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  • 【英音模仿秀】拉希姆·斯特林钱途大好

    模仿句子: In that sense, they are overpaying, but we're not in 2001 now. And Manchester City I know from speaking to people there today at the hierarchy feel they've got a good deal. 翻译:从当时的角度来说,他们是不值那么多钱...

  • 【英音模仿秀】希腊志愿医生

    模仿句子: The financial crisis in Greece is having a devastating effect on the healthcare system, and an international charity that's more used to providing disaster relief in Africa and Asia is now treating 80,000 patients in Greece who find t...

  • 【英音模仿秀】联合国开启“可持续发展目标”

    模仿句子: We've had the Millennium Development Goals. They were the world's targets for addressing extreme poverty by the end of this year. 翻译:我们曾制定过千年发展目标,旨在今年年底在全球范围内解决极度疲困问题...

  • 【英音模仿秀】伊朗不再开发核武器

    模仿句子: But first, after 18 consecutive days of talks in Vienna and after a month of tense, detailed negotiations, a deal was finally hammered out on Monday between Iran and six world powers on curbing Iran's nuclear programme in return for t...

  • 【英音模仿秀】印度帕西人

    模仿句子: Since they fled religious persecution in Iran a millennium ago, they've distinguished themselves in many sectors of Indian society. 翻译:他们千年以前为避免宗教迫害而逃离伊朗,来到印度,而今在印度社会的...

  • 【英音模仿秀】联合国严打逃税

    模仿句子:Well, that was The Apopalyptics with their anti-tax-avoidance rap Money on An Island. The group made that to try and lobby European governments to clamp down on tax avoidance where multinationals use loopholes to avoid paying up. 翻译:...

  • 【英音模仿秀】幸福国度

    模仿句子: To Bhutan, where in the 1970s the king announced that the happiness of the population was a better measure of national success than the economic indicator, the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. 翻译: 在20世纪70年代,不丹国王...

  • 【英音模仿秀】危机边缘的国际足联

    模仿句子:As we've been hearing in the news of BBC, investigation has found that African footballers as young as 14 may be being trafficked to Asia, something FIFA regulations prohibit. 翻译:正如我们近来从BBC上听到的新闻一样,调...

  • 【英音模仿秀】布隆迪在争议中举行总统选举

    模仿句子: But first the votes have been counted in Burundi's presidential election, but it looks as if the result is a forgone conclusion because the main opposition candidates have boycotted the poll. 翻译: 首先, 布隆迪的总统选举计...

  • 【英音模仿秀】此生只爱做农夫

    模仿句子The sun is rising on the Arizona morning, and there's a thin layer of mist hanging just above the ground. 翻译:亚利桑那州的清晨,太阳冉冉升起,一层薄薄的雾霭笼罩在地面上...

  • 【英音模仿秀】矿业巨头大裁员

    模仿句子:Two UK-listed mining giants have announced plans to slash thousands of jobs. Anglo American is one. They're cutting 6,000 positions, mostly office jobs though, not exactly at the production side. 翻译:已有两家英国上市的矿业...

  • 【英音模仿秀】海滩潜水服遗体之谜

    模仿句子: Earlier this year, two dead bodies were found in identical wetsuits, one was on a beach in Norway, the other on a beach in the Netherlands. 翻译: 今年早些时候,身穿相同潜水衣的两具尸体分别在挪威和荷兰的海...

  • 【英音模仿秀】巴西经济频临衰退

    模仿句子:Meantime Brazil's government is trying to salvage its economy by balancing its books and cutting back on spending. 翻译:同时巴西政府也在竭力做到收支平衡,缩减开支以拯救该国经济。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】逾千名偷渡者冲击英法海底隧道

    模仿句子: But first is the situation on the French coast across the Channel from the English Coast spiraling out of control? 翻译: 首先,法国近英法海底隧道的边境海岸已经陷入失控。...

  • 【英音模仿秀】奥巴马回家

    模仿句子Fast food, freeways and fashion - Kenya's capital Nairobi feels a little more like America with every passing day? 充斥着快餐、高速公路和时尚的肯尼亚首都内罗毕越来越有美国的感觉。...
