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  • 个人购汇监管加强 不得用于境外买房和证券投资

    Chinese residents now need to fill an application form indicating the purpose of foreign exchange purchases. 如今我国居民需要填写申请表写明购买外汇的目的。 The application form includes 11 purposes residents can check, includin...

  • 微信要取消红包营销 春节再无红包大战?

    The Spring Festival war between Alibaba and Tencent which has been fought with virtual red envelopes looks to have ended, as there will be no WeChat red envelope promotion for the coming Spring Festival, said Zhang Xiaolong, president of the instant...

  • 《小鹿斑比》的华裔美术设计师黄齐耀逝世

    Tyrus Wong, Bambi Artist Thwarted by Racial Bias, Dies at 106 《小鹿斑比》的华裔美术设计师黄齐耀逝世 When Walt Disneys Bambi opened in 1942, critics praised its spare, haunting visual style, vastly different from anything Disney ha...

  • 中国亿万富翁空运76匹纯种爱尔兰马到亚洲

    A CHINESE BILLIONAIRE has bought up 76 Irish thoroughbred horses which were airlifted to the Asian country from Shannon Airport. 一位中国的亿万富翁将76匹爱尔兰纯种马从香农机场用飞机运到亚洲国家。 All were purchased for...

  • 中国到2020年将拥有351艘军舰

    Ongoing U.S.-China tensions in the South China Sea regarding Chinese artificial island-building are leading many at the Pentagon to sharpen their focus upon the rapid pace of Chinese Naval modernization and expansion. 中国人工岛建设引发持续的...

  • 政府支持下中国的外汇储备依然高于3万亿美元

    Chinas foreign currency holdings remained above $3 trillion in December even as the yuan capped its steepest annual decline in more than two decades. 即使今年中国的外汇储备处于最近20多年以来的最大幅度下跌中,12月仍然维持...

  • 小托马斯:人矮就成不了超级巨星?

    Somewhere this morning, there's some pint-sized kid, shooting baskets on some dimly-lit outdoor court, his arms barely able to lift the basketball, willing the ball toward the rim. 一天早上,一个略显矮小的小孩在某处光线暗淡的室外...

  • 蚂蚁金服参与建设352个新型智慧城市

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  • 美国军方发布警告 能量饮料是军人的新威胁

    The US military is warning against the danger of troops over consuming energy drinks, saying it could do some serious harm to your body. 美国军方发布一项警告称,军人们过量饮用能量饮料是危险的,会严重伤害你的身体。...

  • 2016中国大学生创业报告 学历越高创业意向越低

    A report on entrepreneurship among Chinese college students published by Renmin University of China revealed an inverse proportion between the level of students' academic degrees and their intentions to start their own businesses. 中国人民大学近...

  • 英国女王辞去温网皇家赞助人 凯特王妃接棒

    Queen Elizabeth II is to step down as patron of Wimbledon after more than 60 years and is handing over the role to Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世正式辞去了她长达60多年的温网皇家赞助人的头衔...

  • 谷歌研发的APP帮助伦敦医院进行体检

    Doctors at Imperial College hospitals will soon be monitoring the health of patients with an app developed by Google-backed AI firm DeepMind. 帝国学院校医院的医生很快将会用谷歌旗下AI公司DeepMind开发的一款APP,监测病人的健...

  • 中俄首座跨境大桥正式开建 预计2019年通车

    A ceremony has taken place in northeastern China to mark the beginning of a bridge project linking China and Russia. 一项于日前在中国东北举行的仪式,标志着连接中俄两国桥梁项目的开始。 Construction is now getting under...

  • 网店出售云南空气 公众对此反应不一

    Vendors in Southwest China's Yunnan Province are putting fresh air into sealed plastic bags and selling it online for 18.8 yuan ($2.7) per bag, reported a local news portal. 据一家地方媒体报道,来自中国西南部云南省的供应商将新...

  • 我国规划在2030年前开展火星木星探测

    China plans to send unmanned probes to explore Mars and Jupiter by 2030, said a senior space official. 航天局一名高级官员称,中国计划在2030年前发射无人探测器探索火星和木星。 Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the China Nat...
