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  • 英语新闻听写 美"猎鹰9号"再次实现火箭海上回收 SpaceX, the private spaceflight company founded by Elon Musk will attempt land a rocket on a ship at sea on Thursday, May 26th, 2016. 2016年5月26日周四,SpaceX宣布再次尝试火箭海上回收,埃隆马斯克为私有太空探索公司Spac
  • 英语新闻听写 洪水迫使20多人被困肯塔基隐藏河洞 On Thursday, Kentucky authorities said more than a dozen people were trapped by flash floods in Hidden River Cave. 周四肯塔基当局称,超过12人因山洪暴发被困在隐藏河洞。 The cave is part of Horse Cave in south central Kentucky.
  • 英语新闻听写 假冒美容产品发展势头迅猛 According to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, 据美国移民和海关执法局表示, the number of counterfeit beauty products is continuing to increase. 假冒美容产品势头迅猛。 On wednesday, five men in new york wer
  • 英语新闻听写 费列罗的这款巧克力酱"有害"! Nutella Spread 'Damages Environment' 据说费列罗的这款巧克力酱有害! France's Ecology Minister Segolene Royal has urged people to stop eating Nutella because it is made with palm oil and damages the environment. 法国生态部部长罗雅
  • 英语新闻听写 德克萨斯遭洪水袭击两人失踪 A helicopter and other crews are searching for two people who were swept away by floodwaters in the Austin, Texas area on Thursday night. 周四晚上在德克萨斯奥斯汀,一架直升机和其他救援人员正在搜寻被洪水卷走的两人。
  • 英语新闻听写 微软和脸书将合建跨大西洋海底光缆 Facebook and Microsoft are laying a huge Internet cable across the Atlantic. 微软和脸书将建跨大西洋海底数据电缆。 Dubbed MAREASpanish for tidethis enormous underwater cable will stretch from Northern Virginia to Bilbao,Spain, 名为
  • 英语新闻听写 天使之城赢体育之城美名 With The Rams recent return to Los Angeles, the city of angels may be staking a claim on the title of Best Sports Town in the U.S. NFL公羊队重回洛杉矶,天使之城或将再度成为体育之城。 Though the city is most known for celebriti
  • 英语新闻听写 夏季健身你该准备些什么? Summer Additions To Your Gym Bag! 夏季出门你该准备些什么? From the harsh UV rays to an air-conditioned studio, warm weather workouts are tough on hair and skin. 从室外强烈的紫外线到室内习习的空调风,在炎热的天气锻
  • 英语新闻听写 美国为何要全面禁用人造反式脂肪酸? US Orders Ban on Trans Fats by 2016 美国2016全面禁用人造反式脂肪? US regulators have said, Trans fats are unsafe to eat and must be banned from the food supply within three years. 美国监管机构称,食用反式脂肪酸对人体有害
  • 英语新闻听写 普京批评美国导弹防御系统 Describing a newly-expanded U.S. missile defense system as a threat to his country's security, 称新扩展的美国导弹防御系统对其国家安全构成威胁, on Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin sharply criticized western policy towar
  • 英语新闻听写 《无人深空》宣布游戏跳票 Seems the gaming rumors were true. 电游传言看起来是真的。 Last week a rumor started to spread online that the highly-anticipated adventure survival game No Mans Sky was going to suffer a launch delay. 上周,《无人深空》延期的传闻
  • 英语新闻听写 花卉元素重回时尚舞台 Just in time for warm weather, flowers and floral patterns are making their return to the top of the must-have fashion list. 气候日渐温和,花卉图案重回时尚潮流舞台。 Flowers are coming back to clothing and accessories, as reported
  • 英语新闻听写 6个月女婴湖面滑水200米震惊网友 Baby Sets Water Ski Record 6个月女婴湖面滑水200米震惊网友 A six-month-old girl whose professional water skier parents put her on junior-size water skis last week glided 686 feet across a man-made lake in what her parents say sets a youth
  • 英语新闻听写 别让生活中的"随意"毁掉你的生育能力 Study Finds Fruits and Vegetables Can Boost Fertility 别让生活中的随意毁掉你的生育能力 Eating fruits and vegetables could boost fertility in both men and women, though men are less likely to act on the advice. 多吃蔬果可以提高男
  • 英语新闻听写 扎克伯格将与宇航员对话 The Founder and CEO of Facebook,Mark Zuckerberg will chat with three astronauts currently living and working on the International Space Station. 脸书创始人兼首席执行官马克扎克伯格将与国际空间站宇航员对话。 The call can b