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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第2期:感人的演讲 I'm just really not that into it. 我实在没兴趣 Why you so sure? 你为什么这么肯定 Well, why else would he ask me to be valedictorian? 不然他为什么叫我做毕业生演讲代表 I mean, I have incompletes in every subject except for
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第5期:肉桂土司 Hi, there. 你好 I'm so embarrassed. 太尴尬了 I thought I put my ticket in my bag but I can't find it. 我以为我把停车票放包里了 可我找不到 And now I'm thinking I may have used it to throw away my gum. 现在回想一下 我可能用
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第6期:跟踪 Hi, um, does Emily Fields still work here? 你好 艾米丽菲尔兹还在这做吗 Sorry, I... heard you talking about Emily. 抱歉 听到你说起艾米丽 No, she-she doesn't work here at the moment. 她现在已经不在这做了 Okay. 好 But I
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第7期:家庭不好 Em? 艾米 It's kind of hard to hunt for cloths and pick emojis at the same time. 一边找衣服一边挑表情发短信挺难吧 Sorry. I was just checking with Sara. 对不起 我是看看莎拉怎么样了 I wanted to see how her first day was go
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第13期:猜心思 Hey, you. 是你啊 Hey, hi. 你好 I'm just waiting for an order to.. 我在等外带... ...take home and, uh, eat. 回家吃 You don't need a book. 你不需要看那种书 I was just killing time. 我只是在消磨时间 Caleb, we may never know
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