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  • Scene 286 异国风情(2) Scene 286 异国风情(2) ❶ 请问圣彼得大教堂今天有没有开放?Is St. Peter's Cathedral open today? 这样回答 I'm afraid not. 恐怕没有。 ❷ 请问怎么去大都会博物馆最方便?Which is the most convenient way to g
  • Scene 287 买纪念品 Scene 287 买纪念品 ❶ 我想买些纪念品。I'd like to buy some souvenirs. 同类表达 I want to bring back some souvenirs for my friends. 我想给我的朋友们带一些纪念品回去。 对话 A: Can I help you? 有什么可以帮您的吗
  • Scene 288 买免税品 Scene 288 买免税品 ❶ 你能告诉我最近的免税店在哪儿吗?Could you tell me where the nearesttax-free shop is? ❷ 在免税店买东西真划算。It's a great deal to buy something in the duty-freeshop. 同类表达 The price of th
  • Scene 289 旅行感受 Scene 289 旅行感受 ❶ 觉得这次旅行怎样?How was the trip? 同类表达 Did you have a good time? 玩得还开心吗? 这样回答 I feel tired but I had a great time. 我累坏了,但是玩得很开心。 It was amazing! 太棒了!
  • Scene 290 沟通 Scene 290 沟通 ❶ 我法语说得不流利。I can't speak French fluently. 同类表达 I don't know how to speak French. 我不会说法语。 My spoken English is not fluent. 我的英语口语不流利。 ❷ 我需要一位会说法语的导游
  • Scene 291 物品遗失 Scene 291 物品遗失 ❶ 我不知道我把它丢哪儿了。I have no idea where I lost it. 同类表达 I don't know where I lost it. 对话 A: I can't find my mobile phone. I have no idea where I lost it. 我的手机找不到了,我不知道我
  • Scene 292 事故 Scene 292 事故 ❶ 我被关在电梯里出不去了。I am stuck in the elevator and cannot get out. 同类表达 The elevator is stuck and I can't get out. 电梯卡住了,我出不来。 I'm stuck in the elevator and the doors won't open. 我被
  • Scene 293 迷路 Scene 293 迷路 ❶ 我迷路了。I'm lost. 同类表达 I seem to be lost. 看来我迷路了。 I have lost my way. 我迷路了。 ❷ 很抱歉打扰你,但是我觉得我迷路了。Sorry to bother you, but I've got afeeling I'm lost. 同类表
  • Scene 294 问路 Scene 294 问路 ❶ 请问我这是在哪条街上?Excuse me, can you tell me what street I'm on? 这样回答 Yes. You are on Youyi Street. 你在友谊大街上。 同类表达 What's the name of this street? 这条街叫什么名字? ❷ 我怎
  • Scene 295 路程 Scene 295 路程 ❶ 到那儿要很久吗?Will it take me long to get there? 同类表达 How far from here is it? 离这里有多远? How long will it take us to get there? 我们到那里要多久? How long will it take to get there by bus? 乘
  • Scene 296 身体不适 Scene 296 身体不适 ❶ 你还没有完全适应。You haven't adjusted completely. 同类表达 I am not accustomed to the foreign environment. 我还没适应异国的环境。 ❷ 我觉得很冷,而且头痛得厉害。I feel chilly and I al
  • Scene 297 盗窃 Scene 297 盗窃 ❶ 我遇上扒手了。I had my pocket picked. 对话 A: I had my pocket picked. 我遇上扒手了。 B: I am sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很遗憾。 ❷ 我的包被偷了。My bag was stolen. 同类表达 It seemed
  • Scene 298 报案 Scene 298 报案 ❶ 您能描述一下您的钱包吗?Can you describe your purse? 同类表达 How much money was inside? 里面有多少钱? 这样回答 Yes. It's green. 好的,我的钱包是绿色的。 ❷ 我需要一份关于这起偷盗
  • Scene 299 灾难 Scene 299 灾难 ❶ 灭火器在哪里?Where is the fire extinguisher? 对话 A: Where is the fire extinguisher? 灭火器在哪里? B: Beside the door. 在门旁边。 ❷ 那座大楼发生了火灾。A fire broke out in that building. 同类表
  • Scene 300 其他 Scene 300 其他 ❶ 我们必须特别小心无照出租车。We have to be especially careful ofunlicensed taxis. 同类表达 There have been reports of people being robbed for taking unlicensed taxis. 曾经报道有人因乘坐无照出租车被抢