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  • 经济学人406:斯里兰卡穆斯林 佛教武装 Sri Lanka's Muslims 斯里兰卡穆斯林 Buddhist power 佛教武装 Another minority is under threat 又一个少数群体遭受威胁 Living in fear 活在恐惧中 FIVE years after the end of a bloody civil war that pitted Sri Lanka's ethnic-Sinh
  • 经济学人407:汉语在台湾 迷失拼音 Language in Taiwan 汉语在台湾 Lost in Romanisation 迷失拼音 Ideological warfare over spelling 拼写上的意识形态冲突 THE policy of dtente with China espoused by Taiwan's president, Ma Ying-jeou, has caused fears among some Taiwanese
  • 经济学人408:预测当下 把握经济脉动 Forecasting the present 预测当下 Taking the economic pulse 把握经济脉动 How to gauge the current state of the economy 如何衡量当前经济状态 IT IS hard to predict the future: witness forecasters' failure to foresee the financial cri
  • 经济学人409:捕捉碳 管道之梦 Carbon capture 捕捉碳 Pipe dreams 管道之梦 A fresh effort to store pollutants underground. 将污染物储存地下的新尝试。 FOR more than 30 years Peterhead power station has churned out electricity from a windswept spot on the north-ea
  • 经济学人410:企业支出 Corporate spending 企业支出 If they build it 如果他们建造了它 Capital expenditure around the world has been disappointing 世界各地的资本支出一直令人失望 WHEN companies spend money on new plant and equipment, jobs and econom
  • 经济学人411:企业管治 毒丸防御重出江湖 Corporate governance 企业管治 Nasty medicine 一剂苦药 The return of the poison-pill defence 毒丸防御重出江湖 POISON pills are again being dispensed by corporate America with all the enthusiasm of an exterminator in a rat-infested base
  • 经济学人412:服装零售 专注追随快时尚的他们 Clothes retailing 服装零售 The dedicated followers of fast fashion 专注追随快时尚的他们 Spain's most successful fashion retailer, Inditex, has two ambitious local rivals snapping at its heels 西班牙最成功的时尚零售商Inditex正
  • 经济学人413:行为经济学 时间与处罚 The economics of behavior 行为经济学 Time and punishment 时间与处罚 Impatient children are more likely to become lawbreakers 心急的孩子更容易成为不法分子 IN HIS Odyssey, Homer immortalized the idea of resisting temptation by h
  • 经济学人414:德国公路 向邻居收费 German roads 德国公路 Charging the neighbours 向邻居收费 Bavaria is getting Germany to make foreigners pay for driving on its roads 巴伐利亚正努力促使德国向使用本国公路的外国人收取费用。 BAVARIANS have long been cr
  • 经济学人415:智能手机应用软件 反社会网络 Smartphone apps 智能手机应用软件 The antisocial networks 反社会网络 A bunch of new apps test the limits of the sharing economy 用一组新应用测试分享式经济的极限 Hurry up and vacate that parking spot! 快点腾出停车位!
  • 经济学人416:电影业 The film industry 电影业 Rated P for persistent 被评定为代表执着的P Time Warner's boss may not find Rupert Murdoch's overtures so unwelcome 时代华纳公司的老板也许会喜欢鲁伯特.默多克的提议 RUPERT MURDOCH is a man who
  • 经济学人417:欧盟的领导职位 悬而未决之时 Europe's top jobs 欧盟的领导职位 Indecision time 悬而未决之时 European Union leaders squabble but fail to agree on their top jobs 欧盟领导们虽历经唇枪舌战,但就领导职位分配问题仍未达成一致意见。 MATTEO REN
  • 经济学人418:食物名称 Food names 食物名称 Stressed are the cheesemakers 乳酪制造商鸭梨山大 Europeans want their food names back. Americans are peeved 欧洲人想要回他们的食品名称.这让老美们很不开心。 IN 1925 Ron Buholzer's family leftSwit
  • 经济学人419:德国啤酒 纯正实惠中些许沉闷 German beer 德国啤酒 Pure, cheap and a bit dull 纯正、实惠、些许沉闷 Brash Americans plan to froth up Germany's staid brewing business 急性子的美国人正准备让德国古板的啤酒酿造业冒泡 Quality, quantity but not much
  • 经济学人420:网络隐私与执法 Online privacy and law enforcement 网络隐私与执法 Unwarranted 毫无道理 Why Microsoft is resisting an official demand to hand over data 为什么微软要抵制官方要求拒不交出数据 LAWYERS for Microsoft and the American government