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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第3集 第18期:毕业 Just let me explain... - Don't. 听我解释... -别 Just don't. 别解释 We graduate in three weeks. 还有三个礼拜我们就要毕业了 All you have to do is stay out of my way. 你要做的就是离我远点就行 You'll graduate.. 你要毕业
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第3集 第20期:一个人睡 It doesn't look that bad, does it? 看上去没那么糟糕吧 Your mom helped. 你妈妈帮我弄的 We were talkin' and one thing lead to another. 我们一边谈话 不知不觉就这样了 What do you think? 你觉得怎么样 I called you. 我给你
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第3集 第21期:永远忘不了的事 It's made up of facts.. 虽然都是事实 that doesn't make it true. 但并不是真的 How was it.. 你回学校 going back to school? 情况如何 - Don't do that. - Don't do what? -别这样 -哪样 Don't try to catch me in a lie, it's humiliatin
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第4集 第2期:正常的童年 All roads lead back to Radley. - I don't get it. 最后还是回到了拉德里 -我不懂 Why wouldn't your parents tell you about him? 你父母为什么不告诉你他的事 Why keep him a secret? 为什么把他的事保密 Your mother wanted to
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第4集 第8期:一丝难过 What did you do with his ashes? 你们怎么处理他的骨灰 Your mother scattered them on the lake. 你母亲撒到湖里了 You weren't with her? 你没和她一起吗 She didn't want me there. 她不想让我去 What about his funeral? 他的坟墓
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第4集 第11期:逍遥法外 So if you're going to Hollis tomorrow, I'm-I'm taking you. 如果你明天要去霍里斯大学 我送你去 I just said I was sorry, dad. 我道过歉了 爸爸 This is not punishment, Aria, okay? 这不是什么惩罚 艾瑞亚 It's just the way it