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  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(9)

    Bouteflika was determined to remain in power, despite a serious stroke that had left him unable to address the nation or make state visits. 布特弗利卡决心继续执政,尽管一次严重的中风使他无法向全国发表讲话或进行国事访...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(8)

    After Islamists won the first round of the countrys first multi-party elections in 1991, the military cancelled the results and took power. 1991年,伊斯兰教徒在该国第一轮多党选举中获胜后,军方取消了选举结果并掌权。...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(7)

    Theyve stopped the match, Farid explained. 他们已经停止了比赛,法里德解释说。 Its a draw. 这是一场平局。 They refuse to fight one another. 他们拒绝互相争吵。 Pogba, panting so hard that his whole body shook, turned on...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(6)

    The trainers massaged the animals flanks and horns and pulled their tails, seemingly as much to soothe their own nerves as to rouse their beasts. 驯兽师们按摩着动物的腹部和角,拉着它们的尾巴,似乎是为了舒缓他们自己的神...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(5)

    In the cosy garage, the mood darkened. 在舒适的车库里,气氛变得黯淡。 I wish this fighting would stop, Sofiane muttered, looking at the floor. 我希望这种争斗能够停止,索菲恩喃喃地说,看着地板。 I wish they woul...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(4)

    I wandered on until I found a space that looked like it had, until quite recently, been an electronics or dried goods shop. 我继续往前走,直到我发现一个空间,直到临近,它看起来还是一个电子产品或干货店。 It was n...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(3)

    The Algerian government's toleration of sheep fighting is a tacit acknowledgement that outlets for male aggression are needed. 阿尔及利亚政府对斗羊的容忍是默认了男性攻击性的出口是需要的。 Letting these guys have their fu...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(2)

    For many, that means Europe. 对许多人来说,这意味着欧洲。 These young men have grown up in the shadows of two cataclysmic wars. 这些年轻人是在两场灾难性战争的阴影下长大的。 Between 1954 and 1962, more than a millio...

  • 英国卫报:残酷的斗羊世界(1)

    The brutal world of sheep fighting: the illegal sport beloved by Algerias 'lost generation' . -By Hannah Rae Armstrong 残酷的斗羊世界:阿尔及利亚迷失的一代所钟爱的非法运动。汉娜-雷-阿姆斯特朗 Last August in Algiers,...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(9)

    Cannon felt that people in Brazil still had a sense that homemade food was something normal and delicious much more so than in the UK with its highly processed diet and long working hours. 坎农认为,巴西人仍然认为,自制食物是正常的...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(8)

    The absence of adequate food policy in England reflects a wider culture in which most of the population has been disconnected from food production for a very long time. 英格兰缺乏适当的食品政策,反映了一种更广泛的文化,这种文...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(7)

    As Tim Spector outlined in his recent book Spoon-Fed, evidence suggests that exercise while beneficial, especially for mental health does not reliably cause weight loss. 正如蒂姆-斯佩克特在他最近出版的《勺子喂养》一书中所概述...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(6)

    It is hardly surprising that English food policy to date has seemed muddled, given that responsibility for it is spread across no fewer than 16 separate government departments. 鉴于英国食品政策的责任分散在不少于16个独立的政府部门...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(5)

    The ambitions of the NFS report raise a question: can this new holistic vision of food policy actually be delivered? NFS报告的雄心壮志提出了一个问题:这种新的食品政策的整体愿景能否真正实现? The final recommendation...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(4)

    Earlier this year, the need for a radical rethink of food policy in the UK was set out in Henry Dimbleby's National Food Strategy: The Plan, an independent review commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). 今年早...
