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生活大爆炸 第十季:第19集:合作与竞争(上)

时间:2019-03-04 01:55来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 You know, downwardfacing dog comes from the Sanskrit phrase Adho mukha ?vānāsana. 你知道吗,下犬式来自于梵语中的一个词,阿哆木哈樊娜萨那

Oh, that's beautiful. What does it mean? "Downwardfacing dog." 那真是太美了,它是什么意思啊?"脸朝下的狗"
Yeah, I guess they don't have Sanskrit for "butts1 up and heads down." 好吧,我猜梵语里没有词形容"大头朝下腚朝天"吧
Hey, we wrote the Kama Sutra. 爱经可是我们写的
If it involves butts, there's a word for it. 只要用到了腚,那肯定就有这么一个词的
I thought we were getting breakfast before work. Oh, right, sorry. 我们上班前不是要去吃早饭的嘛对哦,抱歉啦
It's my fault. I asked Penny to do yoga with me. 是我的错,是我让佩妮跟我一起做瑜伽的
If you want, I can get ready in five minutes. 你还想去吃的话,我五分钟就能准备好的
It's cute that you think that. 你真是好傻好天真啊
Don't worry about it. 别担心了
Hey, can I ask you a favor? 我能请你帮个忙吗?
Would you mind taking Cinnamon for a walk? 你能不能去遛一下辛纳蒙啊?
Sure. You're living here for free. 行啊,你确实是免费住在这儿呢
I guess I owe you. 我想我大概是欠了你的吧
Bye, Cinnamon. Be a good girl. 拜拜,辛纳蒙要做个好姑娘哦
Yeah, bye, sweetie!  Bye! 拜拜,小甜心!拜拜!
Yeah, yeah, bye, Leonard. 行吧行吧,拜拜了,莱纳德
Okay, and tree pose. 好啦,接下来是树式
Well, she's done. 好了,她完事儿了
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense2 state 宇宙一度又烫又稠密,
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! 140亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool 地球开始降温,
The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools 自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具,
We built the Wall We built the pyramids 我们建长城,我们建金字塔,
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery 数学,自然科学,历史,揭开神秘,
That all started with a big bang 一切由大爆炸开始,
Things have been going really well 陀螺仪项目最近
with the infinite resistance gyroscope. 的进展相当喜人啊
That's great. How so? 那太好了,怎么个喜人法啊?
Oh, the project is classified.I can't tell you. 哎呀,这个项目是保密的。我不能告诉你啊
Oh, I suppose I could redact the classified parts. 不过我想我也可以把保密的部分和谐掉啦
All right, um, I came up with an elegant solution to the...I used the... 好吧,我为...想出了一个别致的解法我运用了...
And then I...And that did it. Wow, I wonder what they're redacting. 然后我...然后那就成了。哇塞,好好奇他们在和谐什么东西啊
Why don't you ask me what I'm working on? 要不你问问我最近在做什么吧?
Oh, very well. What have you been working on? 好吧,行,那你最近在做什么呢?
And feel free to honk3 during the boring parts. 在说无聊部分的时候你也可以按喇叭
I'm doing some experiments to show that the signal to move a muscle occurs before you know you even decided4 to move it. 我正在做一些实验,想证明被用于驱动肌肉的信号在你做出驱动肌肉这个决定之前就已经生成了
W... So you're attempting to pinpoint5 where consciousness resides in the brain. 什...所以你正在尝试着定位意识在大脑中的位置咯
Yes, I'm trying to figure out the nanometer and the attosecond, precisely6 where and when an event of awareness7 takes place. 是的,我正在试着精确地找出意识发生的那一纳米那一原秒,1原秒为10^18秒,或1/1000飞秒
Well, what do you know? 哎呀,还真是想不到啊?
Here I was, waiting to be bored with biology, and instead you tickle8 my intellectual fancy. 我刚刚还以为生物特别无聊呢而你却撩动了我智力的幻想天堂
Which, unlike my body, is an okay place to tickle. 而这跟我的身体不一样,这是一个可以撩的地方
You know, when I was six,I wanted to marry the gorilla9 from Good Night, Gorilla. 你知道吗,我六岁的时候我曾经想要跟"晚安,大猩猩"里的大猩猩结婚,"晚安,大猩猩"是美国儿童图书,其中的主人公是一只紫脸黑毛的大猩猩
Maybe I was onto something. 可能我应该不忘初心
Gentlemen, the most interesting thing just happened with this spoon. 先生们,刚刚我和这根勺子发生了一件特别有趣的事
Unless it was singing "Be Our Guest," I doubt it. 除非它刚刚在唱"来做客吧"不然我才不信,"来做客吧"是迪士尼动画电影"美女与野兽"中的歌曲
Yeah, I picked it up without thinking about it. 行吧,我刚刚想都没想就把它拿起来了
Which raises a neuroscientific question,when did I decide to pick it up? 而这就为我们提出了一个神经科学上的问题我是什么时候决定把它拿起来的呢?
The bigger question is, what are you gonna eat with that spoon? 而更大的问题在于,你准备用那根勺子吃什么?
You didn't get any food. 你什么吃的都没拿啊
He does raise an interesting point. 他确实提出了一个有意思的观点啊
Amy is studying the time lag between intent and awareness,and I realized that applies to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. 艾米正在研究意图与意识之间的时间差而我才发现这也可以被运用到量子力学中的测量问题上啊
Now, I recognize there will be a time lag between me saying that and you Googling what it means,so I'll wait. 我知道现在将会有一个我说出这些话和你们谷歌那些话的意思的时间差所以我会等你们的
I understand it, Sheldon. Yeah, me, too. 我懂你的意思的,谢尔顿。是啊,我也懂的
I'm sorry, I spaced. 不好意思,我放空了一下
Are we still talking about the spoon? 我们还在说勺子的事吗?
It's nice to see you taking an interest in Amy's work. 看到你对艾米的研究感兴趣还是挺好的
Well, don't get me wrong. 别误解我的意思
Neurobiology's nothing more than the science of gray squishy stuff. 神经生物学仍然不过是研究灰色糊状物的
But, you know, when it connects to physics,gas up the Ford10, Martha, we're going for a drive. 但是,你知道吗,当它跟物理学挂上钩的时候那简直就是要上天了啊
So did you confront Jennifer? 所以你跟詹尼弗撕逼了吗?
I was going to, but she called in sick. 我本来要去撕的,但是她请病假了
And guess who else called in sick. Paul.  Paul.Who's Paul? 再猜猜还有谁也请病假了。保罗,保罗啊保罗是谁啊?
Oh, you met him at the office Christmas party. 哎呀,你跟他在办公室圣诞聚会上见过的呀
He's married to Nancy. 他就是跟南希结婚的那个
Oh, sure. Wait, Nancy? 哦,行吧,等等,南希?
I bet Jennifer gets a promotion11 out of this,which is so unfair because I work twice as hard as she does. 我打赌詹尼弗一定会因为这个升职的而这就太不公平了,因为我工作上比她多努力一倍
Don't worry, Jerry won't be fooled by that type of behavior. Jerry? 别担心,杰里不会被这种行为唬住的。谁是杰里?
It didn't work for Randy, it didn't work for Tina,it sure as hell isn't gonna work for Jennifer. 兰迪这么干没成功,蒂娜也没成功所以詹尼弗绝对也是不会成功的
Well, I hope not. I just hate when people play those kinds of games. Tina? 我希望如此咯,我就是超讨厌人们玩这种套路的呃,蒂娜?
With your sales record, you have nothing to worry about.Mm. 按照你的销售业绩来看,你根本没啥好担心的嗯
I went to your office Christmas party? 我去了你的办公室圣诞宴会吗?
You know, I like harp12 lessons,but I'm thinking of switching to elevator repair lessons. 你知道么,虽然我喜欢竖琴课但是我现在在考虑要不要改学电梯修理课了
What are you working on? 你在研究什么呢?
I was thinking about your experiment on the neuroscience of decision making,and I realized, 我是在想你的实验就是关于做决定的那个神经科学的实验然后我就发现
if we connect it to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics, we have a chance to disprove the role of consciousness in the Copenhagen Interpretation13. 如果我们把它跟量子力学中的测量问题联系起来的话,那我们就有机会证明哥本哈根诠释中的主观意识,其实并没有发生作用,哥本哈根诠释主要是由尼尔斯?玻尔和海森堡于1927年在哥本哈根合作研究时共同提出的,此诠释延伸了由德国数学家,物理学家马克斯?玻恩所提出的波函数的概率表述,之后发展为着名的不确定性原理
Wait, are you saying if we combine my experiment with your calculations, we can determine the precise moment in time 等等,你是在说如果我们将我的实验和你的计算结合起来的话我们就可以精确地知道
when the wave function collapses14? 波函数坍缩的发生时刻了吗?每一种版本的哥本哈根诠释,都会包括一个正式版本的波函数坍缩在内,波函数坍缩指的是某些量子力学体系与外界发生某些作用后波函数发生突变,变为其中一个本征态或有限个具有相同本征值的本征态的线性组合的现象
It could be the most inspired combination since I mixed red Icee into my blue Icee. 这将有可能是自我把蓝色沙冰和红色沙冰混合在一起以来最具启发性的组合了
It was like drinking 2/7 of the rainbow. 那感觉就像是在喝七分之二的彩虹
Sheldon, this is really interesting. 谢尔登这真的很有意思啊
Yeah, and this one won't stain my teeth purple. 是啊,而且这俩还不会把我的牙齿染成紫色
You know, we've never collaborated15 professionally before. 你知道吗,我们以前从来没有在工作上合作过
Are you worried it might affect our relationship? 你是担心这有可能影响我们的私人关系吗?
That is a valid16 point. 这也有道理啊
Perhaps we should establish some ground rules. 可能我们应该定下些基本规矩
Well, that would make me feel better. 好啊,这样合作起来才更愉快
All right, let's start right now. 那现在就开始吧
Uh, rule number one, no using sexuality to get your way. 第一条,不可以通过撩来达到你的目的
That's a ridiculous rule.Is it? 太扯了吧。有吗?
Okay, how is that? 你现在有什么感觉?
I can actually feel the toxins17 being pulled out of my skin. 我真的可以感觉到,皮肤中的毒素正在慢慢被吸出来
Well, this is a moisturizing mask. 那个...这是补水面膜
Oh, well, then I can actually feel the moisture going into my skin. 哦,这样啊,那我感觉到的是我的皮肤正在慢慢吸收水分
Hey, I hope you don't mind, I used a little of your eye cream last night. 对了,我昨天用了一点你的眼霜你不会介意吧
I thought someone looked brighter and tighter. 我就说某人今天看起来,怎么这么神采奕奕的
I'd still like to know who Jerry is. 我还是想问,杰里是谁
Don't worry about it. Hey, after this, how about we all go out and do something together? 别管了,嘿,做完面膜之后我们一起出去玩吧?
That would be great. Thank you. 好啊,太谢谢你了
You want to go shopping? 想去逛街吗?
Ooh, yes. Fun. 好啊,好啊,太棒了
Or we could do something we'll all enjoy, like play a board game. 或者玩点我们都喜欢的东西比如玩个桌游,怎么样?
Imagine me and you, I do I think about you day and night 想象我们在一起我日日夜夜都在思念你,
It's only right to think about the one you love 应该思念的是,你爱的人,
And hold her tight So happy together 紧紧握住她的手,那是最美好的时光,
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you For all my life 人海之中,我只爱你,永远爱着你,
When you're with me 当你在我身边的时候,
Baby, the skies will be blue 宝贝,我的天空一片蔚蓝,
For all my life. 我永远爱着你,
I believe I've made some progress 我把我们合作的基本规则
on our ground rules.  Oh, good. 写得差不多了,不错嘛
What are they?  Okay, uh, 都写了什么?呃,你看
number one: in matters of physics, 第一,物理方面的事
I have the final say. 我说了算
In matters of neuroscience, you have the final say. 神经学方面的事,你说了算
Unless I disagree.Oh, here. 我不同意的时候除外,还有
Number two: when we publish, my name goes first. 第二,发表文章的时候,我的名字在前
Oh, subsequently, if we win any awards, I speak first. 而且,如果我们获奖的话,我先发表获奖感言
I don't want to be talking when the orchestra plays us off.Can I see that? 免得乐队的表演打断我,能给我看一眼吗?
Oh, of course.I'll get that back. 好啊,会有人送回来的
Like all my underwear, that notebook says "Property of Sheldon Cooper." 那上面写着,"归谢尔顿?库珀所有"就像我所有的内裤上面写的那样
Sheldon, if we're gonna have ground rules, 谢尔登如果我们要定规则的话
I'll tell you the first ground rule... 第一条就是...
I make the ground rules. 这规则要由我来定
I'd write that down, but I can't now, can I? 我也很想写下来这一条,但是你把本扔了,我怎么写?
I mean, they didn't say anything,but I just kind of felt like I was being a weird18 third wheel. 问题是,他们什么都没说但我就是觉得我好像是个电灯泡
Huh, so you can tell what that feels like.  Interesting. 哈,你也知道什么叫当电灯泡呀。有趣
Anyway, I figured I can hang out with my friends and have fun, too. 不管怎么说,我觉得我也可以和朋友们一起出来玩
Well, if your idea of fun is riding in a minivan to Target for diapers,things are about to get nuts. 如果你觉得开着小货车去超市买尿不湿也算是出来玩的话那这一路可就精彩了
Oh, it's just nice to be with people who are happy to have me around. 只要是和愿意陪我玩的小伙伴待在一起我就很开心啦
Isn't that right, Halley? 你觉得呢,哈雷?
Well, at least someone had the courage to say it. 至少还有人敢大声说出自己的不满
Thank you, you are a good citizen.Told you. 谢谢,你真是个优秀的公民。我说什么来着
Go ahead, throw my underwear out the window. 你可以试试把我的内裤扔出去
Same thing's gonna happen. 我也一样会找回来的


1 butts 3da5dac093efa65422cbb22af4588c65     
笑柄( butt的名词复数 ); (武器或工具的)粗大的一端; 屁股; 烟蒂
  • The Nazis worked them over with gun butts. 纳粹分子用枪托毒打他们。
  • The house butts to a cemetery. 这所房子和墓地相连。
2 dense aONzX     
  • The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods. 将军把部队埋伏在浓密的树林里。
  • The path was completely covered by the dense foliage. 小路被树叶厚厚地盖了一层。
3 honk TdizI     
  • Don't honk the horn indiscriminately.不要乱鸣喇叭!
  • While passing another vehicle,you must honk your horn.通过另一部车时必须鸣按喇叭。
4 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
5 pinpoint xNExL     
  • It is difficult to pinpoint when water problems of the modern age began.很难准确地指出,现代用水的问题是什么时候出现的。
  • I could pinpoint his precise location on a map.我能在地图上指明他的准确位置。
6 precisely zlWzUb     
  • It's precisely that sort of slick sales-talk that I mistrust.我不相信的正是那种油腔滑调的推销宣传。
  • The man adjusted very precisely.那个人调得很准。
7 awareness 4yWzdW     
  • There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.人们普遍认识到吸烟有害健康。
  • Environmental awareness has increased over the years.这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。
8 tickle 2Jkzz     
  • Wilson was feeling restless. There was a tickle in his throat.威尔逊只觉得心神不定。嗓子眼里有些发痒。
  • I am tickle pink at the news.听到这消息我高兴得要命。
9 gorilla 0yLyx     
  • I was awed by the huge gorilla.那只大猩猩使我惊惧。
  • A gorilla is just a speechless animal.猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。
10 Ford KiIxx     
  • They were guarding the bridge,so we forded the river.他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河。
  • If you decide to ford a stream,be extremely careful.如果已决定要涉过小溪,必须极度小心。
11 promotion eRLxn     
  • The teacher conferred with the principal about Dick's promotion.教师与校长商谈了迪克的升级问题。
  • The clerk was given a promotion and an increase in salary.那个职员升了级,加了薪。
12 harp UlEyQ     
  • She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。
  • He played an Irish melody on the harp.他用竖琴演奏了一首爱尔兰曲调。
13 interpretation P5jxQ     
  • His statement admits of one interpretation only.他的话只有一种解释。
  • Analysis and interpretation is a very personal thing.分析与说明是个很主观的事情。
14 collapses 9efa410d233b4045491e3d6f683e12ed     
折叠( collapse的第三人称单数 ); 倒塌; 崩溃; (尤指工作劳累后)坐下
  • This bridge table collapses. 这张桥牌桌子能折叠。
  • Once Russia collapses, the last chance to stop Hitler will be gone. 一旦俄国垮台,抑止希特勒的最后机会就没有了。
15 collaborated c49a4f9c170cb7c268fccb474f5f0d4f     
合作( collaborate的过去式和过去分词 ); 勾结叛国
  • We have collaborated on many projects over the years. 这些年来我们合作搞了许多项目。
  • We have collaborated closely with the university on this project. 我们与大学在这个专案上紧密合作。
16 valid eiCwm     
  • His claim to own the house is valid.他主张对此屋的所有权有效。
  • Do you have valid reasons for your absence?你的缺席有正当理由吗?
17 toxins 18c3f40d432ba8dc33bad8fb82873ea8     
n.毒素( toxin的名词复数 )
  • The seas have been used as a receptacle for a range of industrial toxins. 海洋成了各种有毒工业废料的大容器。
  • Most toxins are naturally excreted from the body. 大部分毒素被自然排出体外。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
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