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相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:Mean What I Mean-Aluna George

    I shouldn't have to explain, it's so simple 我不必再去解释,一切就这么简单 But I'm doing you a favor 现在我在帮你一个忙 Seems you're lost in your brain, no signal 看起来你已经迷惘无措,沉寂宛如死水 So I lay it...

  • 听歌学英语:Aimee Allen-La La Land

    英语学习笔记: personality n. 个性 attorney n. (辩护)律师 lawyer n. 律师 conflict n. 冲突 dotted adj. 有点的;星罗棋布的 pretend v. 假装 La La Land 在美国俚语里面就是虚幻的世界 Its your call 你说了算 deci...

  • 听歌学英语:Sledgehammer-Rihanna

    I hit a wall, I never felt so low, so low 撞上南墙终于悔悟的我 从未感觉如此失落 Like a waterfall, my tears dropped to the floor, the floor 如瀑的泪水止不住的流 They left a swimming pool of salted crimes, crimes 在地上积起...

  • 听歌学英语:A Great Big World&Christina Aguilera-Say Something

    英语学习笔记: give up on somebody 放弃某人 stumble v. 绊倒 crawl v. 爬行 get to 到达 swallow v. 忍受 Say something Say something, I'm giving up on you. 能否说些什么,我快要放弃你了。 I'll be the one, if you want me...

  • 听歌学英语:你给的暖 Colbie Caillat-Bubbly

    Colbie Caillat的声音经常被形容成麦田微风''以及''盛夏冷饮'',足以说明其魅力。没有任何强势商业包装,不靠吸引八卦的花边炒作以及连番轰炸的广告宣传,Colbie Caillat 2007年以一首Bubbly成名。...

  • 听歌学英语:Ruin - Shawn Mendes

    Do ya,do you think about me? 你有没有,你有没有曾想过我? And do ya,do you feel the same way, babe? 你有没有,你有没有曾与我有相同感受? And do ya,do you remember how we felt? 你还记不记得,记不记得我们的共同...

  • 听歌学英语:This Wheel's on Fire-Kylie Minogue

    If your memory serves you well 若是回忆让你感觉很美好 We were going to meet again and wait 那相信我们一定会再见的 So Im gonna unpack all my things 所以我准备打开我的东西 And sit before it gets too late 在它迟到之前...

  • 听歌学英语:Bodhi Jones-Oh Father

    shame n. 羞愧 bear v. 忍受 bear ones soul 敞开谁的心扉 damage vt. 损害 Oh Father Oh Father 哦,父亲 I never wanted anything from you but time 我多希望时光驻留在您身上 is it too late now 是否这一切已太迟 cause the m...

  • 听歌学英语:男孩痴情梦 A Boy Can Dream

    I met her on the day of New Year's Eve 除夕遇见她 I was shopping for a wedding gift on Buena Vista street 当时我正在Buena Vista大街为别人买结婚礼物 I swear I saw the fire in her eyes 我发誓在她眼里我看见了光芒 The kin...

  • 听歌学英语:美好时光 Suede-Beautiful Ones

    High on diesel and gasoline, 烧着柴油和汽油我们没命地飞驰 psycho for drum machine 心里只装着那些架子鼓和乐器 shaking their bits to the hits, 随着音乐摇动每寸狂热 Drag acts, drug acts, suicides, 穿起裙子,穿起...

  • 听歌学英语:准备好没?Bridgit Mendler-Ready Or Not

    I'm the kinda girl 我扮演着那种女孩 Who doesn't say a word 习惯沉默,不言不语 Who sits at the curb 蹲坐在路边 And waits for the world 等待世界留意我的存在 But I'm about to break out 但是我快要爆发 About to break...

  • 听歌学英语:飞向云端 Zach Sobiech-Clouds

    I fell down down down 当我跌倒在谷底 Into this dark and lonely hole 陷进黑暗和孤寂的深渊 There was no one there to care 那里没有人 About me anymore 会关心我 And I needed a way to climb and 我急需出路, Grab a hold of t...

  • 听歌学英语:你给的寂寞 The Pancakes-even together

    Well, we live in harmony 我们如此平和的生活在一起 And we go out together 就连要外出 也会彼此约好 Sometimes i do feel lonely 可是为什么有时候你明明就在我身边 Even when we're together 我还是 会感觉寂寞 We...

  • 听歌学英语:糟糕的一天 SoKo-Shitty Day

    I hate myself today. 我讨厌今天的自己 I dont know whats happening to me. 我不知道自己是怎么了 I hate my face today. 我讨厌我今天的脸 I think I look so shitty.我想我看起来非常糟 I have some sweat everywhere.我大汗淋...

  • 听歌学英语:带上我的心 SoKo-Take My Heart

    You can take my heart for a walk on the beach 你可以带着我的心在海滩散步 You can take my heart for a little trip 你可以带着我的心去小旅行 You can take my heart very close to your heart 你可以带着我的心走近你的心...
