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  • 中国外汇局称将严厉打击外汇市场违规违法行为

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said it will intensify its crackdown on foreign exchange irregularities in 2017, including underground banking. 国家外汇管理局近日表示,2017年将加大对地下钱庄等外汇违规违法...

  • 国内马拉松比赛 竟有一半人选择替跑

    Half of the registered runners in some of China's marathon competitions are estimated to have hired illegal replacements. 在中国的一些马拉松比赛中,据估计,大约有一半的注册运动员雇用了违规替跑者。 Two runners died...

  • 职称评定改革即将开启 外语计算机不再'一刀切'

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  • 山西农村一小学20名教师教15名学生!

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  • 7200万高薪人群构成中国新社会阶层

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  • 恭喜! Angelababy香港顺利生下男婴'小海绵'

    Chinese actress Angelababy has become a mother. 中国女演员Angelababy(杨颖)于日前正式成为了一名母亲。 The 27-year-old actress gave birth to a baby boy on Tuesday morning (January 17, 2017) in Hong Kong. 这位27岁的女演员,...

  • 鸡年主题奢侈大牌亮瞎眼

    The official start of the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac begins on January 28th, and the fashion industry has been paying homage in a big way. 2017年1月28日,中国将正式迎来农历鸡年的新年。而时尚界已经开始大规模向...

  • 全球生活成本最高的20个城市

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  • 不工作也给钱? 芬兰将给失业人员每月发收入!

    Finland is about to embark on an extremely ambitious journey to test one of the most controversial economic theories of our time. 芬兰即将开启一段颇具雄心的旅程,以测试本世纪最具争议的经济理论之一。 The country's soc...

  • 中国保监会打击奇葩保险产品

    Chinese people will no longer be able to take out cover against acne, sleep deprivation or smog after regulators banned insurance products deemed attention-grabbing, speculative and stunt. 在监管机构已叫停被视为夺人眼球、投机性和噱...

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    High school and college students like reading e-books and read 18 e-books on average each year, e-book service provider iReader said in its report on digital reading. 电子书服务提供商掌阅在其发布的数字阅读报告中指出,高中和大...

  • 哈登说戈登是一个全明星,他有机会吗?

    The definition of NBA All-Star can sometimes be a moving target. 对NBA全明星的定义不是一成不变的。 Superstars like LeBron James, Russell Westbrook, Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry and James Harden are no-brainers; they're all locks for a t...

  • 阿里巴巴展现打假决心! 首告淘宝售假店主索赔140万!

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has sued two vendors for selling counterfeit goods, weeks after being blacklisted by a US industry watchdog. 在被美国行业监管部门列入黑名单数周后,中国电商巨头阿里巴巴起诉两家商铺销售...

  • 全球城市第一 上海新能源汽车拥有量突破10万辆

    Shanghai has become the No 1 city in the world for ownership of new energy vehicles (NEVs), according to data provided by the automobile registration department of Shanghai. 上海市车辆登记部门提供的数据显示,上海已成为全球新能...

  • 中国人回家,世界上最大的年度人类迁徙

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