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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第7期:逍遥法外 I mean, she acts like being questioned by the police 她表现得好像去警察局被问个话 is the same thing Mona's been through. 跟梦娜经历的那些一样痛苦 And then she turns it on me. Me. 而且她还朝着我发飙 朝着我 I'm lik
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第10期:初次见面 I-I recognized you. From the news. 我在新闻里认出你了 I didn't wanna bring it up when we first met. 我不想初次见面就提起 I figured it's probably hard enough for you. 我想你可能很不容易 I didn't wanna make you feel self-con
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第11期:没人在意的坏消息 I thought about blowing it off.. 我想过不去 but there are only so many family dinners you can skip. 但有家庭聚餐的机会不多 So I went. 所以我去了 And the questions started. 但问题来了 I told everyone I lost my job 我告诉大家
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第12期:被人跟踪 Aria. You wanna wait 'til they dry? 艾瑞亚 要不要等底片干了再看 You're making me nervous. 你让我很紧张啊 No, they look great. 不 拍得很不错啊 Where are you goin'? 你要去哪 I just have to make a quick phone call. 我只是
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第13期:原谅 Look, before we do this, can I just say one thing? 开始之前 我能先说句话吗 Sure. 好 I'm sorry. 对不起 I was way outta line this morning. 今早我说的话太过分了 You are not the source of my anger. 你不是我生气的原因 Cle
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第15期:中国风纹身 What does this one mean? 这个是什么意思 That is the Japanese symbol for courage. 这个是日语勇气的意思 It's got your name on it. 上面有你的名字 No, but it could. Have a seat. 不是 不过可以 坐吧 Could you hold my phone? 能
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第5集 第19期:送到远方 I've got to go to Hanna's. 我得去汉娜家 Why? - She's having a rough night. 干什么 -她今晚很难过 She wants her friends around her. 想让她的朋友都在身边 Does she? 是吗 And will Lorenzo be there to comfort her too? 洛伦佐也会
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第1期:抢蛋糕 Uh, did we-- Oh, no, no, no. 我们... 没有 没有 I-I was just in the 'hood 我正好顺路过来 and I wanted to drop something off. 我就是来送点东西的 Can I come in? 我能进来吗 Yeah, sure. Come on. 当然 进来吧 What's that? 这是