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    英语大赢家前半部分针对曾经学过英语,但长期不用,需要掌握日常生活及简单沟通的英语,或有英语学习热情的社会人群,以及欲参加各类英语口语等级考试(PETS, GESE)初级的社会考生或青少年。


  • 英语大赢家 上册 076.Topic 4买单 Payment Daniel: Here comes the other bowl. Waiter: It is seasoned with more salt, as you required. Daniel: Great! Oh, I can eat up all of them! Tom: No way. Daniel: How many rolls are there? Tom: Let me count, if there are less than twenty, we could have ano
  • 英语大赢家 上册 077.Topic 1预定 Reservation 经典背诵 Recitation Receptionist: I'm a receptionist in a hotel. We get a lot of calls for reservations each day. Many customers call us to reserve rooms ahead of time in order to have nice view rooms. Some just want to know if there is a bar in
  • 英语大赢家 上册 078.Topic 2入住 Check in Benjamin: Hi, Todd. Long time no see. Todd: Hi. Nice to see you here. Oh, this is my wife Lena. Lena, this is Benjamin. Lena: Nice to see you. Benjamin: Nice to see you too. I've made a reservation for you guys. Wanna go and have a look? Todd: Sure,
  • 英语大赢家 上册 079.Topic 3换房 Changing Rooms Waitress: Good morning, Ma'ma. Can I help you? Lena: Yes. I'm in room 8715. The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I couldn't get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside. It's just a nightmare for us!
  • 英语大赢家 上册 080.Topic 4退房 Check out Todd: I'm checking out now. Can I have my bill, please? Waiter:Sure. What's your room number, sir? Todd: It's 8736. Here is my key card. Waiter: A minute, please. It's 6212 yuan all together. Tax included. Todd:Can I pay with traveler's check?
  • 英语大赢家 上册 081.Topic 1停错车位 Wrong Parking 经典背诵 Recitation Benjamin: I never like cars. Parking a car is especially a big trouble for me. The security guard would always come up and check if I've parked in right space. I wonder whether he does the same thing to the others. Anyway he i
  • 英语大赢家 上册 082.Topic 2停车与收费 Parking Fee 经典背诵 Recitation Security guard: There are fifty parking spaces in our community's parking lot. But it's almost empty during the day time because people drive their cars out to work . So I suppose it's a good idea to rent some of the parking s
  • 英语大赢家 上册 083.Topic 3事故 Accidents 经典背诵 Recitation Benjamin: There are more and more cars in Beijing. The parking space is too small to hold so many cars. And my parking space is getting smaller. Sometimes my car gets scratched when I park it. That's really a big problem. We h
  • 英语大赢家 上册 084.Topic 4交通问题 Traffic 经典背诵 Recitation Benjamin: We need a little bigger parking space in our community. My car was damaged twice because of the narrow parking space last year. First the rearview mirror, and then the new paint. Things are getting worse these days b
  • 英语大赢家 上册 085.Topic 1酷暑 The Heat Gucci: May, we are fools to hang out at noon. It's dying hot today. My skin is too weak to be exposed under the summer sun. May: Do you have any sunscreen lotion? Gucci: You know, honey, I used it all on the way over. May: I think I'm getting a heart
  • 英语大赢家 上册 086.Topic 2巧克力火锅 Chocolate Hot Pot 下午3点,阿美和古奇都感到有些饥饿,古奇是个很时尚很西化的女孩,又爱吃巧克力,于是就建议阿美两人去吃巧克力火锅。巧克力火锅?感觉很诱人哦! Gucci:Hey,I'm starving. I can eat a hors
  • 英语大赢家 上册 087.Topic 3自助餐饮 Buffet 经典背诵 Recitation MayI love buffet. Better yet if it's an Italian buffet. There is one such place, downtown. It's interesting that the customers there would be charged by their weight.The only problem about it is overeating. People just don't k
  • 英语大赢家 上册 088.Topic 4情人节 Valentine’s Day 吃完自助餐,古奇和阿美决定好好休息一下,两人聊起了中国情人节,这下有人要有麻烦了,究竟怎么回事呢?看了就明白了。 Gucci:What's so special today? May: Why? Gucci: Didn't you notice all the roses
  • 英语大赢家 上册 089.Topic 1选择服饰 Choosing Clothes 阿美和古奇去逛时装店。店里的衣服很时尚但非常贵,阿美觉得不划算,可是当看到自己喜欢的衣服时,似乎立场就没有那么坚定了 Salesclerk:Good morning, can I help you? Gucci: No, thanks. We are just l
  • 英语大赢家 上册 090.Topic 2试穿 Try on 买衣服的学问还真不少,颜色搭配好像就很不简单,这下阿美和古奇要好好研究一下了。 May: I'd like to try this on, please. Where is the fitting room? Salesclerk: This way, please. May:How do I look in this skirt, Gu