Aw, man, did you see this post from Raj? 你有没有看到杰拉发的帖?
What? Is it another video of him and his dog LadyandtheTramping some spaghetti? 是什么?又是他跟他的狗跟"小姐与流浪汉"一样分意面的视频吗?
No. He can't afford his apartment,and he's asking if anyone knows of a cheap place to live. 不是,他住不起他的公寓了在问谁知道更便宜的地方可以住
I want to say "India," but it seems mean. What's so funny? 我想回复"印度"但好像太过分了,什么这么好笑?
Raj is looking for a cheap place to live,and I wrote "India." 杰拉在找便宜的地方住我回复了"印度"
Don't post that; be supportive. 别这样,支持一下人家
Fine, what should we do? 好吧,我们要怎么做?
We're smart. I'm sure we can think of something. 我们这么聪明,肯定能想到办法的
You want to let him live here? 你想让他来这住吗?
Oh, we're smarter than that. 我们应该想得出更聪明的办法
I know our apartment's small,but I think we can make room. 我知道我们这里很小但我们可以腾出地方
No, Sheldon.We are not getting a lifesize SpiderMan statue. 不,谢尔顿。我不会让你买真人大小的蜘蛛侠模型
We do have Sheldon's old room. 谢尔顿原来的房间确实空着
If he really needs a place to stay,I guess we should offer it to him. 如果他真的需要地方住我觉得我们可以让他住这
You're a good friend. 你真是个好基友
Am I still a good friend if I wait and hope that Howard offers him a place to live first? 如果我先等等看霍华德会不会给他地儿住我还算好朋友吗?
You're an even better husband. 那就变成了超棒的老公
I know if the roles were reversed,he would do it for me. 我知道如果情况反过来他肯定也会帮我的
Where would he stay? 那他能住哪呢?
We already have Stuart. 斯图尔特已经住这里了
Well, we can make some space in the garage. 我们可以在车库里腾出点空间
Maybe put a cot out there,get him a space heater, maybe a hot plate. 摆张折叠床给他个取暖器,可能还有电热炉
That sounds awful. 听起来很糟糕
Let's hope he thinks so, too. 希望他也这么认为吧
For the last time,no Hulk, no Batman, no lifesize statues. 我再说最后一次绿巨人不可以,蝙蝠侠不可以,真人大小的模型通通不可以
Wow. I'm starting to think you didn't mean it when you said you wanted to spruce up the place. 哇,你说要把家里装饰一下其实只是说着玩而已吧
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! 140亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool 地球开始降温,
The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools 自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具
We built the Wall We built the pyramids 我们建长城,我们建金字塔,
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery 数学,自然科学,历史,揭开神秘,
That all started with a big bang 一切由大爆炸开始,
Hello.Hey, uh, so we've been talking, and if you need a place to stay,we'd be happy to fix up the garage for you. 喂嘿,我们在想,如果你需要地方住我们很乐意把车库整理一下给你住
That would be amazing! 太好了!
I was literally3 just looking at my moving boxes,trying to pick one to live in. 我还看着我搬家的箱子在想找一个住进去算了
I know it's not ideal, but you'd have plenty of space for your furniture,and there's this cool button that makes an entire wall go up and down. 我知道那里可能不是很好但有很多空间可以放你的家具还有个很酷炫的按钮可以让整面墙上升和下降
I cannot thank you enough. 太谢谢你了
It is our pleasure. 我们的荣幸
Hey, can you hold on one sec? Hello? 嘿,你可以等一下吗?喂?
Hey, buddy4, you still looking for a place to live? Uh... yeah.Why do you ask? 嘿,你还在找地方住吗?嗯...是啊怎么了?
You know, we have the extra bedroom,and if you need it, it's yours. 你知道我们有多一个房间你想住的话可以来住
Oh, my God, that's so generous! 天,你太大方了!
It's the least we can do. 我们能做的只有这些了
I...I really appreciate it. 我...我真的很感激
Uh, can you hold on one second? 你可以等一下吗?
Hey, so, Howard, what's the bathroom situation gonna be? 嘿,霍华德洗手间怎么样?
Well, there's a sink out there...that takes care of half your problems. 有一个水槽...可以解决你一半的的问题了
But I can use the downstairs bathroom, right? 我可以用楼下的洗手间对吧?
Yeah. We barely use it, so it'll be like it's yours. 可以,我们不怎么用,基本上就是你的了
Cool, cool, yeah. Yeah, hold on one second. Wh...? 好,好等一下,什...?
Hey, what's it like sharing a bathroom with Penny? 和佩妮共用一个洗手间是怎么样的?
Is there hair everywhere? 会不会到处都是头发?
Does she use your loofah? 她用你的浴球吗?
I don't have a loofah. 我不用浴球
Okay, well, if I move in, you can't use mine. 如果我搬进去,你不可以用我的
Hold on a second. 等一下
Hey, Howard, uh, how's the WiFi in the garage? 嘿,霍华德车库里的wifi信号怎么样?
I don't know. 我不知道
Why are you asking all these questions? 你为什么要问这些问题?
Well, to be honest, Leonard's on the other line, 好吧,其实莱纳德也打电话过来了
and he offered me their spare bedroom. 他说让我住他们的空房间
Great! Go live there. 好啊!去住吧
But you made the garage sound so fun. 可是听你说,车库好像很棒的样子
I just didn't want you to feel bad about it. 我只是不想让你觉得那里很差
Unless Leonard's apartment also has a raccoon that chews its way in on cold nights, go there! 莱纳德那里不像车库晚上冷会有浣熊钻进去,去他那吧!
One second.Okay, I think we're close. 等会,好,事情很快就能定下来了
How do you feel about a minifridge in my room? 我在房间里放个小冰箱你觉得怎么样?
Oh, uh, hi, Penny. Yes, please. Hey. Hi. 噢,嗨,佩妮住住住,嘿, 嗨
Uh, Penny, this circular is addressed to "occupant,"but with our apartment switch,it's unclear whether it's yours or mine. 佩妮这封信写着给"居住人"但我们换了地方住我不清楚这是给你的还是给我的
What's it for? Roofing.Yeah, it's yours.Okay, thanks."Just throw it out." 什么信?盖屋顶的,好的,那就是你的,好,谢谢你还说"扔了"
Speaking of occupants, I'm given to understand Raj will be moving into my old room. 说到居住人,我听说杰拉要搬进我原来的房间
Yeah, for a little while. 是的,住一段时间
What about his dog? 那他的狗呢?
I suppose that's acceptable. 这样的话我可以接受
Well, Sheldon's getting a little better with dogs. 谢尔顿现在和狗狗相处得越来越好了
If real dogs gave me buttons, I'd like them, too. 如果真的狗狗也会给我纪念扣的话,我也会喜欢它们的
I think it's nice that you're taking whatever medication Amy's clearly giving you. 我觉得更贴心的是你乖乖吃艾米给你的药不管那药是什么
And what is that supposed to mean? 你这话是什么意思?
Well, it's like that science thing. 这就像那个科学理论什么的
For every action, you have a gigantic and annoying reaction. 对于任意一个行为,你都有非常巨大的让人讨厌的反应
Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter. Mmhmm. 你实在是越来越性感了,那是
If you're implying that I'd have some problem with him moving into my room, you're wrong. 如果你是在暗示我对他搬到我的房间住有什么意见的话,那你就错了
Raj is in a difficult financial situation,and I'm glad that he's making changes to improve it. 杰拉现在经济拮据看到他能做些改变来缓解这种情况我很欣慰
Do not adjust the dosage. You nailed it. 就现在的剂量继续给他服药,你太棒了
Don't listen to them. What's weird9 is that Penny almost got a science fact right. 别听他们瞎说,诡异的事情是佩妮差点就说对了一个科学事实
I mean, it's unfair; people just assume I'm going to be upset by Raj moving into my old room. 这不公平,对于杰拉要搬到我的房间住这件事情大家什么都不问就直接认为我会很不开心
Talk to me. Tell me what's going on. 和我说说呗,说说你是怎么想的
Well, that's been my room since before I met Leonard,and now someone else is going to be living in it. 在我遇到莱纳德之前那就是我的房间了现在却有别人要住进去了
And that someone else is not me. 但那个别人不是我
And you know how I feel about people who aren't me. 你也知道我对除我以外的人都是什么感觉
There are a lot of memories wrapped up in that room. For me, too. 那件房间里有太多我的回忆,也有我的
The first time you told me you loved me was in that room.Wrong. 你第一次说爱我就是在那个房间,错
And there is the love of which I speak. 说的就是这种爱啊
I realize it's irrational,but with Raj moving in there, I'm feeling a bit replaced. 我知道这是不理智的但杰拉搬进去,我觉得自己被取代了
Well, this isn't an easy time for him. 这对他来说也不容易
He's losing his apartment, he's in debt,he's probably humiliated12.Yes, probably. 他失去了自己的公寓,现在负债累累他大概觉得很丢脸,是啊,或许吧
But until we know for sure, how can I feel better? 这没有板上钉钉的事情,我也好过不起来啊?
Can I get anyone anything at all? 你们需要什么吗?
Raj, you don't have to serve us. 杰拉你不用给我们当仆人的
It's the least I can do for helping me carry my stuff up. 为了感谢你们帮我搬行李,这是我唯一能为你们做的了
It was really no problem. 没什么的
Not for you, Box of Towels. 你搬的是那一盒毛巾
Anyway, thanks again. 不管怎样还是谢谢你
Hey, look at that. 看
You've got a Raj, we've got a Stuart. 你们有杰拉我们有斯图尔特
Maybe we should take them both to the park and let them run around together. 我们可以把他们都带去公园让他们一起遛一遛
I don't know. Yours looks like he has worms. 不要吧,你家那只看上去长虱子
You ready to go? All set. What's that? A housewarming gift for Raj. 你准备好了吗?好了那是什么?给杰拉的暖窝礼物
Well, a bunch of fake snakes better not spring out of it, 'cause that was a lousy anniversary present. 那礼物最好不会跳出一堆假蛇来亏你想得出来买那个当周年礼物
It's nothing like that. 不是那样的
I just, I thought about Raj's situation,and I had a change of heart. 我只是想到杰拉的情况改变了自己的想法
You know, and regarding your gift,you said "surprise me," and, boy, did I. 而且,给你的礼物是你说"给我个惊喜"我就给了啊
Uh, wait... before we eat, I have a little "welcome to the building" gift for Raj. 等等...在我们开动之前我给杰拉准备了一份礼物欢迎他
Wait, is anything gonna jump out... 等等,会有什么东西跳出来...
No. I already asked. 不会,我问过了
Thank you, Sheldon. 谢谢你,谢尔顿
It's a... blank notebook. 这是...一本空的笔记本
Well, I had some of my best ideas in that room,and I'm sure you will, too. 我在那些房间里产生过很多奇思妙想我相信你也会有
He also never had sex in that room. 他从来没在那间房间里滚过床单
That's something else to look forward to. 那对你来说也是一件值得期待的事情哦
This means a lot. 谢谢你的好意
Well, I know this is a difficult time for you. 我知道你这段时间过得不容易
Y...You're losing your apartment, you're in debt,and you just...you must be humiliated. 你...失去了自己的公寓,负债累累而且你...你一定觉得很丢脸吧
Those were Amy's words.Sheldon...I know, I know! 刚刚那段是艾米的原话喂谢尔顿...我知道,我知道
"Good grief" was originally said by Charlie Brown, geez. "噢,天啊"原本是查利?布朗说的
You're right, I am humiliated. 你说的没错,我确实觉得很丢脸
Thanks for pointing it out. 真是谢谢你给我指出来啊
You're such a jerk. 你真是个混蛋
Can you believe this guy?Yes. 你们敢信他刚刚的话吗?当然
I...I thought that was gonna break the other way.Come on, Sheldon. 我...剧情发展跟我想象的不一样走吧,谢尔顿
Maybe we should just eat at our place.Fine. 我们还是回家吃东西吧,好吧
You took my room. 你占了我的房间
You turned my friends against me. 你还拐走了我的朋友
I hope you're happy. 开心了吧
What do I have to be happy about? 我有什么可开心的?
How come he can say it and I can't? 为什么这些话他能说我就不能说?
Just keep walking.Hello, Sheldon. 走就是了,嗨,谢尔顿
What a pleasant surprise. How are you? 真是个惊喜,你好吗?
Honestly, I've been better.Do you have time? 坦白说,不是太好,你有空吗?
Leonard says you're very busy these days. 莱纳德说最近你挺忙的
What's going on? 有什么事吗?
Well, our friend Raj moved into my old room,and it's brought up a lot of negative feelings for me. 是这样的,我朋友杰拉搬到了我原来的房间住然后我现在感觉特别负能量
Mm. Well, what do you think the loss of your room represents? 嗯,那你告诉我,你觉得失去你的旧房间代表什么呢?

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adj.充满笑声的,欢闹的;[反]depressed | |
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a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;密度大的 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.(美口)密友,伙伴 | |
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n.朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为友 | |
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vt.(up)把…装入箱中;n.板条箱,装货箱 | |
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n.冥王星 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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a.震惊的,义愤填膺的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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感到羞愧的 | |
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n.时间安排,时间选择 | |
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n.坚持细节之人 | |
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n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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v.(小孩般)天真无邪地说话( prattle的第三人称单数 );发出连续而无意义的声音;闲扯;东拉西扯 | |
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n.尊敬,尊重;vt.尊重,敬重;把…看作 | |
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