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  • 太空生存模拟试验收官 4人密封舱内生存180天

    Four Chinese volunteers who have been living inside a sealed capsule in Shenzhen completed their 180-day survival experiment last Wednesday. 4名中国志愿者于上周三结束了在深圳一个密封舱内的180天生存试验。 The experiment is...

  • 王健林警告特朗普 投资受阻将影响美国2万人的饭碗

    Facing calls for a rigorous review of Wanda's acquisitions in the U.S., the chairman and founder of Wanda, Wang Jianlin, has warned that actions intended to curb Chinese investment could put at risk the jobs of 20,000 Americans employed by Dalian Wan...

  • 京东12G用户数据信息包遭到泄露

    A 12G data package belonging to JD.com, a leading online retail platform in China, has reportedly been leaked. 据报道,中国著名网购平台京东的12G数据信息包遭到泄露。 The package contains tens of millions of pieces of personal...

  • 明年起网络表演者须实名注册 将建立警示名单

    The Ministry of Culture is making it compulsory for presenters of online shows to register with their real names. 据报道,我国文化部将强制规定网络表演者必须实名注册。 The rules oblige operators of online shows to identify pr...

  • 强势美元 特朗普和耶伦的相同难题

    Where there was discord, Donald Trump has remarkably brought harmony. 哪里有不和谐之处,唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)便引人注目地带来了和谐。 He has brought peace between the markets and Janet Yellen, as traders at last appea...

  • 环保太给力 瑞典已实现零垃圾

    Sweden is so good at recycling that, for several years, it has imported rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling plants going. 这些年瑞典的环保工作做得太出色了,如今甚至要从其他国家进口垃圾,才能让本国的回...

  • 美元升息加大中国经济管理难度

    For the second year running, the US Federal Reserve has rudely interrupted the Chinese Communist partys annual economic planning meeting, which ends today. 美联储(Fed)连续第二年不客气地打断中国共产党的年度经济规划会议。今年...

  • 昔日天才教练,现今科尔的得力助手

    The Golden State Warriors have named Mike Brown an assistant coach on Steve Kerr's coaching staff. Brown, who was named NBA Coach of the Year in 2008-09, replaces Luke Walton on the team's coaching staff. 麦克布朗曾在2008-2009年当过教练,如...

  • 梁振英宣布不竞逐连任香港特区行政长官

    Hong Kong chief executive CY Leung has said he will not seek re-election in March, citing family reasons for the surprise announcement. 香港首席行政长官梁振英日前宣布,出于家庭原因,自己将不会在明年3月的特区选举中寻...

  • 南水北调全面通水两年 惠及8700万人

    Water diverted from the Yangtze River in southern China has helped ease thirst in northern China for more than 80 million people, a senior official said last Monday. 一位高级官员上周一表示,从长江调过来的水资源已经缓解中国北...

  • 皇马超级巨星C罗第四度捧得金球奖

    Cristiano Ronaldo has been named winner of the Ballon d'Or by France Football magazine for a fourth time last Monday. 上周一,皇家马德里队球星克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多第四次成为《法国足球》杂志主办的金球奖的得主。...

  • 日本将推出一款可以自动叠衣的机器人

    Hate doing laundry? Shin Sakane has a solution. 不喜欢洗衣服?Shin Sakane会为你提供一个解决方案。 The Japanese inventor received 6 billion yen ($53 million) from partners, including Panasonic Corp., last month to advance the Laundr...

  • 中国银联推二维码支付标准 能与支付宝、微信一战吗?

    China UnionPay, the national bankcard association, last Monday launched its own application and security standard for two-dimensional barcode payment. 全国性银行卡联合组织中国银联于上周一推出了自己的二维码支付应用和安全...

  • 日本狗狗外交破产 安倍欲送狗给普京遭拒绝

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has turned down the offer of a dog as a gift from the Japanese government, according to a Japanese MP. 据一位日本议员表示,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京于日前拒绝了日本政府将狗狗当做礼物...

  • 关于中国学生在PISA测试中成绩下滑原因的反思

    People should not overreact to the fall in ranking of Chinese students in the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment; they should focus on what the test results indicate about the education system in China, experts said. 在2015年国际学生...
