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  • 阿里巴巴重回美国假货黑名单

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is back on the US's notorious markets list over counterfeit goods sales. 中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴因销售假货而重回到美国恶名市场名单。 Alibaba was taken off the list four years ago, but US...

  • 过去一年NBA都发生了些什么

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  • 奇葩!福建某高中竟然禁止男女生交流

    high school in Fujian Province that has issued rules banning boys and girls from walking together or even chatting to each other has got netizens talking on social media. 福建省一所高中最近出台了一些规定,禁止男女生一起走路、...

  • 搜捕袭击者的努力在继续

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  • 重磅! 小李子成为比亚迪新能源车代言人

    China automaker BYD has signed up international celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio as brand ambassador for its new energy vehicles. The agreement runs through 2017. 近日,中国汽车制造商比亚迪正式签约了国际名人莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥,...

  • 我国成功发射首颗碳卫星 可监测全球二氧化碳浓度

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  • 奥巴马 美国反对俄罗斯窃取电邮事件

    President Barack Obama says the United States will take action against Russia for carrying out cyberattacks during the U.S. election. 美国总统奥巴马表示,美国将对俄罗斯在美国大选期间进行网络攻击采取行动。 Obama said...

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  • 被私人银行抛弃之后的事务

    We need to talk. 我们得谈谈。 Its not you, its me. 问题不在你,而是在我。 I want a divorce. 我想离婚。 Oh, and Ill need the chequebook back. 哦,还有,我需要你把支票簿还给我。 If, through a series of drunken mis...

  • 中国呼吁梵蒂冈改善对华关系

    China has called on the Roman Catholic Church to attempt to improve relations with the East Asian country by adapting Catholicism to Chinese society. 中国呼吁罗马天主教会推动天主教适应中国社会,改善对华关系。 201611301004...

  • 东芝股价暴跌 难拾投资者信心

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  • 特朗普和奥巴马在以色列问题上分歧加大

    John Kerry has delivered a stinging rebuke of the Israeli government, accusing it of making the establishment of a viable Palestinian state nearly impossible through the expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. 约翰?克里...

  • WWE如何将美式职业摔角秀给中国

    SHANGHAI Wang Bin looked down. A man wearing a blue skintight unitard writhed at his feet. Mr. Wang grinned. This was the moment he had been waiting for. 上海王彬朝身下看去。一名穿着蓝色弹力紧身衣的男子在他的脚边翻滚。王...
