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相关教程: 趣味英语 英语学习
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  • The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

    There was once an old goat who had seven little ones, and was as fond of them as ever mother was of her children. One day she had to go into the wood to fetch food for them, so she called them all round her. Dear children, said she, I am going out in...

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  • Once a Month

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  • The Lion and the Bulls

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  • Mother for Sale

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  • The Horse and the Dog

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  • The Bundle of Sticks

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  • The Cat and the Cock

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  • The Thirsty Pigeon

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  • The Labourer and the Snake

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  • The Wolf and the Crane

    A wolf was eating his supper one day when a bone stuck in his throat.Choking and coughing,he howled about the countryside asking every animal he met to help him.There's a good reward for anyone who can save me,he spluttered.A crane heard ab...

  • In the Eyes of the Beholder

    A man who lost his axe suspected his neighbour's son of stealing it.To him,as he observed the boy,the way the lad walked,the expression on his face,the manner of his speech-in fact everything about his appearance and behaviour betrayed th...

  • The Man and the Partridge

    One day,a hungry partridge came into a bird trap.She ate up the food.Then she found that she could not get out.Soon a man came.He was the owner of the trap.He saw that there was a partridge in his trap.He was very pleased.The partridg...
