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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第492期:百无聊赖,烦闷不安 Subject:Im at loose ends. 迷你对话 A: I dont know what to do, I am at loose ends. 我不知道敢怎么干,我感到烦闷不安。 B: You can go out and watch a movie. 你可以出去看场电影。 地道表达 at loose ends 1. 解词释义
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第493期:才离龙潭,又入虎穴 Subject:Iv just jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. 迷你对话 A: I have just jump out of the frying pan into the fire. 我是跳出了油锅又掉进了火坑。 B: You cannot escape. There is something you have to do. 你是没法逃避的
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第494期:马屁精 Subject: Dont try to be an apple-polisher. 迷你对话 A: If you want to get higher score, you should work harder. Dont try to be an apple-polisher. 如果你想得到高的分数,你应该更加努力地学习,而不是拍马屁。 B: I agree w
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第495期:随便猜猜,瞎猜 Subject:Take a wild guess. 迷你对话 A: What is the answer of the question? 这个问题的答案是什么? B: Take a wild guess. 随便猜吧。 地道表达 take a wild guess 1. 解词释义 Wild在这里的意思是没有范围,所以wild
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第496期:不记得了 Subject: There is big whole in my head. 迷你对话 A: Check your test paper. What is the matter with you? 看看你的试卷,你到底什么回事? B: There is a big whole in my head. 我什么也记不得了。 地道表达 a big hole in ones
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第497期:非常在行,知道诀窍 Subject: One of my friends knows the ropes. 迷你对话 A: The paper is done well. 这篇论文写得不错。 B: One of my friends knows the ropes. I asked her to help me. 我的一位朋友对此非常在行,我找她帮我的。 地道表达 kn
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第498期:失去机会;浪费机会 Subject:Dont quit school and throw it all away. 迷你对话 A: I dont wanna go to school anymore. Id rather play baseball than study. 我再也不想上学了。我宁愿打棒球也不愿学习。 B: You could do so much in your life, including p
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第499期:吃午餐 Subject:Lets do lunch together. 迷你对话 A: Thanks for your help. Lets do lunch together. 谢谢你的帮助,我们一起吃午餐吧。 B: Sound like a good idea. Where should we go? 这个主意听起来真不错。我们去哪儿吃呢? 地
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第500期:说话坏 Subject: Dont bad-mouth your parents. 迷你对话 A: My parents did not wake me up on time. That is why I am here. 我的父母没有准时叫我起床,所以我迟到了。 B: Dont bad-mouth your parents all the time. You should be responsible fo
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第501期:心胸狭窄;固执己见 Subject:Sometimes, I have a real one track mind. 迷你对话 A: Never mind. Sometimes, I hae a real one track mind. 希望你不要介意,有时候我有自己的看法。 B: I see. Everyone has his own idea. 我能理解,每个人都有自己的
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第502期:毋庸置疑;豁出去 Subject: I will make no bones about it. 迷你对话 A: You shouldnt have spoken like that to your professor, though he was wrong. 尽管错在教授,你也不应该对他那样说话。 B: I will make no bones about it. I was too angry. 我豁出去
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第503期:甘愿冒险;挺身而出 Subject:There has to be someone to bell the cat. 迷你对话 A: My professor is so odd and he has done wrong on me! I dont know what to do. 我的教授是个奇怪的人,而且还冤枉了我。我不知道该真么办了。 B: Hum. There had t
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第504期:最好不要去冒险 Subject: Better safe than sorry. 迷你对话 A: I disagree with my professor on the recent stock. But is I say it out, he may let me fail in the exam. 我不同意教授对近期股票的看法,但是我说出来,他可能不会让我通过这次考
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第505期:对......严厉苛刻 Subject: Dont be so hard on yourself. 迷你对话 A: I shouldnt have quarreled with my professor on such a great occasion. I was terrible. 我不应该在那么盛大的场合和教授吵架。我太糟糕了。 B: Dont be so hard on yourself. 别太自
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第506期:把抛诸于脑后 Subject: You should put this all behind you. 迷你对话 A: I still remember what he did to me in that exam. I will never forget it. 我仍然记得在那场考试中,他是如何对待我的。我永远也不会忘记。 B: It is all over now. Yo