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  • 【英音模仿秀】英国将仿效北美采取液压破碎

    模仿文本: His government today revealed new financial incentives for councils which back fracking. At the same time the French energy giant TOTAL said it would invest at least $20 million in projects in Britain. Anti-fracking campaigners, thoug...

  • 【英音模仿秀】西多夫挥别博塔弗戈AC米兰迎挑战

    模仿文本: Seedorf spent 10 very successful years at the club as a player and will take over from Massimiliano Allegri who was sacked on Monday. At news conference on Tuesday, the 37-year-old confirmed he was leaving the Brazilian side Botafogo...

  • 【英音模仿秀】《为奴12年》奴隶的心酸史

    模仿文本:12 Years a Slave is an adaptation of the 1853 memoir of Solomon Northup, a free black man living with his family in New York, who was captured and sold into slavery in the south. When he was eventually liberated, Northup described in d...

  • 【英音模范秀】费卢贾战火

    模仿文本: As the battle continues for control of the Iraqi town of Fallujah, we take you back to 2004 and a US assault on the town. American forces besieged Fallujah for the whole of April following the murder of four US Security contractors. D...

  • 【英音模仿秀】宝马香车人人爱

    模仿文本:And millions of people are willing to pay serious money to buy that sense of freedom. In China, car sales in 2013 topped 20 million units -- that's up 14%, a much faster increase than in the last couple of years. Sales in America and B...

  • 【英音模仿秀】太阳活动异常

    模仿文本: The sun is currently at its maximum - that point in its 11-year cycle where solar activity should be at its height. Usually scientists will expect to be seeing large numbers of sunspots and solar flares. But this time around the sun i...

  • 【英音模仿秀】戏水鸳鸯

    模仿文本: Mandarin ducks are native to the Far Eastwhere the birds are a popular artistic motif, because they were often seen in pairs, they were symbol of fidelity. And inChinasilk bed covers and pillows embroidered with mandarin ducks are tra...

  • 【英音模仿秀】“银”救德意志

    模仿文本: Deutsche Bank is Germany's biggest bank and it's involved in some pretty big scandals too. So much so that litigation and legal settlements costs plunged Deutsche Bank into the red in the last three months of last year. They posted a...

  • 【英音模仿秀】巴西或将失去承办世界杯资格

    模仿文本:Now let's start with football where the world governing body FIFA has said that host city Curitiba faces being excluded from the Brazil World Cup, if work to complete the stadium is not speeded up. The FIFA Secretary General Jrme Valck...

  • 【英音模仿秀】《华尔街之狼》一部不奥斯卡的电影

    模仿文本:In The Wolf of Wall Street, Hill plays a side-kick again, a composite character based on several associates of Jordan Belfort, the stockbroker played by DiCaprio, men who defrauded investors of close to $200 million, and blew it on hig...

  • 【英音模仿秀】云雀和猫头鹰

    模仿文本: Do you jump out of bed each morning, raring to start the day, or do you need at least one alarm clock, preferably one with the snooze button, to ensure you get to work on time? Which chronotype are you, a lark or an owl? Over the last...

  • 【英音模仿秀】“边境市场”投资兴起

    模仿文本: Getting people to invest in the Palestinian territories is what some might term a hard sell given the political context in which the region works. But it's what those in the investment business call a frontier market. And in recent ye...

  • 【英音模仿秀】恐怖爆炸袭击 埃及面临新骚乱

    模仿文本: The Egyptian capital Cairo has been hit by a string of bomb attacks, killing at least four people and injuring dozens more. The blasts come on the eve of the anniversary of the 2011 uprising against Hosni Mubarak. The biggest explosio...

  • 【英音模仿秀】争强好胜的白骨顶

    模仿文本: The explosive, highpitched call of the coot is probably a sound most of us associate with our local park lakes. Coot are dumpy, charcoalcoloured birds related to moorhens, although unlike their cousins, they tend to spend more time in...

  • 【英音模仿秀】传统媒介将何去何从

    模仿文本: First though, are newspapers dying? Are traditional TV broadcasters living on borrowed time? Do we face a future of digital diversity or a media maelstrom where niche broadcasters fight tooth and nail for every slice of advertising re...
