drink like a fish. We will sign up for the university later. 不要狂喝滥饮了,我们打会儿还要报名了。 B: OK, this is the last cup. 好的,这是最后一杯了。 【地道表达】drink like a fish 【解词释
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第451期:急用钱 精明能干之人 迷你对话1 A: I envy you so much. You can go to the best school in this city. 我真羡慕你,你可以到城市里最好的学校读书。 B: It is all due to my father. My father is nobodys fool. 这都多亏了我的父亲,我父亲是个聪明
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第452期:使生气 全部都是 迷你对话1 A: Bad luck! I wasnt admitted by the No. 1 middle school last term. I am in the doghouse with my mon and dad. 太倒霉了。我没能考上一中,我父母一直对我很生气。 B: Pluck up! This school is not so bad. Since you hav
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第453期:握手 一个巴掌拍不响 迷你对话1 A: I am so glad I can meet you at the registry office. 在报名处能见到你,真是太高兴了。 B: Me too. I have mastered the manner of greeting each other in China. You Chinese are used to press the fresh when meet, right? 见到
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第454期:迅速 迷你对话 A: When you went to the dormitory this morning, had your roommates came like a dose of salts? 你今早去宿舍的时候,你的室友已经来了吗? B: Not yet. All my roommates came like a dose of salts. 还没有,但是我的室友
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第455期:摆弄糊弄 累赘事儿 迷你对话1 A: Stop monkeying with my reading lamp! Its my birthday present. 别摆弄我的台灯。那是我的生日礼物。 B: I have just have a look. I wont break it. 我只是看看,我不会弄坏它的。 地道表达:monkey with some
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第456期:管束约束 迷你对话 A: Sorry, mom. I came late again today. 对不起,妈妈,我今天又回家晚了。 B: Youre too playful. You have to be kept in line. 你太贪玩了,你需要好好管束自己了。 地道表达 keep in line 1 解词释义 Keep
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第457期:放心 第一、迷你对话 A: I have got rid of my cold. You can put your heart at rest. 我的感冒已经好了,你可以放心了。 B: My dear, I am happy that you recovered. 亲爱的,我很高兴你恢复健康了。 第二、对话精讲 1. 地道
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第458期:一丘之貉 第一、迷你对话 A: Do you see her all these days? 你这几天见过她吗? B: Yeah, but I find that she is not very happy as before. 见过,可我觉得她好像不如以前快乐。 A: Of course not. Why? 当然了。为什么? B: Dont
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第459期:保持高度警觉 迷你对话 A: Baby, what about having some beef for dinner? A: 宝贝儿,晚上吃牛肉怎么样? B: Oh, no. Mom, I am on a diet. I have to keep an ear to the ground. B: 啊,不要啊。我正在减肥。我是时刻提醒自己啊。 第一、
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第460期:吓得魂不附体 迷你对话 A: I found my lost diary just now. I almost jumped right out of my skin. 我刚刚找了我丢失的日记本,我真是惊喜万分。 B: Thats great. If you finish using something, put it back. 那就好,用过的东西要放回原处
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第461期:更大空间 迷你对话 Subject: We need a lot more elbow room. A: Dad, our house is too small. We need a lot more elbow room. 爸爸,我们的房子太小了,我们需要一个空间的房子。 B: You are growing up, so the house seem to get smaller and s