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相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
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    英国乐队Radiohead,当代最伟大的摇滚乐队之一。他们的作品大多消极忧郁但同时又能带着一种感性深入听众的内心从而引起一种情感上的共鸣。 A heart thats full up like a landfill 心里乱麻堵塞犹如...

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  • 听歌学英语:把烦恼打包 Pack Up Your Troubles.

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  • 听歌学英语:当你孤单你回想起谁 Love Is The Answer

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  • 听歌学英语 : 休闲乡村音乐 When She Says Baby

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  • 听歌学英语:阳光·美好 Sunshine Goodtime

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    Lost touch with my soul 与灵魂失了联 I had nowhere to turn 无处求救 I had nowhere to go 无处可逃 Lost sight of my dream 看不见梦想的踪迹 I thought it would be the end of me 以为会是我的末日 I thought I'd never make it th...

  • 听歌学英语: 软妹子的甜蜜告白 I Love You Forever

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  • 听歌学英语: 万水千山为君还 To Be By Your Side

    Across the oceans. Across the seas. 横跨浩瀚海洋 Over forests of blackened trees 穿越茂密丛林 Through valleys so still we dare not breathe 掠过静谧峡谷 to be by your side. 只为到你身边 Over the shifting desert plains, 穿越过那...

  • 听歌学英语:Girl Crush 爱上你的女孩

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  • 听歌学英语: 迷之吉他弹唱 Guard You

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