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  • 最新研究表明 经常上夜班不会增加乳腺癌风险

    British scientists have recently found that working night shifts is unlikely to increase the risk of breast cancer, clarifying a previous study on the effect of night shifts on women. 英国科学家最近发现,夜班工作不会增加乳腺癌的风...

  • 国家统计局发布数据 三季度GDP同比增长6.7%

    China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 6.7% year on year in the third quarter of 2016, stable from the second quarter, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) last Wednesday. 国家统计局上周三公布的数据显...

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  • 里程碑时刻! 新浪微博市值首超美国同行推特!

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  • 越来越多的孟加拉学生前往中国大学求学

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  • 我国多家上市公司挥泪卖房保业绩

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  • 2016年FT全球EMBA排行榜揭晓

    The joint Sino-American programme delivered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Kellogg School of Management has returned to the top of the Financial Times ranking of the best 100 MBAs for senior executives. 香港科技大学(H...

  • 中国第三季度GDP的五大看点

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  • 中国政府计划开征房产税 相关草案即将提交

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  • 白俄罗斯性感女数学教师网络走红 颜值逆天!

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  • 波兰建造太阳能自行车道 夜里发出蓝光

    Poland unveiled a gorgeous, glowing bike path in the Mazury region to help nighttime cyclists get from A to B. 波兰马祖里地区近日建成一条精美绝伦、闪闪发光的自行车道,以帮助夜间骑行者从甲地骑到乙地。 The 10...

  • 杭州街头出现国内首个智能报刊亭

    As e-payments and intelligent technology have continued to facilitate economic development, the first automatic newsstand has been put into use in Hangzhou, capital city of eastern Zhejiang province. 随着电子支付和智能技术不断促进经济发...

  • 奥巴马总统撰文称计划2030年送人类上火星

    President Barack Obama has his eyes on the stars -- or more accurately -- a planet. 美国总统贝拉克奥巴马一直关注着夜空中的繁星或者更准确的说,是其中一颗行星。 In an op-ed published last Tuesday on CNN, Obama set a...

  • 俄电视频道在英国银行账户被关闭

    The UK arm of Russias state-owned international broadcaster RT has had its British bank accounts shut down, prompting accusations from Moscow that London is attacking free speech. 俄罗斯国有国际广播机构今日俄罗斯(RT)的英国分支在英...

  • 特朗普迎来选举决战 最后一搏

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