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  • 【英音模仿秀】乳品价格下跌 奶农压力山大

    模仿文本:Today's programme comes from the UK Dairy Day here in Telford. This is a new event and well, it's bit of a mixture really. We've got some cattle classes where people are showing dairy cows. We've also got lots and lots of trade stands...

  • 【英音模仿秀】穆里尼奥气死温格 痞子玩死书生

    模仿文本: So the leader's Chelsea , a five-point's clear and the earning and beaten team in this season's English Premier League following a 2-0 victory over Arsenal at Stanford Bridge. There was a first half confrontation though between the t...

  • 【英音模仿秀】老人,旧车,走天下

    模仿文本:Now in 1989, Gunther Holtorf, a retired airline executive from Germany, set out with his wife on what he thought would be an 18-month driving tour around Africa. Yesterday, 26 years later, Gunther pulled up in front of Berlin's Branden...

  • 【英音模仿秀】天赐矮个子

    模仿文本: No, short men do not make stable marriages because they are desperate to please. It is because they are desperate to prevail. An instinctive sense of the odds, born in schoolyards and playgrounds, tells the short man to redouble his e...

  • 【英音模仿秀】弗洛姆

    模仿文本: We've got the situation today, I mean, and Michael is right to say that Nairo Quintana is looking to ride himself into the race, but Froome's coming by from Angele as is Alberto Contador. And, you know that, all three of them are only...

  • 【英音模仿秀】地底生还

    模仿文本:But first, a dramatic rescue story. Last month, the Spanish explorer Cecilio Lopez Tercero was exploring a deep cave in the remote north of Peru when he fell and injured his back. Unable to move, he was trapped for 12 days some 400 met...

  • 【英音模仿秀】新兴方法助美国成为最大石油生产国

    模仿文本:Earlier this year, the United States became the world's largest oil producer, bigger even than Saudi Arabia and Russia. And that's all due to one thing - the rise of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. It's a technique designed to recove...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美国一些科技公司

    模仿句子:Women are being given the chance by some technology firms in the United States. Apple and Facebook have been in the limelight this week for it to freeze their eggs, enabling them to delay when they have children. 参考译文:美国一...

  • 【英音模仿秀】西古德森首个进球

    模仿句子:Sigurdsson's first came from the penalty spot with the second just before the break to confirm their perfect record and top spots in Group A. 参考译文:西古德森首个进球是点球命中,第二个是上半场结束前。这两...

  • 【英音模仿秀】爱情的样貌

    模仿句子:It's the look of love, the classic scene that throughout the decades has signaled the start of high romance. 翻译:这是爱情的样貌,也是自古至今暗示美好爱情即将开始的经典场景。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】国王大道

    模仿句子:With her late partner Malcom McLaren, she opened a clothes shop in London's King's Road, initially called Let It Rock, and later known as Sex. 翻译:她和马尔科姆麦克拉伦合伙在伦敦的国王大道开设了一家名为尽情...

  • 【英音模仿秀】华为办公区

    模仿句子:Unlike most Chinese companies, their office in Shenzhen just across the border from Hong Kong, is sat amidst acres of greenery and looks like a university campus. 翻译:不同于众多中国公司,华为在深圳的办公区正好横...

  • 【英音模仿秀】社会学论文

    模仿句子:It was one of those wonderfully solemn sociological papers in which the utterly self-evident is systematically recast as the cautiously empirical. 翻译:属于那些把完全不言自明的道理非常谨慎地加以重新塑造的非...

  • 【英音模仿秀】会员年费

    模仿句子:That's the situation facing a handful of European countries right now. The European Union has looked at its budget and recalculated the equivalent of its annual membership fees. 翻译:这就是几个欧洲国家现在正面临的状况...

  • 【英音模仿秀】加拿大警方

    模仿句子:Police in Canada said they believe that the man accused of shooting dead a Canadian soldier, and attacking the country's parliament on Wednesday acted alone. 翻译:加拿大警方表示他们确信此人被指控枪杀了一名加拿大...
