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  • 【英音模仿秀】梦工厂动画公司

    模仿句子:Recent talk of take-over by a Japanese company seems to have receded, but the past twenty years of DreamWorks have been no less than eventful. 翻译:近期公司将被一家日本公司收购的消息渐渐淡出视野,但是梦工厂...

  • 【英音模仿秀】士兵衣锦还乡

    模仿句子: It has been even harder than I thought it might be - although the good news is that when he does return, it's like a scene from a 1940s movie about a soldier's homecoming. 翻译:現在这已经实现,但过程却比我想象的艰难...

  • 【英音模仿秀】世界股市

    模仿句子:It took world's stock markets by surprise, or at least appeared to, and sent them surging. 翻译:这件事震惊了世界股票市场,至少看起来是这样的。而世界股市也因此大涨。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】巴巴杜

    模仿句子:Set in suburban Australia, the Babadook is one of those genuinely scary pictures where the suspense and jeopardy are largely psychological, no need to resort to God. 翻译:故事发生在澳大利亚城郊,《巴巴杜》是仅有的...

  • 【英音模仿秀】你是一切

    模仿句子:Now aged 86, his latest album All the Things You Are, mostly played only by his left hand, has recently been No. 1 in the American classical music charts. 翻译:如今86岁的他,仍然用左手演奏了新专辑《你是一切》中...

  • 【英音模仿秀】非洲南部马拉维的集市

    模仿句子:Now you come to the markets of a country like Malawi here in Southern Africa and trade of some sort is visible everywhere from the markets' storeholders hocking vegetables to the shoeshine boys, to the offbeat salesmen like the guy sel...

  • 【英音模仿秀】法国总统奥朗德

    模仿句子: But first, how's the French President Franois Hollande become the most unpopular leader on record? 翻译: 首先,来关注现任法国总统奥朗德是如何成为史上最不受欢迎的领导人的?...

  • 【英音模仿秀】中年时期

    模仿句子:The middle of life, frankly, we seem to do about as badly or as well as the last centuries did - the pains and difficulties of getting extricated from an unhappy marriage today seeming about the same as the pains and difficulties of no...

  • 【英音模仿秀】詹姆斯布朗

    模仿句子:Well it's hardly what you would call politically correct. But almost half a century later, did James Brown have a point at least when it comes to buying stuff? 翻译:这(歌的标题)从政治角度很难说是正确的,但Jam...

  • 【英音模仿秀】穆雷

    模仿句子:Flat and lacking conviction on Sunday afternoon, Murray played with much more energy and consistency on Tuesday evening to keep all the options open in this group. 翻译:周日下午表现平平且缺乏信念的穆雷在周二晚上的...

  • 【英音模仿秀】我的外公是纳粹

    模仿句子: But seven years ago, she made a startling and disturbing discovery: Her grandfather was a notorious Nazi commander who ran a concentration camp where thousands of people were put to death. 翻译: 但是7年前,她发现了一个令...

  • 【英音模仿秀】波士顿爆炸案凶手面临死刑

    模仿句子: The jury will not decide whether Tsarnaev should be sentenced to death or receive life in prison. 翻译: 陪审团现在要决定到底立即将他处以死刑还是让他在牢狱中度过余生。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】印度水人

    模仿句子: 30 years ago, Rajendra Singh gave up his government job in Jaipur and moved to a village without water. 翻译: 30年前,拉杰德拉辛格辞去他在斋浦尔的政府工作,搬到一处缺水的村庄。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】What We Do in the Shadows

    模仿句子: It's called What We Do in the Shadows and it's a spoof documentary in the spinal-tap mode, about a group of undead bloodsuckers who share a suburban villa in Wellington, New Zealand....

  • 【英音模仿秀】BBC Sports

    模仿句子:But Sunday was all about the football, as the Manchester Derby took centre stage and it was honours to United with their 4-2 win. 翻译:随着曼彻斯特德比成为人们的关注焦点,并且曼联4:2拿下曼城,周末铺天盖...
