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  • 英语新闻听写 迪士尼退出主机游戏发行 Disney has announced the cancellation of sandbox video game, Disney Infinity this week. 本周,迪士尼宣布沙盒游戏《迪士尼无限》画上句号。 In heartbreaking news for fans, the entertainment company also confirmed that it plans to
  • 英语新闻听写 儿童肥胖和固体食物之间没有联系 The Centers for Disease Control published a study back in 2013 that said the age at which a child ate solid foods was linked to an increased risk in childhood obesity, 早在2013年疾病控制中心发表一项研究,称孩子吃固体食物的年龄
  • 英语新闻听写 吃货福利 你想吃免费三明治啵? 3 Fun Facts For National Hoagie Day 关于三明治 你了解多少? Hoagies are a lot of people's favorite sandwich. 豪基(hoagies)是众多人喜爱的一款三明治。 So it's no wonder why May 5th has been dubbed National Hoagie day. 难怪
  • 英语新闻听写 这4种习惯会加重你的头痛 4 Ways Tech is Making Your Headaches Worse, According to a Neurologist 小心!这4种习惯会加重你的头痛 June is National Migraine Awareness Month, so Mashable spoke to neurologist and New York University's clinical assistant professor Dr.
  • 英语新闻听写 夏天补水只靠喝水?你out啦! 7 Ways to Hydrate When You're Sick of Guzzling Water 夏天补水只靠喝水 那你就out啦! When you're tied up with schedules, deadlines, kids and other errands, it's easy to forget to stop for a glass of water. 当被繁忙日程、工作、孩子
  • 英语新闻听写 苹果或将推出Lightning接口音频耳机 When you put the words Apple and headphones together, it doesnt always bring up very positive thoughts. 如果把苹果和耳机联系到一块,你似乎觉得没什么新鲜。 But it looks like Apple is taking a stab at improving the way we liste
  • 英语新闻听写 美家禽饲养员被迫使用尿不湿 A report from international advocacy group Oxfam says poultry workers in the United States labor in a climate of fear, with some forced to wear diapers on the job. 据国际乐施会Oxfam表示,因许多饲养员被迫穿尿不湿,美国饲养环境
  • 英语新闻听写 将"一衣多穿"演绎到极致的英国王妃 Kate Middleton Recycles Outfits Like a Fashion Boss 将一衣多穿演绎到极致的英国王妃 When it comes to the art of repeating outfits, Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton is an undeniable expert. 谈及一件套装能够穿出不同感觉,英
  • 英语新闻听写 嘀嘀出行获苹果10亿美元投资 This Thursday, Apple announced it invest $1 billion into the ride-hailing service Didi Chuxing, which is based in China. 周四,苹果宣布投资10亿美元给中国打车服务嘀嘀出行。 Tim Cook, Apples Chief Executive, stated that this bus
  • 英语新闻听写 佳士得拍卖弗里达·卡罗画作 On Thursday evening, works by Claude Monet, Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso and other perennial favorites are going on the auction block at Christie's sale of impressionist and modern. 周四晚间,在佳士得印象派与现代派画作中,来自克劳
  • 英语新闻听写 ShowMax流媒体服务扩大非洲市场 South African mega streaming service, ShowMax, has expanded to over 35 additional countries in Africa this week. 本周,西非流媒体大亨ShowMax已扩展到非洲35个国家。 The Internet television corporation is just over 9 months old, but
  • 英语新闻听写 男星电梯内惨遭小姨子暴打 It has been whole two years since the Solange elevator incident? 碧昂丝(Beyonce)老公Jay Z在电梯内惨遭小姨子索兰格诺尔斯(Solange Knowles)殴打的事件已经过去两年了。 After attending a Met Ball after-party on May
  • 英语新闻听写 近视眼有治啦!让孩子一夜告别近视 Night Time Contact Lenses Stop Children Becoming Short-sighted 近视眼有治啦!让孩子一夜告别近视 Children could be cured of short-sightedness by wearing soft contact lenses at night which re-shape their eyes to prevent them ever needing
  • 英语新闻听写 活跃分子抗议世界各地使用化石燃料 As part of a global protest against fossil fuels, hundreds of climate change activists organized in Washington state and New York. 响应全球抗议使用化石燃料,数百名气候变化积极分子在华盛顿和纽约组织起来。 Break Free
  • 英语新闻听写 蚕茧可帮助保存血样 Scientists from Tufts University have developed a technique for stabilizing blood samples using silkworm cocoons. 通过桑蚕茧,塔夫茨大学科学家研发血样保存技术。 The method can stabilize blood samples for weeks with no need for