英语新闻听写 美国假日安检速度提速
Despite long lines recently experienced at airports across the nation, travelers at the end of the Memorial Day weekend are moving swiftly through security. 目前正值阵亡将士纪念日,虽然机场人满为患,但安检速度奇快。 One O
英语新闻听写 还记得那个盗取明星裸照的黑客吗?
Hacker Pleads Guilty To Stealing Celebrity Nudes 盗取明星裸照的黑客认罪 36-year-old Ryan Collins plead guilty on Tuesday to hacking into the Google and Apple accounts of of several female celebrities. 周二,36岁的瑞恩科林斯(Ryan
英语新闻听写 女人吃什么才会拥有好身材和好气色?
Put Down the Makeup and Eat Your Way to Naturally Glowing Skin 女人吃什么才会有好身材和好气色? The key to naturally glowing skin isn't waiting in the aisles at Sephora, it's waiting in the aisles of your local supermarket. 拥有水嫩皮
英语新闻听写 公园射杀大猩猩救男孩 父母或遭起诉
On Tuesday Police said they are investigating the parents of the three-year-old boy who fell into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo 周二,警方对辛辛那提动物园掉进大猩猩场地的三岁男孩的父母进行调查, and had to
英语新闻听写 安卓将不再是苹果唯一竞争对手
While many would guess that Android might be the iPhone's biggest competition, 许多人都会认为,安卓将成为苹果的最大竞争对手, it turns out it might be other devices such as Amazon's Echo. 但像亚马逊Echo等产品也会先拔头
英语新闻听写 喜剧演员迈克尔·杰斯二级谋杀罪成立
Michael Jace has been convicted of second-degree murder in the trial related to his wife's death. 喜剧演员迈克尔杰斯因枪杀妻子二级谋杀罪成立。 The 53-year-old actor shot and killed April Jace two years ago in their Los Angeles h
英语新闻听写 闺蜜变仇人后变弟妹 还可以再狗血一点吗?
Blac Chyna and Kim Kardashian Rebuild Their Friendship 闺蜜变仇人后成弟妹 还可以再狗血一点吗? Blac Chyna and Kim Kardashian seem to be leaving their drama in the past. Blac Chyna和Kim Kardashian似乎是要冰释前嫌。 The pai
英语新闻听写 出汗多=瘦得快?其实减肥有懒招!
Low-sweat Exercises to Beat the Summer Heat 出汗多=瘦得快?其实减肥有懒招! No more excuses on forgoing a quick workout because here is a simple but not easy workout that'll keep the sweat factor low and the efficiency high. 再也不能
英语新闻听写 美国死亡率10年来首次上升
The Centers for Disease Control released the United States death rate for 2015, and it's the first time the death rate has increased in a decade. 美国疾病控制中心发布2015年美国死亡率,十年来首次出现上升。 The CDC indicated
英语新闻听写 洛杉矶E3游戏展规模宏大
Today Nintendo confirmed that Pokemon Sun and Moon and Pokemon GO would both be featured in the Nintendo Treehouse presentations 据任天堂证实,6月14日任天堂将举办任天堂树屋游戏展,而《Pokemon Sun and Moon》和《Pokemon GO》
英语新闻听写 离这个暑期 你还差一张门票的距离!
Disney's Magic Kingdom is World's Top Amusement Park 世界顶级游乐园 According to a report released on Wednesday, Disney World's Magic Kingdom continues to be the top amusement park draw in the world with 20.5 million visitors in 2015. 周三公布
英语新闻听写 这是个暖心又充满希望的故事!
Charity for Pot! Australian Couple Donates $33.7 Million for Weed Research 这年头居然有人捐款做毒品研究? Christmas came early this year for smokers in Australia. 澳大利亚的吸烟者们提前迎来了今年的圣诞节。 Or are t
英语新闻听写 埃及称可能接收到MS804航班失事客机黑匣子信号
埃及称可能接收到MS804航班失事客机黑匣子信号 On Wednesday the Egyptian committee investigating the crash of Egypt Air Flight MS804 reported a French naval vessel has been picking up signals 周三,调查失事航班MS804的埃及委
英语新闻听写 女星谈人生中的第一条皮带
Khloe Kardashian And Her First Thong 谈人生中的第一条皮带 Khloe Kardashian revealed some of her formative moments in fashion. 科勒卡戴近日向媒体透露了人生中几个关键的时尚瞬间。 One story being about how she got her
英语新闻听写 快餐店员爆内幕 这些东西千万不能点!
Fast-food Workers Offer Crucial Tips on What to Avoid Ordering 快餐店员工爆内幕:这些东西千万不能点! Dont even think about ordering that Burger King veggie burger. 汉堡王的蔬菜汉堡?想都不要想! The modern fast-food