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  • 【英音模仿秀】田径运动员大面积涉药?

    模仿句子: They accept their drug abuse is a serious issue in athletics and sport as a whole, but they're defiant in their styles that they're not running away from it, they're not hiding any evidence. 翻译:他们承认在运动员中乃至整...

  • 【英音模仿秀】传播理念有妙招

    模仿句子: They pose as top executives from big corporations, surprising unsuspecting audiences with outrageous stunts that comment on social and environmental issues. 翻译: 他们假装是来自大公司的高层,用一些惊人的特技去...

  • 【英音模仿秀】瑞郎“黑天鹅”余波

    模仿句子: It said it would not tolerate the franc being any stronger, and was prepared to buy unlimited quantities of foreign currency to enforce the limit. 翻译:该(银行)表示不能放任法郎继续强势下去,准备买进相当规模...

  • 【英音模仿秀】德国博客“叛国案”矛盾升级

    【模仿句子】 We begin with the surveillance row between the government and judiciary in Germany. It all centres on accusations that a political blog may have revealed state secrets. 【翻译】我们首先来关注德国政府和司法部之间关...

  • 【英音模仿秀】流水不腐亦不复

    模仿句子:Peter Day says the drought is now costing the agricultural sector billions and forcing farmers to consider how they can limit their water use yet still remain productive. 翻译:彼得戴说,旱情使农业损失巨大,农民被迫...

  • 【英音模仿秀】莫桑比克经济腾飞

    模仿句子:First Mozambique, it's a country that's had a difficult start in life, a long struggle for independence from Portugal, followed by a bitter civil war that lasted almost 20 years. 翻译:首先来看莫桑比克方面的消息。莫桑比...

  • 【英音模仿秀】国际田联重新药检

    模仿句子:Well, the IAAF say they can't name any of these athletes at the moment for legal reasons, because it's still only a provisional suspension until the matter has been fully resolved....

  • 【英音模仿秀】与大猫结缘

    模仿句子: The South African-born couple have devoted their lives to getting as close as possible to Africa's big cats, and they've set up the Big Cats Initiative which carries out conservation work in a number of African countries. 翻译: 生于...

  • 【英音模仿秀】节省食品

    模仿句子:So hundreds of millions of tons could be saved every year very easily if we simply focus on the problem better. 翻译:也就是说,只要我们更专注于解决问题,每年就能轻松节省数亿吨的食品。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】吸血鬼故乡

    模仿句子: But after polite greeting as enter Plum Brandy, Count Tibor Kalnoky is proudly showing me his chickens, and vampire is the only word I can think of. 翻译:但是,在一边品尝梅子白兰地一边礼貌寒暄之后,蒂伯卡尔...

  • 【英音模仿秀】欧元区财长批准对希腊第三轮援助

    模仿句子:Together we looked into the abyss, but Greece will now irreversibly remain a member of the eurozone. Well that was the verdict of the President of the European Union Jean-Claude Juncker after a third bailout for Greece was approved in...

  • 【英音模仿秀】曼联接近欧冠正赛

    模仿句子:United will take a 3-1 lead into next week's second leg in Belgian. The BBC's John Murray was watching at Old Trafford. 翻译:曼联将把3-1的优势保持到下周在比利时进行的第二轮比拼。英国广播电台约翰默里...

  • 【英音模仿秀】回溯的远行

    模仿句子: This year, the anniversary was marked by a march of 10,000 people, retracing the steps of the Muslims as they fled over the hills, trying to escape their fate. 翻译: 今年的周年活动中有1万人重新追随当年穆斯林的步...

  • 【英音模仿秀】新加坡迎来50周年国庆

    模仿句子:I'm walking along the mouth of the Singapore river which is flanked by skyscrapers within which are some of the world's largest banks and multinational companies....

  • 【英音模仿秀】泰国爆炸案

    【模仿句子】 But first, more than a day after a bombing at a Bangkok shrine killed more than 20 people and injured dozens more, a Thai government official has said it's too early to state whether a suspect in the attack is a foreign national. 【...
