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  • 【英音模仿秀】卡罗尔

    模仿句子:Into the Christmas rush comes a poised, affluent housewife Carol who makes an impression on the younger women. Carol completes her purchase, but leaves her gloves behind. Therese arranges to have them sent to her address, and Carol the...

  • 【英音模仿秀】比特币或成恐怖分子财源

    模仿句子:Bitcoin is the most common virtual currency. It moves around the world quickly and anonymously via the web without the need for third-party verification. 翻译:比特币已经是最常见的虚拟货币。它在全世界范围内通过...

  • 【英音模仿秀】战罢沙场月色寒

    模仿句子The violence in Paris overnight appears to be connected with the ongoing conflict in Syria....

  • 【英音模仿秀】日暮之歌

    模仿句子:He's Terence Davies, the Liverpool-born creator of semi-autobiographical dramas set in the 1940s and 50s like Distant Voices, Still Lives, a winner at Cannes in 1988, or the Long Day Closes. 翻译:他就是Terence Davies,生于利物...

  • 【英音模仿秀】大城市住房难

    模仿句子: Ireland's national broadcaster recently reported that the rate of increase of property prices there is the second highest in the world. 翻译:近日,爱尔兰国家广播电台报道称,爱尔兰的房产价格增长率之高已经...

  • 【英音模仿秀】比利时成巴黎恐怖袭击“后花园”?

    模仿句子:Two Islamist extremists were killed there, but they were part of a network stretching to the other side of Europe, because Abaaoud was directing the jihadi cell in Belgium by mobile phone from here in Athens, and the authorities were o...

  • 【英音模仿秀】烟草公司抗辩新规

    模仿句子:Smoking kills, so far so uncontroversial. But just how far should society go to deter people from doing it? The British government wants to force cigarette companies to remove all branding logos and any other trademarks from their pack...

  • 【英音模仿秀】希腊经济逐步恢复

    模仿句子:Now they've raised additional money, some from the bailout funds agreed back in August, but also some from private investors which would have been hard to imagine just a few months ago. 翻译:现在,它们已经筹集到了更多的...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美联储加息市场反应未如预期

    模仿句子:Well I suppose it was good news alas. We've actually finally had this decision we thought it was gonna happen a few months ago. We'd been led by Ms Yellen into the idea that it was gonna happen and then we got actually misled because s...

  • 【英音模仿秀】星球大战

    模仿句子:I think you've got one of the best entrances in all cinema history. I think my favourite of all time is Orson Welles in the Third Man and I know that's not particularly controversial. 翻译:我想这是电影史上最靓丽的登场之...

  • 【英音模仿秀】美联储提高利率

    模仿句子:But first, for many people working in financial markets, a rate increase is a completely foreign concept. A good proportion has seen nothing but near zero interest rates during their careers so far. 翻译:但首先,对大多数工作...

  • 【英音模仿秀】Bobby Henrey

    模仿句子:Newly restored, the film's to be released on DVD and Blu-ray, which gave me the excuse to talk to Robert Henrey who now lives in the United States. 翻译:电影刚刚修复完成,即将以DVD和蓝光的形式上市。这给我机会...

  • 【英音模仿秀】于深渊中见光明

    模仿句子:Yesterday President Putin of Russia took to the podium in what has become his traditional end-of-year open forum. 翻译:昨天,俄罗斯总统普京出席年底公开论坛,这已成为他的一项传统,并走上讲台发表讲...

  • 【英音模仿秀】绿水青山知有君

    模仿句子 The Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos says the agreement he signed with the leftwing FARC rebels this week is a major step towards signing a full peace accord next year. 哥伦比亚总统Juan Manuel Santos表示,这周与左翼叛军...

  • 【英音模仿秀】乌克兰与欧盟自由通商

    模仿句子:Now the new year is said to be a new start for Ukraine, economically speaking at least. On January 1st, the country starts its free trade agreement with the European Union. 翻译:据说乌克兰新年会有个新气象,至少从经济...
