《异类:不一样的成功启示录Outliers:The Story of Success》是外文名著,是双语有声读物下面的子栏目,栏目包含中英字幕以及地道的英语音频朗读文件MP3,通过学习本栏目,英语爱好者可以懂得不一样的成功启示,并在潜移默化中挖掘自身的潜力。本栏目也是提高英语听力水平,为以后的英语学习成绩奠基的好伙伴。
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第196期:牙买加的白人
Ideally, they would try to be artisans. Remember, Jamaica has sugar plantations, 理想的话,他们将会成为技工。记住,牙买加有糖料种植园, which are very different from the cotton plantations you find in the American South. 这些
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第197期:戴西成功的原因
In the 1950s, the Jamaican census bureau did a breakdown of all of the lawyers in the country according to their skin tone. 下面的图表是对20世纪50年代牙买加律师和国会议员这两种职业以肤色进行的统计分类分类。 Peop
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第198期:利用肤色来把玩地位
My grandmother was a remarkable woman. 我的祖母是一个很了不起的女人。 But it is important to remember that a steady upward path upon which the Fords embarked began with a morally complicated act. 但更重要的是,与福特家事业稳
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第199期:肤色决定家庭地位
If, as often happens, children are of different shades of color in a family, the Jamaican sociologist Fernando Henriques once wrote: 正如经常发生的那样,如果一个家庭里的孩子们的肤色深浅不同,牙买加社会学家费尔南多
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第200期:愤怒不是解决办法
One day, after her husband had died, she was traveling on a train to visit her daughter, 她的丈夫去世后,她乘火车前往女儿家探望, and she met and took an interested in a light-skinned man in the same railway car. 她在火车上遇见