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  • 时代周刊:民主党初选形势日益明朗(2)

    Sanders had won the most votes in the first three contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. 在爱荷华州、新罕布夏州和内华达州的前三场竞选中,桑德斯赢得的选票最多。 After a brutal start to his campaign, 经历了激烈...

  • 时代周刊:民主党初选形势日益明朗(1)

    The party comes to Biden 党开始向拜登靠近 By Molly Ball 文/莫莉鲍尔 On the biggest day of voting in the 2020 democratic primary, Joe Biden's presidential hopes came roaring back to life. 2020年民主党盛大的初选投票日,乔拜登...

  • 时代周刊:新冠疫情对全球化的冲击

    The Coronavirus' Blow to Globalization 新冠疫情对全球化的冲击 By Ian Bremmer 文/伊恩布莱默 As Americans try to decide whether theyre too worried about coronavirus or not worried enough, fears of recession have shifted Washington into...

  • 时代周刊:主编寄语 叱咤风云的女性

    Judith Heumann knew what it meant to be seen. 朱迪思.休曼十分清楚具有辨识度意味着什么。 In 1977, after regulations for the first federal disability-rights law stalled, 1977年,鉴于联邦首部残疾人权益法案阻滞不前,...

  • 时代周刊:新冠疫情围堵阶段已经结束(2)

    And that's especially true when it comes to the COVID-19 virus, 新冠病毒尤其如此, which appears to jump covertly from person to person by piggybacking in some hosts without really making them sick. 它似乎能够寄宿在某些宿主身上却...

  • 时代周刊:新冠疫情围堵阶段已经结束(1)

    The Time for Containment is Over. 新冠疫情围堵阶段已经结束 By Alice Parker 文/爱丽丝帕克尔 There comes a point in the unfolding of every epidemic 每一种流行病的传播都有 when public-health officials acknowledge that despi...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(7)

    We've fundamentally seen our political institutions fail to fix the most existential threats of our lifetime. 这些问题堪称是我们目前遇到的最大的生存威胁,我们的政治体制却没能解决好这些问题,这点我们已经看得...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(6)

    The 2008 presidential race was a galvanizing political moment for many young people. 2008年的总统竞选对许多年轻人而言都是振奋人心的政治时刻。 Buttigieg, who was 26 at the time, trudged through Iowa canvassing for Obama, 时年...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(5)

    The young people who served in Iraq and Afghanistan often have a more comprehensive view of American military engagement than their peers. 相比同龄人,在伊拉克和阿富汗服过役的年轻一代对美国军事活动的看法往往更为全面...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(4)

    But the data tell a different story. 然而,数据讲述的却是另一个故事。 Researchers have found that popular Presidents tend to attract young people to their party, while unpopular Presidents repel them. 研究人员发现,受欢迎的总...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(3)

    Meanwhile, Trump is deeply unpopular among young Americans. 特朗普则非常不受年青一代的美国人欢迎。 One Harvard poll found his disapproval rate among people under the age of 30 topped 70%. 哈佛大学的一项民意调查发现,他...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(2)

    Trumps Senate allies are similarly geriatric. 特朗普在参议院的盟友也都年事已高了。 Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, 77, graduated from the University of Louisville when tuition ran just $330 a year, 参议院多数党领袖米奇...

  • 时代周刊:“千禧一代”即将成为时代的主宰(1)

    Youthquake 青年震荡 American politics is still defined by the values and priorities of baby boomers. 美国政治当下奉行的依然是婴儿潮一代的价值观和偏好。 But not for long. 但不会太久了。 By Charlotte Alter 文/夏洛特...

  • 时代周刊:“他们”一词的新用法

    How they Won 他们一词是如何胜出的? It is a well-known truth among linguists that the grammatical mistakes of one era 在语言学家中间,有一个众所周知的事实:在一个时代被认为是语法错误的用法 often have a wa...

  • 时代周刊:特朗普下台是伊朗唯一的希望

    Iran is left with few strategic options after Trumps bold move 特朗普大胆采取行动,伊朗左右为难 Scoring legitimate foreign-policy wins has not been easy for U.S. President Donald Trump, Twitter proclamations notwithstanding. 对美国总...
