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  • 英国学生科学读本 第54期:硬壳螃蟹(2) 日期:2017-01-12 01:56:48 点击:0 好评:0

    Many crabs are found with sea-weed and even with shell-fish growing on their backs. This helps them to catch the little fishes on which they live. The fishes do not notice the crab when its shell is covered in this way. 人们发现很多螃蟹背上都...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第54期:硬壳螃蟹(1) 日期:2017-01-12 01:52:12 点击:0 好评:0

    Lesson 54 The Crusty Crab 第54课 硬壳螃蟹 Crabs are good to eat. The next time you have one for your supper, I should like you to look at it very carefully, and try to learn what kind of an animal it is. 螃蟹也是美味的食物。小朋友,...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第53期:牡蛎(2) 日期:2017-01-12 01:49:29 点击:0 好评:0

    The oyster has a little mouth, a stomach, and other organs. It breathes like a fish by sucking air out of the sea-water with its gills; and it also gets its food out of the sea-water. 牡蛎有一张小口, 一个胃, 还有其他的器官。牡蛎的呼...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第53期:牡蛎(1) 日期:2017-01-12 01:46:07 点击:0 好评:0

    Lesson 53 The Oyster 第53课 牡蛎 The oyster is called a shell-fish; but it is not a real fish, like the sole or the herring. All true fishes have a backbone, and they swim about in the sea by the help of their tail and their fins. 牡蛎是一种贝...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第52期:苹果和苹果树(2) 日期:2017-01-12 01:40:13 点击:0 好评:0

    Let us cut an apple across so as to divide it into halves. Now we can see the five parts of the seed-vessel in the middle of the fruit, and we notice that each of these parts contains at least one black seed. These seeds are held in a tough skin, whi...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第52期:苹果和苹果树(1) 日期:2017-01-12 01:37:42 点击:0 好评:0

    Lesson 52 Apples, And The Apple-tree 第52课 苹果和苹果树 Apples, sweet apples! There never was a child who did not enjoy eating a sweet ripe apple. Did you ever see apples growing wild? If you walk through the country lanes in the month of Ma...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第51期:一块煤(2) 日期:2017-01-12 01:36:32 点击:0 好评:0

    In the layers of clay and sandstone between the seams of coal we often find the remains of plants very well preserved indeed. In the coal itself it is very hard to tell one plant from another, for they have all been crushed together. 在煤层之间的...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第51期:一块煤(1) 日期:2017-01-12 01:35:40 点击:0 好评:0

    Lesson 51 A Lump Of Coal 第51课 一块煤 Let us take a lump of coal in our hand. It is black in colour, and it will dirty our fingers a little, but we must not mind that. Coal is hard; but it breaks into pieces if we strike it with a hammer, and s...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第50期:只是一块石头(2) 日期:2017-01-12 01:35:10 点击:0 好评:0

    Such old shells found in the rocks are called fossils. 这些从岩石中找到的古老甲壳,名叫化石。 Another kind of rock in which many fossils are found is called limestone. A drop of acid or of strong vinegar will tell you whether a sto...

  • 英国学生科学读本 第50期:只是一块石头(1) 日期:2017-01-12 01:26:57 点击:0 好评:0

    Lesson 50 Only A Stone 第50课 只是一块石头 What is the oldest thing you have seen? One boy thinks it is a church, for he has seen a date on one which tells that it was built hundreds of years ago. 小朋友,你见过的最古老的东西是什...
