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  • 天津一高校英语试题被指出现性别歧视

    A teacher at a university in Tianjin has been accused of sexism for including an article on how women should please men as part of an English exam. 天津某高校一名老师被指责性别歧视,原因是他将一篇女人应如何取悦男人的文...

  • 2016年度世界品牌500强揭晓 36家中国企业上榜

    Apple tops the list of World's 500 Most Influential Brands for 2016, compiled by New York-based World Brand Lab and released last Monday. 总部位于纽约的世界品牌实验室编纂并于上周一发布了《2016世界品牌500强》榜单,苹果...

  • 中国专利年申请量连续五年居全球之首

    For five years in a row, China has topped the world in patent applications, and it has been emerging as a dynamic engine of global innovation, reports Xinhua. 据新华社报道,中国连续五年位居世界专利申请之首,并已成为全球创...

  • 为什么我们一直在怀念老版诺基亚手机?

    Nokia has officially made its triumphant return to phone-making. Most mobile phone users remember the Finnish company as the former number one cell phone manufacturer in the world, before Apple and Samsung handsets took over. 诺基亚已经正式成功...

  • 英国政府偷偷把学生的学费上调

    Students protest in London 伦敦的学生抗议行动 The Government has moved to raise tuition fees by £250 without any announcement from the Department for Education (DfE). 政府在教育部没有发出任何公告的情况下就把学费上调了...

  • 不开心的俄罗斯人怀念苏联模式的统治

    Former states under Soviet unx from Estonia to Mongolia also covered by findings that happiness gap between eastern and western Europe persists 从爱沙尼亚到蒙古的前苏联国家接受了一场关于东西欧之间幸福差距的问卷调查。...

  • 2016排名最前的假新闻故事

    A BuzzFeed News analysis has identified the 50 fake news stories that attracted the most engagement on Facebook this year. Together they totaled 21.5 million likes, comments, and shares. Of these stories, 23 were about US politics, two were about wom...

  • 波多黎各要建州或独立?新总督寻求解决危机

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Puerto Ricos new governor was sworn in Monday as the U.S. territory prepares for what many believe will be new austerity measures and a renewed push for statehood to haul the island out of a deep economic crisis. (美联社...

  • 法国和伊斯兰之间争端登上畅销榜

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  • 到2020年我国养老服务市场将全面放开

    China will fully open its elderly care market by 2020, according to a guideline published by General Office of the State Council. 国务院办公厅日前印发的意见提出,到2020年,我国将全面放开养老服务市场。 The move will su...

  • 马德里禁止半数汽车上路抵抗空气污染

    Madrid has ordered half of most private cars off the roads on Thursday to tackle worsening air pollution a first in Spain. 周四马德里要求几乎半数的私家车禁止上路,以解决严重的空气污染问题,这项措施在西班牙尚属...

  • 2016年表现最糟糕的名人

    Ladies and gentlemen, may I welcome you to the Bad Manners Awards 2016? 女士们、先生们,欢迎来到2016年没礼貌大奖颁奖典礼。 The judging committee (of one) has spent weeks deciding which members of the Royal family, politicians a...

  • iPhone制造商富士康计划用机器人更换几乎所有的人类员工

    Foxconn, the Taiwanese manufacturing giant behind Apples iPhone and numerous other major electronics devices, aims to automate away a vast majority of its human employees, according to a report from DigiTimes. Dai Jia-peng, the general manager of Fox...

  • 叙利亚反政府力量中止和谈计划

    Syrian rebels say they are suspending negotiations to join peace talks in Kazakhstan later this month because of what they say are repeated cease-fire violations by Syrian government forces. 叙利亚反政府力量说,他们要中止有关本月在哈...

  • 奇葩文化!上班睡觉成日本人勤奋象征!

    In most countries, sleeping on the job isn't just frowned upon, it may get you fired. 在大多数国家,工作时间睡觉不仅会让人不满,而且有可能让你被炒鱿鱼。 But in Japan, napping in the office is common and culturally acc...
