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  • 经济学人482:电子垄断需要被打破吗? Should digital monopolies be broken up? 电子垄断需要被打破吗? European moves against Google are about protecting companies, not consumers 欧洲人反抗谷歌的运动实为保护自身企业,而非消费者 ALTHOUGH no company is mentio
  • 经济学人483:黑色星期五 漫长的周末 Black Friday 黑色星期五 The long weekend 漫长的周末 A new, earlier discount frenzy grips Christmas shoppers 新一轮提前促销打折狂潮吸引了众多圣诞购物者 THE rhythms of Christmas used to be so simple. Buy presents in Decem
  • 经济学人484:土耳其工人 不太安全 Workers in Turkey 土耳其工人 Not so safe 不太安全 Turkey's building and mining boom raises questions about workers' safety 土耳其建筑业和矿业的繁荣也给工人们的安全带了了问题 THAT building was erected on my brother's
  • 经济学人485:计算机间谍活动 我被间谍给黑了 Computerised espionage 计算机间谍活动 The spy who hacked me 我被间谍给黑了 Malicious computer code is making the spook's job easier than ever 恶意计算机编码使间谍活动比以前更容易 IT IS 30 years since William Gibson, an
  • 经济学人486:燃油税 逍遥骑士 Fuel duty 燃油税 Easy riders 逍遥骑士 The fuel duty freeze is politically astute but financially ill-judged 冻结燃油税高明的政治决定,欠妥的经济策略 Pump priming 泵水政策经济刺激政策 ON December 3rd George Osborne
  • 经济学人487:日本政坛 出身很重要 Japanese politics 日本政坛 To the district born 出身很重要 Political families are on the rise 政治家族增多 THERE is a saying in Japan that a monkey that falls from a tree is still a monkey, but a member of parliament who falls is a nob
  • 经济学人488:城市觅食 炫目的沙拉 Urban foraging 城市觅食 Salad daze 炫目的沙拉 Hipsters are foraging for greens in urban parks 潮人在都市公园采集绿色蔬菜 SHOPPING for salad in supermarkets is too easy. A bag of ready-washed baby greens costs only 3 at Walmart,
  • 经济学人489:莱克星顿 里克·佩里的廉价航空模式 Lexington 莱克星顿 Rick Perry's no-frills airline 里克佩里的廉价航空模式 The governor of Texas thinks his state's thrifty model will appeal to America 德克萨斯州长认为自己州的节约模式对美国具有号召力 COWBOY swag
  • 经济学人490:印花税 削减印花税如何让房屋购买方受损 Stamp duty 印花税 Unexpected bills 不招人喜欢的税收 Why stamp-duty tax cuts may hurt homebuyers 削减印花税如何让房屋购买方受损 TODAY I'm cutting stamp duty for millions of homebuyers, crowed George Osborne, the chancellor of
  • 经济学人491:国际学校 飞入寻常土豪家 International schools 国际学校 The new local 地方化趋势 English-language schools once aimed at expatriates now cater to domestic elites 英语学校,旧时外侨堂前燕,飞入寻常土豪家 IN 1979, when Ken Ross was eight, his family
  • 经济学人492:流浪夏威夷 为迎合游客当地人付出沉重代价 Homelessness in Hawaii 流浪夏威夷 Paradise lost 失乐园 Catering to tourists comes at a hefty price for locals 为迎合游客当地人付出沉重代价 THE sun is setting on Waikiki Beach, and Koa still has a few hours before his 9pm shift c
  • 经济学人:德国仇外 和平的方式也具有威胁性 German xenophobia 德国仇外 Peaceful, but menacing 和平的方式也具有威胁性 A new movement with a barely hidden message of hate unsettles Germany 一场隐藏着仇恨信息的新运动使德国动荡不安 We don't need no Muslims here 我
  • 经济学人:莱克星顿 政治斗争在圣诞前夕暂息 Lexington 莱克星顿 Still in the trenches 仍深陷战壕 A pre-Christmas lull in political combat probably means less than meets the eye 政治斗争在圣诞前夕暂息,其意义也许低于表面价值 THE idea of the Christmas truce is a po
  • 经济学人:俄罗斯和卢布 自己种下的恶果自己承受 Russia and the rouble 俄罗斯和卢布 As ye sow, so shall ye reap 自己种下的恶果,自己承受 The collapse in the rouble is caused by Vladimir Putin's belligerence, greed and paranoia 由于弗拉基米尔普京的挑衅、贪婪以及偏执
  • 经济学人:世界经济 过去和未来时 World economy 世界经济 Past and future tense 过去和未来时 The world economy in 2015 will carry troubling echoes of the late 1990s 世界经济在2015年将出现20世纪90年代晚期令人烦恼的相似困境 A FINANCIAL crash in Russia;