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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第477期:想尽一切办法 Subject:Ill finish homework by hook or by crook. 迷你对话: A: Daniel, it is late. You can go to bed now. 丹尼尔,时间不早了,可以睡觉去了。 B: Wait a moment. Ill finish my homework by hook or by crook. 再等一下。我将采取
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第478期:玩手段欺骗 Subject:Dont try to do a number on me. A: I have finished my homework already. May I do some surfing? 我已经写完我的作业了。我可以上网吗? B: How did you finish it in such a short time? Dont try to do a number on me. 你怎么可能
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第479期:同意 Subject: Are you with me? 迷你对话 A: I think we should adopt this method to solve the problem. Are you with me? 我想我们应该采取这种办法解决问题,你同意吗? B: That is what I want to do. I agree with you. 那正是我想做的
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第480期:病得很严重 Subject: I am as sick as a dog. 迷你对话 A: Baby, how do you feel now? 宝贝儿,现在感觉怎么样了? B: Im as sick as a dog. 我病得很严重。 地道表达 be as sick as a dog 1. 解词释义 俗语be as sick as a dog的来源可以追
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第481期:病得很严重;不舒服 Subject:I am feeling like death warmed up. 迷你对话 A: May, would you like to go shopping this weekend? May,周末想不想去逛街呀? B: I am sorry. Im feeling like death warmed up. 很抱歉,我现在感觉很不舒服。 地道表达
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第482期:很不舒服 Subject: You could stop a clock. 迷你对话 A: Oh, my God. You could stop a clock. 天啊,你的脸色很差。 B: I have been sick for two weeks. 我已经病了两个星期了。 地道表达 stop a clock 1. 解词释义 Stop a clock在美国英语
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第483期:精神萎靡;身体不适 Subject: Are you having a bad hair day? 迷你对话 A: Baby, are you having a bad hair day? 宝贝儿,你身体不舒服吗? B: I have been dancing for a whole night and I feel very tired now. 我跳了一夜的舞,现在感觉很累。 地道表
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第484期:错失良机;玩忽职守 Subject: Dont fall asleep at the switch. 迷你对话 A: Dont fall asleep at the switch. 千万不要错失良机。 B: I see, dad. Dont worry. I will seize the chance. 我知道了,爸爸。别担心,我会抓住机会的。 地道表达 asleep
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第485期:最后时刻;关键时刻 Subject:I arrived at the eleventh hour. 迷你对话 A: There was a heavy traffic jam this morning. Did you miss the lecture? 今天早上堵车很严重,你错过了学术报告了吗? B: No. I arrived at the eleventh hour. 没有,我及时赶
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第486期:好好表现;尽全力尝试 Subject:Take your best shot. 迷你对话 A: May, it is your turn now. Take your best shot. May,现在轮到你了,好好表现。 B: Thank you. I will do my best. 谢谢,我会尽力而为的。 地道表达 take ones best shot 1. 解词释义
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第487期:荒唐可笑的;毫无价值的 Subject:It is totally for the birds! 迷你对话 A: I have never heard this kind of report before. It is totally for the birds! 我从来没听过这种报告,真无聊。 B: I agree with you. This lecture is awful. 我同意,这个讲座真是太
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第488期:苛刻的要求 Subject: It seems like a tall order. 迷你对话 A: My teacher expects me to get the entire task completed in less than a week. 我的老师希望我在不到一周的时间内完成任务。 B: It seems like a tall order. 这个要求有点苛刻。
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第489期:重量级人物 Subject:He is a big cheese. 迷你对话 A: Do you know Beckham? 你知道Beckham吗? B: Of course. Beckham is a well-known soccer star. He is a big cheese. 当然知道。Beckham是个注明的英式足球明星,他可是个重量级人物。 地
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第490期:与......合作 Subject:You play ball with me and Ill play ball with you. 迷你对话 A: You play ball with me and Ill play ball with you. 这次你跟我合作,下次我一定跟你合作。 B: OK. It is deal. 好,一言为定。 地道表达 play ball with
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第491期:使失望 Subject: Dont let your parents down. 迷你对话 A: I dont want to study anymore. 我再也不想学习了。 B: Dont let your parents down. 不要让你的父母失望。 地道表达 let down 1. 解词释义 Down在口语中的意思是心情不好,