俄罗斯黑云压城 美国波兰齐练兵 The United States has sent about 600 soldiers to Poland and the Baltic nations to ease anxieties in the region over the developments in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. 美国已经向波兰和波罗的海国家派...
乌克兰危机使奥巴马在华盛顿受到批评 As tensions and turmoil escalate in Ukraine, Americas response to the crisis is becoming an increasingly contentious issue in Washington. 随着乌克兰紧张和动乱局势升级,美国如何应对...
乌东激战考验乌克兰 Government security forces faced fierce resistance Monday from pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, while officials in Kyiv say the military is steadily gaining control of the region. Some observers question whether...
美联储主席:对经济复苏乐观但风险仍存 U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen was mostly upbeat on the U.S. economy in remarks before Congress Wednesday. Despite a harsh winter that slowed economic growth in the first quarter, Yellen s...
患者、医生与科研人员需迅速应对细菌抗药性 The World Health Organization issued a wake-up call April 30 when it reported that we have now entered a post-antibiotic period. What this means is that some common bacterial infections no...
美英誓言俄如干扰乌选举将面临更严制裁 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and British Foreign Secretary William Hague say the United States and European Union will hit Russia with far tougher economic sanctions if it tries to disrupt...
巴基斯坦开始遏制小儿麻痹症病毒蔓延 Pakistan is moving quickly to try to contain the polio virus after the World Health Organization imposed international travel restrictions on anyone coming from the polio endemic country. Health wor...
纽约陪审团认定激进伊斯兰教士恐怖罪名成立 A federal jury in New York has convicted former London-based radical Islamic preacher Abu Hamza on all 11 counts of providing material support to terrorists. 纽约的一个联邦陪审团裁...
泰缅边境毒品贸易创新高 According to a new United Nations report, seizures of illegal methamphetamine drugs around the world last year reached a new high, in response to the growing supply and demand of the illegal drugs in East and Southea...
专家对制裁俄罗斯的效果意见不一 Western nations are warning Russia that they will toughen economic sanctions if Moscow interferes in Ukraine's election on May 25th. Economic analysts are divided on what impact sanctions have had so far...
医院观测疾病情况,为紧急情况作准备 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, has infected more than 500 people since it was first identified in 2012. About 30 percent of those who contract it die. The steep increase in the number of...
中墨移民的美国梦 More immigrants live in the western state of California than anywhere else in the United States. Among the largest immigrant groups -- either legal or without legal documents -- are Mexicans and Chinese. These two ethnic grou...
乌克兰问题主导奥巴马欧洲之行 President Obama heads to Europe next week on a visit that will focus on Russian actions in Ukraine. 奥巴马总统下星期将前往欧洲。此次访问的重点是俄罗斯在乌克兰的行动。 First s...
提高征税 阻止吸烟 A lot of smokers start using cigarettes when they are teenagers, only to find later on that they can't kick the habit. It's a huge public health concern. As a result, researchers the world over, in government and in private...