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  • 经济学人467:人权 关于同性恋的分歧 Human rights 人权 The gay divide 关于同性恋的分歧 Victories for gay rights in some parts of the world have provoked a backlash elsewhere 在世界一些地方同性恋人权的胜利招致了其他地方的不满。 THERE was a teenager in
  • 经济学人468:哥伦比亚太平洋地区 Colombia's Pacific region 哥伦比亚太平洋地区 More than perfume, please 拜托,不仅仅是牛粪上喷香水 The poverty-stricken Pacific eludes attempts to improve it 哥伦比亚贫困的太平洋区域逃避改善这一现状的尝试和努
  • 经济学人469:中土王国汽车制造商 一朝得志 China's carmakers 中土王国汽车制造商 Zoom, zoom, splutter 一朝得志,语无伦次 SAIC's domestic brands are unloveda problem shared across the industry 上汽集团的国内品牌不受消费者欢迎,然而,这却是整个产业所遇
  • 经济学人470:收入与幸福感 幸福的家庭总是相似的 Happiness and Income 收入与幸福感 Everything that rises must converge 幸福的家庭总是相似的 Emerging markets are catching up with the West in the happiness stakes 新兴国家的幸福指数将要赶上西方 POETS, songwriters and lef
  • 经济学人471:英国和他的移民们 打开大门 Britain and immigration 英国和他的移民们 Keep open the gates 打开大门 The Conservatives should not risk Britain's future prosperity on a flawed bid to cut immigration 保守党不应该将英国未来的繁荣错误的投注在削减移民上
  • 经济学人472:移民 政策为我们做了些什么? Immigration 移民 What have the immigrants ever done for us? 移民政策为我们做了些什么? Rather a lot, according to a new piece of research 根据一项新的研究得出,移民政策做了挺多贡献的 PESKY immigrants. They move to
  • 经济学人473:气候变化 应对争议 Climate change 气候变化 Dealing with denial 应对争议 America's concessions are more real than China's 较之中国,美国作出更大让步 FIVE years ago next month, disagreement between America and China, the world's biggest greenhouse-ga
  • 经济学人474:日本与安倍经济 拯救之路 Japan and Abenomics 日本与安倍经济 Riding to the rescue 拯救之路 The prime minister has been given an opening. Will he take it? 安倍晋三已经看到了出路。那么问题来了:他会选择并走下去吗? WHEN the Bank of Japan
  • 经济学人475:伦敦保险市场 为风险投资 London's insurance market 伦敦保险市场 Risky business 为风险投资 London's position as world-leader in insurance is under threat 伦敦在保险市场的老大地位受到威胁 FROM the doomed Titanic, an ocean liner (1m), to the legs of C
  • 经济学人476:莱克星顿 怀旧陷阱 Lexington 莱克星顿 The nostalgia trap 怀旧陷阱 Politicians need to stop pretending to angry voters that globalisation can be wished away 全球化通过许愿就能消失?政客们,别再蒙蔽愤怒的选民了 THE public is losing faith
  • 经济学人477:银行监管 死刑 Bank regulation 银行监管 Capital punishment 死刑 The latest global capital rules to make banks safer are sensible. Much else that regulators are doing is not 为了银行更加安全而最新设立的全球资金规则是合理的。监管机构做
  • 经济学人478:犯罪的城市 成功的秘密 Criminal cities 犯罪的城市 The secret of success 成功的秘密 America's great crime wave is receding from some cities faster than others 美国巨大的犯罪浪潮正在从一些城市以比其他城市更快的速度削减 BETWEEN getting o
  • 经济学人479:"毒品"政策 大麻合法化的里程碑 Drugs policy 毒品政策 Marijuana milestone 大麻合法化的里程碑 Almost half of American states have taken steps to legalise cannabis. The federal government should follow 美国几乎一半的洲都已经步入了大麻合法化的大门。联
  • 经济学人480:历史房屋博物馆 联邦资助山穷水尽 匠心独具柳暗花明 Historic-house museums 历史房屋博物馆 Keeping up appearances 永葆青春 When federal money runs out, ingenuity is called for 联邦资助山穷水尽,匠心独具柳暗花明 THE past is never dead. It's not even past, wrote William Faulkn
  • 经济学人481:移民与经济 移民如何助力 Immigration and the economy 移民与经济 How migrants help 移民如何助力 And how Obama's order doesn't 奥巴马的政策为何不管用 IMMIGRATION is the quintessential supply-side policy. It expands the labour force, encourages investment