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听电影学英语-阿甘正传 07

时间:2011-03-26 03:08来源:互联网 提供网友:ri386278   字体: [ ]

  [00:02.40]Very good, sir. 非常好!
[00:04.56]How does it feel to be an all-American ? 恭喜,入选明星队感觉如何?
[00:06.24]Very good, sir. 很好!
[00:09.24]Congratula tions. How do you feel? 恭喜,你感觉如何?
[00:11.24]I got to pee. 我要尿尿!
[00:12.24]I believe he said he had to pee. 我相信他说他要尿尿
[00:29.72]Some time later, for noparticular reason, 不久以后为了某种原因
[00:32.08]somebody shot that nice young president 有人暗杀了这年轻的好总统 他当时在车上
[00:36.56]when he was riding in his car.
[00:40.44]And a few years after that, 又过了几年 又有人枪杀他弟弟
[00:42.16]somebody shot his little brother, too,
[00:43.16]only he was in a hotel kitchen. 这次是在酒店厨房里
[00:48.44]Must be hard being brothers . 做兄弟一定很难,我不知道
[00:51.12]I wouldn’t know .
[00:51.28]Forrest Gump. 弗勒斯甘
[00:53.60]Now can you believe it ? 信不信由你,打了五年足球
[00:56.60]After only five years of playing football,
[00:57.64]I got a college degree. 我得了大学学位
[00:58.32]Congratulations, son. 孩子,恭喜!
[01:02.96]Mama was so proud. 妈觉得好光彩!
[01:04.44]Forrest, I’m so proud of you. 弗勒斯,我为你骄傲
[01:07.80]I’ll hold this for you. 来,我帮你拿毕业证书
[01:08.48]Congratulations, son. 恭喜,孩子!
[01:11.16]Have you given any thought to your future ? 你为前途打算过吗?
[01:17.84]Thought? 打算?
[01:19.64]Hello. I’m Forrest. Forrest Gump. (美国陆军 是青年最好的出路)
[01:21.64]Nobody gives a horse’s shit 你好,我是弗勒斯,姓甘!
[01:22.32]who you are, pus ball! 没有人在乎你是谁,混球!
[01:23.00]You’re not even a lowlife , scum-sucking maggot! 你连闻臭屁都不配!
[01:28.36]Get your maggoty ass1 on the bus! 快上车,娘娘腔!这是军中
[01:28.68]You’re in the army now !
[01:31.68]Seat’s taken. 这位子有人!
[01:35.72]Taken. 有人坐!
[01:40.40]At first it seemed like I made a mistake. 从第一天入伍看…
[01:43.28]It was only my induction2 day, 我选择错了!
[01:45.28]and I was getting yelled at. 一到便被人吆喝
[01:49.84]Sit down if you want to. 你想坐就坐!
[01:51.52]I didn’t know who I might meet 我不知会遇见谁,会被问什么
[01:54.84]or what they might ask.
[01:57.88]You ever been on a real shrimp3 boat? 你坐过虾船吗?
[02:00.20]No. 没有,我坐过大船
[02:01.56]But I been on a real big boat.
[02:03.88]I’m talking about a shrimp catching4 boat. 我是说捕虾船
[02:06.92]I been working on shrimp boats all my life . 我一辈子在捕虾船上做工
[02:09.92]I started out on my uncle’s boat 我先在舅舅的船上
[02:13.24]when I was about maybe 9. 就是我妈的哥哥,我才九岁
[02:15.28]I was just looking into buying my own boat 我正要自己买船就被徵召了
[02:18.28]and got drafted.
[02:20.28]My given name is Benjamin Buford Blue. 我登记全名是班杰明巴福布鲁

  [02:21.64]People call me Bubba, 人家都叫我“巴布”
[02:24.96]just like one of them old red neck boys. 跟南方人叫“老弟”同音
[02:26.00]Can you believe that? 你相信吗?
[02:28.32]My name’s Forrest Gump. 我叫弗勒斯甘
[02:31.00]People call me Forrest Gump. 人家叫我“弗勒斯甘”
[02:34.36]So Bubba was from Bayou La Ba tre, Alabama, 巴布是阿拉巴马州拉巴特人
[02:37.36]and his mama cooked shrimp. 他妈妈煮虾子
[02:40.16]And her mama before her cooked shrimp, 他妈妈的妈妈也煮虾子
[02:46.60]Bubba’s family knew everything 有关虾子的事 巴布家无所不知
[02:47.92]there was to know about the shrimping business.
[02:51.96]I know everything there is to know 虾子这一行我无所不知
[02:52.28]about the shrimping business. 我退伍之后要做虾子生意
[02:54.64]I’m going into the shrimping business for myself
[02:55.64]after I get out of the army .
[03:01.32]O.K. 好!
[03:02.60]Gump! 阿甘,你从军的目的是什么
[03:04.92]What’s your sole purpose in this army ?
[03:06.60]To do whatever you tell me, Drill Sergeant5! 报告班长,目的是服从你!
[03:10.64]God damn it, Gump, you’re a goddamn genius. 阿甘,你他妈真是天才!
[03:13.32]That’s the most outstanding answer I’ve ever heard . 第一次听到这么杰出的回答
[03:14.32]You must have a goddamn I.Q Of 160. 你的智商起码有160
[03:19.00]You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump. 你他妈是天才,阿甘!
[03:22.32]Listen up, people! 大家注意!
[03:25.68]Now for some reason, I fit in the army 因为某种原因
[03:28.68]Like one of them round pegs6. 我在军中如鱼得水
[03:30.04]You just make your bed neat, 只要内务做整齐,立正背要直
[03:30.72]It’s not really hard. 这也不难
[03:32.04]remember to stand up straight,
[03:35.04]and always answere very question 每次答话都要说 “是,班长”
[03:35.72]with "Yes, Drill Sergeant. "
[03:37.72]Is that clear? 明白吗?
[03:40.76]Yes, Drill Sergeant! 是,班长!
[03:41.08]What you do is drag your nets along the bottom. 你只要沿河床收网
[03:45.44]you can catch over a hundred pounds of shrimp.
[03:46.08]On a good day , 好的话一天可以捕一百磅虾
[03:48.44]Everything goes all right, 假如一切顺利
[03:50.80]2 men shrimping 10 hours , 两个人捕十小时虾
[03:52.12]Less what you spends on gas-- 扣除油料费…
[03:54.80]Done, Drill Sergeant! 报告班长,完毕!
[03:57.48]Gump! 阿甘!
[04:00.48]Why did you put that weapon together so quickly? 你为何那么快把枪结合起来
[04:03.52]You told me to, Drill Sergeant. 报告班长,你说要快!
[04:05.52]Jesus H. Christ. 天啊,这是最快的纪录
[04:06.20]This is a new company record .
[04:08.20]If it wasn’t a waste 真是一块当兵的材料
[04:11.20]I’d recommend you for O.C.S., Private Gump. 我真想推荐你进官校
[04:15.20]You’re going to be a general someday ! 阿甘,将来你会当将军

  [04:15.56]Now disassemble your weapon and continue! 分解武器,继续操练
[04:19.56]Anyway, like I was saying, 我说过虾是海产食物
[04:21.60]shrimp is the fruit of the sea.
[04:24.92]You can barbecue it, boil it, broil7 it, 可以烤、煮、烧、烘、炒
[04:29.28]They’s, uh, shrimp kabobs, shrimp creole, 有烤虾串、墨西哥烤虾
[04:32.96]shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, 虾浓汤、平锅煎、深炸、拌炸
[04:36.96]stir fried.
[04:39.32]There’s pineapple shrimp 有凤梨虾、柠檬虾
[04:40.64]and lemon shrimp, coconut8 shrimp,
[04:43.40]pepper shrimp, 椰汁虾、胡椒虾
[04:45.20]shrimp soup, shrimp stew9 , 鲜汤虾、炖虾、凉拌虾
[04:46.20]shrimp salad,
[04:49.88]shrimp in potatoes, 芋泥虾、虾堡、虾三明治…
[04:51.24]shrimp sandwich.
[04:55.24]That--That’s about it. 大概差不多了!


1 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
2 induction IbJzj     
  • His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.他就任教师工作是他一生的转折点。
  • The magnetic signals are sensed by induction coils.磁信号由感应线圈所检测。
3 shrimp krFyz     
  • When the shrimp farm is built it will block the stream.一旦养虾场建起来,将会截断这条河流。
  • When it comes to seafood,I like shrimp the best.说到海鲜,我最喜欢虾。
4 catching cwVztY     
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
5 sergeant REQzz     
  • His elder brother is a sergeant.他哥哥是个警官。
  • How many stripes are there on the sleeve of a sergeant?陆军中士的袖子上有多少条纹?
6 pegs 6e3949e2f13b27821b0b2a5124975625     
n.衣夹( peg的名词复数 );挂钉;系帐篷的桩;弦钮v.用夹子或钉子固定( peg的第三人称单数 );使固定在某水平
  • She hung up the shirt with two (clothes) pegs. 她用两只衣夹挂上衬衫。 来自辞典例句
  • The vice-presidents were all square pegs in round holes. 各位副总裁也都安排得不得其所。 来自辞典例句
7 broil xsRzl     
  • Bake,broil,grill or roast foods rather than fry them.烧烤或烘烤而不要油炸食物。
  • He is in a broil of indignation.此刻他正怒气冲冲。
8 coconut VwCzNM     
  • The husk of this coconut is particularly strong.椰子的外壳很明显非常坚固。
  • The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head.那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。
9 stew 0GTz5     
  • The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
  • There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
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