英语新闻听写 一代拳王阿里因病辞世
As the world was shaken to news of Muhammad Ali's death, 默罕默德阿里去世的消息震惊世界, the people of his hometown in Louisville, Kentucky, found ways to remember their hometown hero. 在他的家乡肯塔基州路易斯维尔,人们
英语新闻听写 这年头,演员都去干这个了?
Antonio Banderas Talks Fashion 不学服装设计的制片人不是好演员 Actor and film producer Antonio Banderas, who is also studying fashion design at Central Saint Martins in London, on Wednesday presented his first collection in collaboratio
英语新闻听写 高跟鞋的危害超乎你的想象!
High Heel-Related Injuries Have Spiked Over the Years 高跟鞋的危害超乎你的想象! It may be time to follow in Barbies footsteps and say goodbye to those horribly painful stilettos. 是时候跟随芭比娃娃的脚步,跟高跟鞋说再见
英语新闻听写 约旦巴卡难民营遭恐怖袭击 5人遇害
Five people were killed Monday in an attack in a refugee camp near Amman, Jordan. Three intelligence officers were among those in the casualties. 周一在约旦安曼附近的一个难民营里五人被杀害。其中三人是情报人员。 The att
英语新闻听写 男星自爆方位求搭便车 各地粉丝陷入疯狂
Will Shia LaBeouf Hitchhike Across U.S? 希安拉博夫搭便车环游美国? Shia LaBeouf has done some wacky things of late, but this might take the cake. 近日,希安拉博夫屡有怪异举动,但是这一次可谓是最让人瞠目结舌的了
英语新闻听写 印度今年将加入巴黎气候协议
India has agreed to join the Paris Agreement on climate change this year. 印度已同意今年加入巴黎气候变化协议。 In the the international fight to curb global warming, President Barack Obama met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Mod
英语新闻听写 奥巴马批准美国军队在阿富汗扮演更重要的角色
fghan forces are currently battling a resilient Taliban insurgency. 阿富汗军队目前正与复苏的塔利班反叛分子作战。 As a response, President Barack Obama has approved giving the U.S. military more ability to accompany and assist th
英语新闻听写 老年人锻炼身体 从不太晚
A study finds that younger runners and runner older than 65 burn oxygen at very similar rates. 一项研究发现,年轻的跑步者和65岁以上跑步者耗氧率非常相似。 Although runers have great oxygen consumption which helps them maint
英语新闻听写 男人需要担心寨卡病毒吗?
The Zika virus has been proven to effect unborn fetuses in women, 寨卡病毒已被证明影响妇女的胎儿, but now research showing that the Zika virus can linger in a mans sperm as well. 但现在的研究显示,齐卡病毒也可以存留在
英语新闻听写 索尼已确认有PS4 Neo
Sony has confirmed the development of an upgraded model of the PlayStation 4, codenamed Neo,. 索尼已确认研发PS4 Neo主机。 But they say they won't reveal the new machine to the E3 Expo next week. 但称不会在下周召开的E3游戏展中展
英语新闻听写 Gawker Media今日申请破产
Gawker Media filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today in federal court in Manhattan. 今天在曼哈顿法院,网络媒体Gawker Media申请破产法第十一章破产保护。 A Chapter 11 is also known as reorganization bankruptcy in which businesse
英语新闻听写 今年流行鞋子混着穿
Zayn Malik: New Trend Of Mismatched Shoes? 两只脚穿不一样的鞋 这是潮流 Youth these days have their ways of trending the most unlikely fashion styles. 现在的年轻人喜欢不走寻常路。 Most recently, it's mismatching footwear. 这阵
英语新闻听写 美国女性堕胎率下降的原因
A recent survey obtained by the Associated Press stated that abortions have declined in the United States since 2010. 美联社最新一项调查称,2010年以来美国的堕胎率已经降低。 The survey stated that a 12% decrease has been obser
英语新闻听写 恋人分手后还能做朋友?
Kylie Jenner Sends A Message With Her Clothes: Fake 用衣服骂前男友伪君子 While Kylie Jenner has been pretty open about how she is handling the breakup with her ex-boyfriend Tyga, saying it has been pretty hard on her the reality star is now
英语新闻听写 地球三成人口看不到银河
Researchers have reported that a third of humanity can no longer see the lustrous Milky Way center when they peer up at night towards the stars. 据研究人员报告,三分之一人口将无法看到夜空中闪烁的银河。 Published in Science