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  • Scene 361 询问职位 Scene 361 询问职位 ❶ 我打电话是想询问贵公司是否在招人。I'm calling to inquire if yourcompany is hiring. ❷ 请问你们还缺人吗?Do you still have any vacancy? 这样回答 I'm sorry. The vacancy is filled already. 很抱歉
  • Scene 362 求职信 Scene 362 求职信 ❶ 本人写信欲申请销售部经理一职。I am writing to apply for the position ofSales Manager. ❷ 本人欲申请贵公司英语编辑一职。I would like to apply for the position ofEnglish Editor at your company. 同类
  • Scene 363 投简历 Scene 363 投简历 ❶ 我看到您在网站上的招聘信息,特此回复。I am responding to your jobadvertisement on the internet. 同类表达 I am responding to your job advertisement in newspaper. 我看到您在报纸上的招聘信息,特
  • Scene 364 面试通知 Scene 364 面试通知 ❶ 我 方 收 到 了 您 应 聘 行 政 助 理 职 位 的 申 请。 We have received yourapplication for the position of Administrative Assistant. 同 类 表 达 We have received your resume applying for the position of
  • Scene 365 面试准备 Scene 365 面试准备 ❶ 明天的面试准备得怎么样了?How is your preparation for tomorrow'sinterview? ❷ 你需要确保自己了解那家公司以及他们所提供的产品或服务。You need tomake sure you know the company and what
  • Scene 366 开场 Scene 366 开场 ❶ 我是按照要求来参加面试的。I am coming for an interview as required. 同类表达 I am coming to your company for an interview by appointment. 我是应约来贵公司参加面试的。 ❷ 抱歉让您久等了。Sor
  • Scene 367 自我介绍 Scene 367 自我介绍 ❶ 请自我介绍一下。Tell me a little about yourself. 同类表达 Can you tell me a little about yourself? 能介绍一下你自己吗? How would you describe yourself? 你如何描述自己? ❷ 你能用英语介绍
  • Scene 368 学校生活 Scene 368 学校生活 ❶ 说说你的大学生活吧。Tell me a little about your college life. 同类表达 Can you say something about your college life? 能谈谈你的大学生活吗? What do you think of your college life? 你对大学生活有
  • Scene 369 工作经验 Scene 369 工作经验 ❶ 你有工作经验吗?Do you have any working experience? ❷ 你都做过什么样的工作?What kind of job have you had? 同类表达 Would you please describe your duties briefly? 可以简单介绍一下你的职责吗
  • Scene 370 兴趣爱好 Scene 370 兴趣爱好 ❶ 你工作之余的兴趣是什么?What are your interests outside work? 同类表达 How do you spend your spare time? 你业余时间做些什么? ❷ 你的业余爱好是什么?What are your hobbies? 同类表达 D
  • Scene 371 性格特点 Scene 371 性格特点 ❶ 你觉得自己是什么样的人?What kind of person do you think you are? 这样回答 Generally speaking, I am an open-minded person. 总的说来,我是个思想开放的人。 ❷ 你的个性是什么样的?What
  • Scene 372 应聘者提问 Scene 372 应聘者提问 ❶ 你有什么问题要问吗?Is there anything you want to know? ❷ 如果得到录用,我的具体职责是什么?What specific duties would Iperform if I'm hired? 同类表达 What would my daily duties be? 我的日
  • Scene 373 面试结束 Scene 373 面试结束 ❶ 我什么时候可以得到您的回复?When can I expect to hear from you? 同类表达 When can you give me your final decision? 您什么时候可以给我您的最终决定? When can I look forward to hearing from y
  • Scene 374 询问结果 Scene 374 询问结果 ❶ 我很想知道面试的结果。I'm anxious to know the outcome of the interview. ❷ 面试官对你的表现怎么说?What did the interviewer say about yourperformance? 同类表达 Do you have any comments on my perf
  • Scene 375 面试成败 Scene 375 面试成败 ❶ 你是这份工作的合适人选。You're the right person for the job. 对话 A: You're the right person for the job. Can you start work next Monday? 你是这份工作的合适人选。你下周一能来上班吗? B: Y