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    A world-class airport cluster will be established in Beijing and its two neighboring areas - Tianjin municipality and Hebei province, promoting regional integrated development, China Securities Journal reported. 据《中国证券报》报道,为促进...

  • 安徽省于2017年停考全国英语等级考试

    Educational authorities in Anhui have confirmed that they would stop Public English Test System (PETS), a national English proficiency test, from 2017. 安徽省教育部门近日确认,将自2017年起停止全国英语等级考试(PETS)。 Anhui...

  • 谷歌拆分无人汽车业务 新成立Waymo公司

    Google is putting its self-driving car technology into a new company which it will call Waymo, the firm has announced. Waymo will be owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet. 谷歌日前宣布,将把其无人驾驶汽车技术投入一家名为W...

  • 上映第一周 电影《长城》统治中国票房

    The Great Wall, an epic action-adventure by Zhang Yimou, ruled the Chinese box office in the last week, China Film News reported Tuesday. 据《中国电影报》本周二报道,由张艺谋执导的史诗动作冒险电影《长城》在过去一周...

  • 广州多所学校放宽女生头发规定

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  • 为满足对阿胶的需求 中国满世界买驴子

    When it comes to overseas consumption by Chinese buyers, Louis Vuitton is not the only popular LV. 当说到中国买家们到海外购物时,路易威登并不是唯一一种受追捧的LV。 The LV abbreviation spells donkey in pinyin, and Chines...

  • 想到联合国工作吗? 看看都需要些什么条件!

    The United Nation (UN) held an entrance exam in Beijing last Wednesday. The exam is part of an initiative to recruit young professionals into the international organization. 上周三,联合国在北京举行了一场招聘考试。这场考试是招...

  • 企图枪杀特朗普的英国男子获刑 被诊患精神病

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  • 中国首富王健林称儿子王思聪无意接掌万达

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  • 我国国内油价迎四年来最大涨幅

    China saw its biggest gasoline and diesel price increase in the past four years, driven up by the output cut by OPEC and other producers. 受到石油输出国组织和其他产油国减产的影响,我国汽、柴油价格迎来4年来最大涨幅。...

  • 北京市计划将雾霾纳入气象灾害种类

    Beijing is considering listing smog as a meteorological disaster, but the move has been questioned. 北京正考虑将霾列为气象灾害,但此举引发了质疑。 The legal committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress started work on t...

  • 英国学生在考场用手机作弊的情况越发严重

    The number of pupils caught cheating in GCSE and A-level exams using their mobile phones this summer has increased, new data reveals. 最新数据显示,在今年夏季的普通中等教育证书考试(GCSE)和英国高考(A-level)当中,因...

  • 值得更多MVP讨论:全面高效的杜兰特

    The conventional wisdom on the free-agent move of Kevin Durant from the two-man show in Oklahoma City to the cavalcade of stars in Golden State was that Durant had sacrificed individual accomplishment in favor of team glory. 大多数人认为,在今...

  • 史上最难就业季 高校毕业生留京难度大

    Pressure has been mounting for new graduates from Beijing's colleges who want to land a job here, as the capital caps population. 由于首都严控人口规模,想在京就业的北京高校应届毕业生面临的压力正不断加剧。 Years ag...

  • 针对日历垃圾邀请问题 苹果新增报告垃圾功能

    Apple is tackling an outbreak of spam on iPhone calendars by introducing a button that lets users report the junk appointments. 苹果正在通过引入一个按钮来让用户报告垃圾邮件,以此解决iPhone日历上垃圾邮件爆发的问题。...
