《异类:不一样的成功启示录Outliers:The Story of Success》是外文名著,是双语有声读物下面的子栏目,栏目包含中英字幕以及地道的英语音频朗读文件MP3,通过学习本栏目,英语爱好者可以懂得不一样的成功启示,并在潜移默化中挖掘自身的潜力。本栏目也是提高英语听力水平,为以后的英语学习成绩奠基的好伙伴。
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第136期:飞机失事的原因
Ratwatte continued, All the guy had to do was tell the controller, 'we don't have fuel to comply with what you're trying to do.' 他继续说:所有飞行员必须同空管员讲明,我们没有足够的燃油可以支持我们飞达指定机场。
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第137期:不确定性规避
Another of Hofstede's dimensions is uncertainty avoidance. How well does a culture tolerate ambiguity? 霍夫斯泰德的另一个维度是他的不确定性规避。一种文化可以忍受多大程度上的不确定性? Here are the top five unce
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第138期:权利距离指数
Denmark and Belgium may share in a kind of broad European liber-democratic tradition, 丹麦人和比利时人共同分享欧洲广阔的自由民主贸易, but they have different histories, different political structures, different religious trad
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第139期:降低驾驶舱内的权利距离指数
You can imagine the effect that Hofstede's findings had on people in the aviation industry. 可以想象霍夫斯泰德的研究结果将对飞行领域的人们产生怎样重大的影响。 What was their great battle over mitigated speech and team
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第140期:高权力距离指数文化对职责的影响
the high power distance of Columbians could have created frustration on the part of the first officer 在高权力距离指数文化里,如果机长没有作出意料中应有的明确决策, because the captain failed to show the kind of clear(
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第141期:含蓄的建议没有力量
Caviedes: What did he say? Klotz: The guy is angry. 卡维德:他说什么?克鲁兹:那个人很生气。 Angry! Klotz's feelings are hurt!His plane is moments from disaster. 生气!克鲁兹感觉受到了伤害。他的飞机就要出事故了
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第142期:调查飞机失事的原因
The National Transportation Safety Board, the US agency responsible for investigation plane crashes, is headquartered in a squat, seventies-ear office building on the banks of Potomac River in Washington, DC. 美国国家交通安全委员会简称(
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第143期:机长决定目测着陆
In the month the glide scope had been under repair, there had been something like 1,500 safe landings at Guam airport. 在跑道射灯进行修理的那个月里,已经有1500架飞机都安全着陆在关岛机场。 It was a small thing-an inconv
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第144期:工作量最大化
There are a number of airports in the world where this is true. Sometimes you can follow the VOR down and it takes you straight to the airport. 世界上有很多机场都可以使用VOR程序帮助飞机下降,并直接指引飞机进入机场。
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第145期:机长的地位
There is a sound of a man shifting in his seat. A minute passes. 0121:13. Captain: Eh... really... sleepy. First Officer: Of course. 这时有个人挪了下椅子,一分钟过去了。1点21分13秒,机长:啊,真的很困(无法辨别的词
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第146期:韩国的严格等级观念
The Korean language has no less than six different levels of conversational address,depending on their relationship between the addressee and the addressor: formal deference, informal deference, blunt, familiar, intimate and plain. 在韩语中,根据
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第147期:以倾听者为导向的国家文化
Today, weather radar has helped us a lot, he says. Weather radar has helped us a lot? 今天,气候雷达对我们提供了很大帮助。他说。气候雷达对我们提供了很大帮助? A second hint from the flight deck. What the engineer m
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第148期:格瑞博改革飞行语言
There is something beautiful in the subtlety of that exchange, in the attention that each party must pay to the motivations and desires of the other. 这段对话的精彩之处就在于它蕴涵的意思非常微妙,双方都需要注意对方言谈
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第149期:解除社会文化的限制
If you're trying to land at JFK at rush hour, there is no nonverbal communication, Greenberg says. 如果你想在一小时内在肯尼迪国际机场紧急降落,就必须用语言交流。格瑞博说, It's people talking to people, so you need
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第150期:诚实面对经常忽略的因素
He offered his pilots what everyone from hocky players to software tycoons to takeover lawyers has been offered on the way to success,which is an opportunity to transform their relationship to their work. 他给飞行员们提供成功的案例,从冰