《异类:不一样的成功启示录Outliers:The Story of Success》是外文名著,是双语有声读物下面的子栏目,栏目包含中英字幕以及地道的英语音频朗读文件MP3,通过学习本栏目,英语爱好者可以懂得不一样的成功启示,并在潜移默化中挖掘自身的潜力。本栏目也是提高英语听力水平,为以后的英语学习成绩奠基的好伙伴。
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第181期:KIPP的学习生活
They start school at seven twenty-five, David Levin says of the students at the Bronx KIPP academy. 他们7点25分上课,布朗克斯KIPP学院学生大卫李文说: They all do a course called thinking skills until seven fifty-five. 我们所有的
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第182期:KIPP的数学教育方式
The beginning is hard, he went on. By the end of the day, they are restless. Part of it is endurance, part of it is motivation. 一开始很难,他继续说:他们一整天都坐立不安。因为他们缺乏耐力和动力, Part of it is incen
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第183期:失败者变为成功者
The extra time gave Corcoran the chance to make mathematics meaningful: to let his students see the clear relationship between effort and reward. 增加的那些时间不但让科科伦的学生觉得数学有意义,也让他们清楚地看到努力和
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第184期:玛丽塔的生活(上)
I wake up at 5:45 a.m. to get a head start, she says. I brush my teeth, shower. I get some breakfast at school if I'm running late. 为了早到学校,我早上5点45分起床,她说。接着刷牙、洗澡。如果我起晚了,我会在学校吃
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第185期:玛丽塔的生活(下)
She spoke in a matter-of-fact way of children who have no way of knowing how unusual this situation is. 她用一种孩童特有的实话实说的方式讲述这一切,他们无从知道自己所处的环境是如何的不寻常。 She had the hour
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第186期:玛丽塔与朋友
Here is Marita again, in a passage that is little short of heartbreaking: 下面是玛丽塔又一些让人辛酸的描述: When we first started fifth grade, I used to have contact with one of the girls from my old school, 五年级时,我和一个
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第187期:并不是只有最聪明的人才会成功
How could that be a bad bargain? 而这种条件互换在什么情况下会失败呢? Everything we have learned in Outliers says that success follows a predictable course. 在这本书中,所有我们看到的成功都是有迹可循, It's not
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第188期:一个牙买加人的故事
If Canada had a second hockey league for those children born in the last half of the year, it would have twice as many adult hocky stars. 如果加拿大为那些出生在下半年的孩子再来一次曲棍球联赛,现在成人曲棍球明星就会
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第189期:唐纳德一家
He was an imposing man, quiet and dignified and a great lover of books. 他是一个使人难忘的男人,温柔而有威严,非常热爱读书。 In his small library were works of poetry and philosophy and novels by such writers as Somerset Mau
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第190期:麦克米兰抨击牙买加
In 1935, for example, when my mother and her sister were four, a historian named William M. MacMillan came to visit Jamaica. 例如,在1935年,我的母亲和她的妹妹才4岁时,一个名叫威廉姆麦克米兰的历史学家访问牙买加,
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第191期:取得高等教育机会
A year after MacMillan published his book, a wave of riots and unrest swept the Caribbean. 在麦克米兰的书出版一年后,动乱席卷了整个加勒比海。 Fourteen people were killed and fifty-nine injured in Trinidad. Fourteen were kille
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第192期:百年奖学金
If you had asked her about her goals for her children, she would have said she wanted us out of there, my mother recalls. 我的母亲回忆说:如果你问她对女儿们的期望,她会说她希望我们离开这里, She didn't feel that Jama
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第193期:戴西如何借钱
The year my aunt applied happened to be one of the girl years. She was lucky. My mother was not. 我姑妈取得的那年是女生年,她非常幸运。 My mother was faced with passage to England, room and board and living expenses, and tuition at
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第194期:地主娶奴隶的原因
Daisy Nation was from the northwestern end of Jamaica. 戴西纳森来自牙买加的西北边陲, Her great-grandfather was William Ford. 他伟大的祖父是威廉福特, He was from Island, and he arrived in Jamaica in 1784, having bought a c
异类之不一样的成功启示录 第195期:非白人混血儿的地位
They lived the much easier life of working in the house. 她们在房子里工作, They were the ones most likely to be freed. 享受安逸的生活。 So many mulatto mistresses were left substantial fortunes in the wills of white property owners 她们