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  • 【英音模仿秀】希腊银行遭挤兑 欧洲央行注资救急

    模仿句子:It's certainly not a definitive solution to the problems that the banks have. I mean frankly, I think ultimately the definitive solution would be a resolution of this wider impasse. 翻译:这肯定不是解决银行所面临问题的最...

  • 【英音模仿秀】罗伯托-菲尔米诺转会

    模仿句子:Next to football here on the BBC. Liverpool have agreed a deal in principle to sign the Brazil and Hoffenheim forward Roberto Firmino. 翻译:BBC接下来播报足球新闻。利物浦最近从霍芬海姆签下了罗伯托菲尔米诺...

  • 【英音模仿秀】飞向自由

    模仿句子: We start today with the incredible story of the two families who escaped from East Germany by building their own hot air balloon. 翻译: 今天我们先来了解一个关于两家人自己打造热气球逃离东德的不可思议的...

  • 【英音模仿秀】非洲电力危机

    模仿句子:Yes, they call this load shedding, the scheduled rolling power cuts that have swept the country, especially in the last six to eight months. 翻译:是的,他们称之为间歇供电,全国范围内定期切断供电,尤其是最...

  • 【英音模仿秀】卢旺达情报机构最高负责人被捕

    模仿句子: But first Rwanda has described as an outrage, the arrest of its intelligence chief in London in connection with a war crime's investigation launched by Spain. 翻译: 首先,卢旺达驻伦敦情报机关最高负责人Karenzi Kar...

  • 【英音模仿秀】荷兰法庭严令政府减碳

    模仿句子: And so I think this particular decision might not have a huge impact than on itself, but I think as part of a broader movement it is starting to see as a shift in the balance. 翻译: 我觉得这个判决可能本身的影响并不大...

  • 【英音模仿秀】温布尔登网球锦标赛

    模仿句子:Two big names were eliminated on the second day of Wimbledon. Last year's beaten finalist Eugenie Bouchard is out as is the third seed Simona Halep. 翻译:两个重量级选手在温布尔登国际网球锦标赛的第二天遭到淘汰...

  • 【英音模仿秀】15年前的海上救援

    模仿句子: This week the US and Cuba have agreed to reopen embassies in each other's capitals, a major step in reestablishing diplomatic ties between the two countries. 翻译: 本周美国和古巴一致决定重新开放两国首都的大使馆...

  • 【英音模仿秀】公投定去留

    模仿句子: Greece has formally said that it can't pay the 1.6 billion euro that it owes the IMF unless it stops paying its pensioners or its workerssalaries, and that for this government is not a choice its willing to make. 翻译:希腊已正式...

  • 【英音模仿秀】希腊债务危机

    模仿句子: Shortly before we recorded this podcast, Greece's international bailout expired after a last-minute request to extend it was rejected. 翻译: 就在我们录制这一期的Podcast节目前不久,国际支援希腊的紧急救助金...

  • 【英音模仿秀】Sports

    模仿句子:A fluctuating day's play with the stirring fight back by England. They had a major slice, a lock on 43-3 when Joe Root was dropped second ball by Brad Haddin. 翻译:真是激动人心的一天!英格兰来了个漂亮的反击!当...

  • 【英音模仿秀】希腊债务问题面临关键时刻

    模仿句子: But first the latest emergency summit of Eurozone leaders has ended with another deadline for the Greek government to present a workable bailout proposal to its creditors. 翻译: 首先我们来关注最近一次的欧元区领导人...

  • 【英音模仿秀】六年蜕变

    原版句子 The rate of Chinese urbanisation over the last few decades has been astonishing....

  • 【英音模仿秀】名著背后的故事

    模仿句子: It's a story of an orphan brought up by a crude aunt, then sent to the harsh Lowood School 翻译:简爱是孤儿,由舅母抚养长大,从小受尽折磨和欺凌。后来简爱被送往教规严厉的罗沃德孤儿院读书。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】中国股市惊魂

    模仿句子: I began by asking Megan Murphy to explain that great fall and then rise in China's stock market. I t 翻译:我们先请Megan Murphy来讲讲中国股市最近的跌宕起伏。...
