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    BEIJING China has clarified for the first time a closely watched issue over land rights that has caused uncertainty for the millions of Chinese who park their wealth in their homes. 北京中国首次澄清了公众密切关注的一个土地使用权问...

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    China's press and publication regulator has ordered social media platforms featuring video and audio programs to obtain licenses. 我国新闻出版管理部门日前发布规定,提供视频和音频节目的社交媒体平台必须取得相关许可...

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    Donald Trump plans to create a National Trade Council inside the White House to oversee industrial policy and is appointing a China hawk and one of the architects of the populist economic message to run the new group. 唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump...

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  • 雅虎向黑客送上厚礼 数据泄露事件影响到10亿多用户

    Oh, Yahoo, where do I start? We used to be good together back in 2004. 天哪,雅虎(Yahoo),我该从哪里说起呢?2004年我们在一起时曾经很快乐。 But now Im angry and disappointed. 但如今,我感到既生气又失望。 And i...

  • 上海通用被中国处以反垄断罚款

    BEIJING General Motorss main joint venture in China was fined $29 million on Friday on charges that it suppressed competition by enforcing minimum sales prices for dealers. It is the latest in a string of penalties against non-Chinese auto brands und...
