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  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(3)

    The almost 700 obesity policies fell under the banner of 14 separate obesity strategies. 近700项肥胖症政策属于14个独立的肥胖症战略的范畴。 It is poignant to read the titles of these largely failed and forgotten strategies, which...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(2)

    British politicians, as a rule, have shown little interest in tackling the problem of poor-quality food and its relationship to health. 英国的政治家们,一般说来,对解决劣质食品问题及其与居民健康的关系没有太大兴趣。...

  • 英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(1)

    We need to break the junk food cycle: how to fix Britains failing food system 我们需要打破垃圾食品的循环,修复英国每况愈下的食品系统 When I was younger, and at war with my own body, I was a sucker for diets. 当我年轻的时...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(13)

    Ten miles south of Manstons runway stands a collection of empty redbrick buildings pockmarked by shattered windows and missing roof tiles, which are gradually being enveloped by the surrounding woodland. 在曼斯通斯跑道以南10英里处,矗立着...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(12)

    Somewhere in all this, there is a glimmer of shared ground visible, which offers hope not only to Thanet, but to the very many communities around the world that are also navigating todays interlocking crises of climate breakdown and economic insecuri...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(11)

    Today, Thanet has the highest level of child poverty in the county, and is ranked among the most deprived 10% of all English regions. 今天,塔尼特的儿童贫困程度在该县最高,并在所有英国地区中被列为最贫困的10%。 When...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(10)

    They are doing ok, thank you very much, one member of the Save Manston Airport Association Facebook page wrote recently, when describing the vocal anti-Manston agitators many of whom, he suggested, had only recently arrived in the area from the capit...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(9)

    With a runway approach route that lies directly over Ramsgates historical town centre, many residents opposed any resumption of flights and argued that, in light of the countrys net-zero commitments, Britain should be urgently reducing its aviation e...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(8)

    The Isle of Thanet lies on the north-eastern edge of Kent, where a narrow channel once severed it from the mainland. 萨内特岛位于肯特郡的东北部边缘,一条狭窄的海峡曾将其与大陆隔开。 Over the centuries it has been where...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(7)

    The idea that decarbonisation is inherently elitist is a myth, peddled largely by political figures who have shown little concern for deprived communities in any other context, and who ignore the fact that without a net zero transition it is the very...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(6)

    Using ISDs tools, researchers were able to map the sources of tweets containing the hashtag, and the relationships between them. 利用ISDs工具,研究人员能够绘制包含该标签的推文来源,以及它们之间的关系。 What we found...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(5)

    For the environmental sector, seemingly gaining ground in the fight for hearts and minds, this evolution of the climate wars has been a dislocating experience. 对于环境部门来说,似乎在争取人心的斗争中获得了优势,气候战争的...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(4)

    In the 00s, Republican attacks on Al Gore, the former US vice-president whose personal fortune tops $300m, were one of the main drivers of polarisation among the American public on green issues. 00年代,共和党人对美国前副总统阿尔-戈尔...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(3)

    Public debate over the environment once pitted people who believed in the reality of anthropogenic climate change against those who questioned it. 关于环境的公共辩论曾经让相信人类活动造成了气候变化的人与质疑它的人对立...

  • 英国卫报:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠(2)

    In mid-July, more than a year on from the GWPFs video advertising campaign, the British government published its long-awaited plan to decarbonise the transport system, now the countrys biggest source of carbon emissions. 7月中旬,在GWPF的视频广...
