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  • Scene 301 幼儿园 Scene 301 幼儿园 ❶ 你们幼儿园招收多大的孩子?What ages does your kindergarten serve? 同类表达 What ages go to your preschool? 几岁可以上你们的幼儿园? ❷ 你们有接送孩子的校车吗?Do you have a bus for pic
  • Scene 302 上小学 Scene 302 上小学 ❶ 班主任对我们很好。Our head teacher is very kind to us. 对话 A: How is your head teacher? 你们班主任怎么样? B: Our head teacher is very kind to us. 班主任对我们很好。 ❷ 我能借一下你的尺子吗
  • Scene 303 童年游戏 Scene 303 童年游戏 ❶ 我喜欢沙包游戏。I like the game of beanbag. 对话 A: What's your favorite game? 你最喜欢的游戏是什么? B: I like the game of beanbag best. 我最喜欢沙包游戏了。 ❷ 我们在上课前猜个谜语好
  • Scene 304 孩子学习 Scene 304 孩子学习 ❶ 很抱歉我必须给您打电话。I'm sorry to have to call you. 同类表达 I'm sorry to have to contact you. I apologize for having to call you. ❷ 我很遗憾地通知您,您儿子数学考试没及格。I regret
  • Scene 305 孩子表现 Scene 305 孩子表现 ❶ 您儿子总是与其他学生打架。Your son always gets into fights with otherstudents. 对话 A: Can you explain what happened? 你能解释一下发生什么事情了吗? B: Your son always gets into fights with oth
  • Scene 307 上中学 Scene 307 上中学 ❶ 你是一年级学生还是二年级学生?Are you a freshman or a sophomore? 这样回答 I am a junior. 我是高三的学生。 ❷ 老师点名了吗?Did the teacher check the attendance? 对话 A: Did the teacher chec
  • Scene 308 学霸 Scene 308 学霸 ❶ 我对物理很拿手。I am very good at physics. 同类表达 I am not good with numbers. 我算数不好。 My vocabulary is poor. 我的词汇量很匮乏。 ❷ 他是我们班学数学最有天分的人。He is the most tal
  • Scene 306 家长之间 Scene 306 家长之间 ❶ 你儿子今年的老师是谁?Who's your son's teacher this year? 同类表达 Which teacher did your son get? 谁是你儿子的老师? 对话 A: Who's your son's teacher this year? 你儿子今年的老师是谁? B
  • Scene 309 运动会 Scene 309 运动会 ❶ 我决定参加长跑比赛。I decided to take part in the long-distance race. 这样回答 Good luck! I will cheer for you. 祝你好运!我会为你加油助威的。 ❷ 你肯定跑得特别快。You must be a very fast
  • Scene 310 家长会 Scene 310 家长会 ❶ 我想跟您谈一谈您儿子的事情。I'd like to have a word with you about yourson. 同类表达 Would you have a minute to talk about your daughter? 您能不能抽点时间谈一下您女儿的事情? ❷ 我们会讨论
  • Scene 311 教育 Scene 311 教育 ❶ 我给我的儿子请了一位家庭教师。I got my son a tutor. 对话 A: Bob is making excellent progress. 鲍勃正在取得非常显著的进步。 B: Great. I got my son a tutor and we will do our best to help him. 太好了
  • Scene 312 学校规定 Scene 312 学校规定 ❶ 无故缺席者将被开除。Unexcused absences can result in expulsion. 同类表达 Only a pre-approved absence is allowed. 缺席必须预先获得批准。 The students should be in attendance for the full day. 学生应
  • Scene 313 课堂 Scene 313 课堂 ❶ 现在开始点名。I'm going to do the roll call now. 同类表达 Sayherewhen I call your name. 我点到你的名字时请答到。 Raise your hand when I call your name. 我点到你的名字时请举手。 ❷ 不要再迟到
  • Scene 314 作业 Scene 314 作业 ❶ 大家都清楚作业内容了吗?Does everybody understand the assignment? 对话 A: Does everybody understand the assignment? 大家都清楚作业内容了吗? B: I have a question. 我有一个问题。 ❷ 每个学生都收
  • Scene 315 课外活动 Scene 315 课外活动 ❶ 我们学校的课外活动很丰富。Our school's extracurricular activities arevery colorful. 同类表达 We had few after-class activities. 我们几乎没有什么课外活动。 ❷ 课外活动的时间是下午四点