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相关教程: 趣味英语 英语学习
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    A man from the state of Chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of Zheng.He made a casket for the pearl out of the wood from a magnolia tree,which he fumigated with fragrant osmanthus and spices.He studded the casket with pearls and ja...

  • More Threatening than Tigers

    As Confucius was passing Mountain Tai,he saw a woman weeping bitterly in front of a grave.He leaned forward to listen,resting his hand on the wooden bar of his carriage.Zilu,his pupil,was sent to ask the woman what the matter was.From y...

  • The Birds in the Snare

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  • The Dogs and the Cook

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  • The Monkey and the Peas

    A monkey was carrying two handfuls of peas.One little pea dropped out.He tried to pick it up,and spilt twenty.He tried to pickup the twenty,and spilt them all.Then he lost his temper,scattered the peas in all directions,and ran away....

  • The Monkey

    A man went into the woods.He felled a tree,and began to cut it into pieces.He lifted one end of the tree on the stump,sat astride up-on it,and began to saw.Then he drove a wedge into the cleft,and began to saw farther along;then he re...

  • Two Peasants

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  • The Phoenix

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  • The Crow and the Peacocks

    As Aesop's lion was going to the forest in company with an ass,who was to assist him with his terrible voice,an impertinent crow called to him from a tree:A pretty companion!Are you not ashamed of yourself to be walking with an ass?Whomsoev...

  • The Lion with the Ass

    As Aesop's lion was going to the forest in company with an ass,who was to assist him with his terrible voice,an impertinent crow called to him from a tree:A pretty companion!Are you not ashamed of yourself to be walking with an ass?Whomsoev...

  • The Shepherd and the Nightingale

    Sing to me,my dearest nightingale,said a shepherd to the silent songs tress one beautiful spring evening.Alas!said the nightingale,the frogs make so much noise,that I have no inclination to sing.Do you not hear them? Undoubtedly I hea...

  • The Fox and the Tiger

    If only I possessed thy speed and strength!said a fox to a tiger.Isn't there anything else about me which would suit you?enquired the latter.None as far as I perceive. Not even my beautiful skin?said the tiger.Its colours are asmanifold...

  • The Mouse and the Elephant

    A young mouse had just arrived from Athens where he had ac-quired a smattering of learning.He was very proud of this little wisdom that he had learnt from the books he had studied.Puffed up with pride and conceit and anxious to display his wit he...

  • The Raven

    A raven observed that an eagle brooded thirty days over her eggs.Doubtless,said she,that is the reason why the eaglets are so sharp-sighted and strong.Good!I'll try the same method. Since that period she has always brooded thirty days ove...
