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  • 【英音模仿秀】Sports World

    模仿句子:And in English Premier League, Arsenal, we've mentioned it, tightened their grip on a place in the Premier League's top 4 by beating Liverpool 4-1. 翻译:在英超联赛中,阿森纳我们已经提到过以4-1的比分击败了利物...

  • 【英音模仿秀】彭博当机 全球遭殃

    模仿句子:I mean a few years ago, these were just terminals which gave you information and we had other alternatives like Reuters and things like that. But then it became batchy part of the trading process. 翻译:几年前它们还仅仅就是个...

  • 【英音模仿秀】塘鹅的尊严

    模仿句子 There's a pelican of whom I'm fond, who lives most of the time on a little rocky island on St James's Park lake but occasionally comes out of the water to mingle with passers-by....

  • 【英音模仿秀】送别的坚持

    模仿句子: A dead baby girl had been found dumped on the local rubbish tip, literally thrown out with the household waste. 翻译: 一个死去的女婴被发现扔在当地垃圾场,也就是说被当作生活垃圾丢弃了。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】对自拍棒说不

    模仿句子 It always feels impolite to walk between a camera and its object, even if it means hanging around for half an hour on a narrow bridge, waiting for the photographer to compose the perfect picture....

  • 【英音模仿秀】阿森纳3-1积分追平曼城

    模仿句子:In the English Premier League, Arsenal have moved level on points with second-placed Manchester City and five ahead of Manchester United after a 3-1 win at Hull, from where the BBC's Steve Barra reports. 翻译:BBC记者Steve Barra发来...

  • 【英音模仿秀】尼泊尔地震

    模仿句子: But we begin the programme in Nepal, still struggling to cope with the aftermath of the earthquake that killed more than seven and a half thousand people. 翻译: 我们已经启动了尼泊尔的救援行动,仍致力于解决这场夺...

  • 【英音模仿秀】中尼边境再次发生地震

    模仿句子: But we start in Nepal, where as we record this podcast, is the early hours of the morning and tens of thousands of people are sleeping out in the open after a second powerful earthquake struck near Mount Everest. 翻译: 首先我们来...

  • 【英音模仿秀】英国手工啤酒市场潜力无穷

    模仿句子:Well, it's beautifully called Greenwich Meantime and it's a London craft brewer. It's not enormous but it did have a 58% increase in profits last year out of sales tipping 11.5 million and it made 571,000. 翻译:这是一家伦敦的手...

  • 【英音模仿秀】球员选择引争议

    模仿句子:This kind of contractual clause on selection is absolutely normal if Barcelona agree to a friendly, it'll be one fee of Messi pays and another fee if he doesn't. 翻译:如果巴萨同意打友谊赛的话,在选拔过程中存在这...

  • 【英音模仿秀】希腊英雄勇救溺水移民

    模仿句子: A Greek Army sergeant who saved 20 migrants from drowning off the coast of the island of Rhodes has been given an award for his bravery. 翻译: 一名希腊陆军军士在罗兹岛临近海岸救起了20名溺水移民,他的见义...

  • 【英音模仿秀】日本高田在美召回安全气囊

    模仿句子: But first that recall of 34 million cars in the United States. It's down to a faulty airbag made by the Japanese firm Takata. 翻译: 首先,3400万辆已抵达美国的汽车被召回。召回的根本原因在于日本高田公司生...

  • 【英音模仿秀】悬疑小说

    模仿句子 When I began writing fiction in the late 1980s I already had a profound suspicion of the characters with which novels tend to be populated....

  • 【英音模仿秀】五大銀行因操控汇率被巨额罚款

    模仿句子:Sujeet in New York. Do you think the fact that so many banks have been forced to settle won't actually change the culture at these banks in the future? 翻译:接下来我们采访到了本台驻纽约记者Sujeet。你认为多家银行...

  • 【英音模仿秀】国际足联主席大选

    模仿句子:Yes, on Monday, Prince Ali's team revealed that they've reported an approach made by an anonymous person offering them 47 votes. 翻译:没错,本周一阿里王子的团队披露他们接到不具名人士的47张投票。...
